/ src /
1 module NetworkView
2 ( drawCanvas
3 , clickedNode
4 , clickedNodePort
5 , clickedEdge
6 , clickedVia
7 , edgeContains
8 ) where
10 import Constants
11 import CommonIO
12 import Network
13 import Document
14 import Colors
15 import Common
16 import Palette
17 import Ports
18 import Math
19 import Graphics.UI.WX as WX hiding (Vector, Selection)
20 import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Document, screenPPI, Colour, Palette)
21 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Draw
22 import Data.Maybe
23 import Shape
24 import DisplayOptions
25 import InfoKind
27 import Prelude hiding (catch)
28 import Control.Exception
29 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
30 import Data.List
32 drawCanvas :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) =>
33 Network g n e -> Palette n -> Selection -> [NodeNr] -- interface nodes mapped
34 -> DC () -> DisplayOptions -> IO ()
35 drawCanvas net palette selec p dc opt =
36 do{
38 -- Scale if the DC we are drawing to has a different PPI from the screen
39 -- Printing, nudge, nudge
40 ; dcPPI <- dcGetPPI dc
41 ; screenPPI <- getScreenPPI
42 ; when (dcPPI /= screenPPI) $
43 dcSetUserScale dc
44 (fromIntegral (sizeW dcPPI ) / fromIntegral (sizeW screenPPI ))
45 (fromIntegral (sizeH dcPPI ) / fromIntegral (sizeH screenPPI ))
47 -- Set font
48 ; set dc [ fontFamily := FontDefault, fontSize := 10 ]
50 ; catch (reallyDrawCanvas net palette selec p screenPPI dc opt)
51 (\e -> logicalText dcPPI dc (DoublePoint 50 50)
52 ("Exception while drawing: "++show e)
53 (Justify LeftJ TopJ) [] )
54 }
56 reallyDrawCanvas :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) =>
57 Network g n e -> Palette n -> Selection -> [NodeNr]
58 -> Size -> DC () -> DisplayOptions -> IO ()
59 reallyDrawCanvas network palette theSelection mapp ppi dc opt =
60 do{
61 -- draw edges, highlight the selected ones (if any)
62 ; mapM_ (\edge -> drawEdge edge []) (getEdgeAssocs network)
63 ; case theSelection of
64 EdgeSelection _ edgeNr -> do
65 drawEdge (edgeNr, getEdge edgeNr network) kSELECTED_OPTIONS
66 ViaSelection _ edgeNr viaNr -> do
67 drawVia (getEdge edgeNr network) viaNr kSELECTED_OPTIONS
68 MultipleSelection _ _ _ viaNrs -> do
69 mapM_ (\ (e,v)-> drawVia (getEdge e network) v kSELECTED_OPTIONS)
70 viaNrs
71 _ -> return ()
73 -- draw nodes, highlight the selected ones (if any)
74 ; mapM_ (\(nodeNr, _) -> drawNode nodeNr [ ]) (getNodeAssocs network)
75 ; case theSelection of
76 NodeSelection _ nodeNr mPort ->
77 do drawNode nodeNr (kSELECTED_OPTIONS
78 ++ [ penColor := wxcolor activeSelectionColor ])
79 case mPort of
80 Nothing -> return ()
81 Just str -> drawPort ppi dc
82 (getPosition $ getNode nodeNr network)
83 [brushKind := BrushSolid
84 , brushColor := kPortSelectedColor]
85 $ snd $ takeJust "inexistent port" $ getPort palette network (nodeNr, str)
86 MultipleSelection _ _ nodeNrs _ ->
87 mapM_ (\n-> drawNode n (kSELECTED_OPTIONS
88 ++ [ penColor := wxcolor activeSelectionColor ]))
89 nodeNrs
90 _ -> return ()
92 -- multiple selection drag area rectangle
93 ; case theSelection of
94 MultipleSelection _ (Just (p,q)) _ _ ->
95 logicalRect ppi dc (doublePointX p) (doublePointY p)
96 (doublePointX q - doublePointX p)
97 (doublePointY q - doublePointY p)
98 [ penColor := wxcolor lightGrey
99 , brushKind := BrushTransparent]
100 _ -> return ()
102 -- canvas size rectangle
103 -- ; let (width, height) = Network.getCanvasSize (getNetwork doc)
104 -- ; logicalRect ppi dc 0 0 width height [brushKind := BrushTransparent]
105 }
106 where
107 drawNode :: Int -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
108 drawNode nodeNr options =
109 do{
110 -- draw node
111 ; logicalDraw ppi dc center shape options
112 -- ; logicalCircle ppi dc center kNODE_RADIUS options
113 ; drawPorts ppi dc center ports options
115 -- draw label
116 ; when (NodeLabel `elem` dpShowInfo opt) $
117 drawLabel (offset above) False (getName node) center
118 (justif above) [ textColor := wxcolor kNodeLabelColour ]
119 -- draw info
120 ; when (NodeInfo `elem` dpShowInfo opt) $
121 drawLabel (offset (not above)) False (show (getInfo node))
122 center (justif (not above))
123 [ textColor := wxcolor kNodeInfoColour ]
125 -- draw mapping numbering when needed
126 ; maybe ( return () )
127 showInterfaceMap
128 $ findIndex (nodeNr ==) mapp
130 }
131 where
132 node = getNode nodeNr network
133 above = getNameAbove node
134 center = getPosition node
135 symbol = takeJust "No symbol definition"
136 $ getSymbol (getShape node) palette
137 shape = fst3 symbol
138 ports = snd3 symbol
140 offset b = (if b then negate else id) kNODE_RADIUS
141 justif b = Justify CentreJ (if b then BottomJ else TopJ)
143 showInterfaceMap n =
144 drawLabel 0.15 True (show $ succ n) center
145 (justif above) [ textColor := wxcolor kNodeMapColour ]
147 drawLabel :: Double -> Bool -> String -> DoublePoint -> Justify
148 -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
149 drawLabel voffset boxed text (DoublePoint x y) justify opts =
150 do{ -- draw background
151 when boxed $ do
152 { (textWidth, textHeight) <- logicalGetTextExtent ppi dc text
153 ; let horizontalMargin = 0.2 -- centimeters
154 verticalMargin = 0.01 -- centimeters
155 topleftY = y+voffset - case justify of
156 Justify _ TopJ -> 0
157 Justify _ MiddleJ -> textHeight/2
158 Justify _ BottomJ -> textHeight
160 ; logicalRect ppi dc
161 (x - textWidth/2 - horizontalMargin) (topleftY)
162 (textWidth+2*horizontalMargin) (textHeight+2*verticalMargin)
163 (solidFill labelBackgroundColor)
164 }
165 -- draw text
166 ; logicalText ppi dc (DoublePoint x (y+voffset)) text justify opts
167 }
169 isPrincipalPort' (nodeNr, port) =
170 isPrincipalPort palette network nodeNr port && not (isInterfacePort port)
171 isPrincipalPort' _ = False
173 drawEdge :: InfoKind e g => (EdgeNr, Edge e) -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
174 drawEdge (edgeNr, edge) options =
175 do{ logicalLineSegments ppi dc (pt1:via++[pt2]) options
176 -- arrow on the end
177 -- ; logicalPoly ppi dc [pt2, tr1, tr2] (options ++ solidFill licorice)
179 -- arrow(s) on principal ports
180 ; when hasPrincipalPorts
181 $ do when (isPrincipalPort' fromPort)
182 $ logicalLine ppi dc [tw1, pw1, tw2] options
183 when (isPrincipalPort' toPort)
184 $ logicalLine ppi dc [tw3, pw2, tw4] options
186 -- draw label
187 ; when (EdgeLabel `elem` dpShowInfo opt) $
188 drawLabel 0 False (int2name edgeNr)
189 (translate (DoublePoint 0.2 0.1 )$ middle via)
190 (Justify LeftJ TopJ)
191 [ textColor := wxcolor kEdgeLabelColour ]
193 -- draw info
194 ; when (EdgeInfo `elem` dpShowInfo opt) $
195 -- logicalTextRotated ppi dc (middle via) (show info) 45
196 -- [ textColor := wxcolor kEdgeInfoColour ]
197 drawLabel 0 False (show (getEdgeInfo edge)) (middle via)
198 (Justify CentreJ BottomJ)
199 [ textColor := wxcolor kEdgeInfoColour ]
200 }
201 where
202 fromNode = getNode (getEdgeFrom edge) network
203 toNode = getNode (getEdgeTo edge) network
205 fromPort = getFullPortFrom edge
206 toPort = getFullPortTo edge
208 radius = kPortRadius
209 fromNodePoint = getPosition fromNode
210 toNodePoint = getPosition toNode
212 fromPortPosition = snd . takeJust "Inexistent port" $ getPort palette network fromPort
213 toPortPosition = snd . takeJust "Inexistent port" $ getPort palette network toPort
215 fromPoint = translate fromNodePoint fromPortPosition
216 toPoint = translate toNodePoint toPortPosition
217 via = getEdgeVia edge
219 fstEdgeVector = (head (via++[toPoint]))
220 `subtractDoublePointVector` fromPoint
221 fstTotalLen = vectorLength fstEdgeVector
222 fstAngle = vectorAngle fstEdgeVector
224 penultimatePt = head (reverse (fromPoint:via))
225 endEdgeVector = toPoint `subtractDoublePointVector` penultimatePt
226 endTotalLen = vectorLength endEdgeVector
227 endAngle = vectorAngle endEdgeVector
229 middle [] = DoublePoint ((doublePointX pt1 + doublePointX pt2)/2)
230 ((doublePointY pt1 + doublePointY pt2)/2)
231 middle [p] = p
232 middle ps = middle (tail (reverse ps))
234 pt1 = translatePolar fstAngle radius fromPoint
235 pt2 = translatePolar endAngle (endTotalLen - radius) penultimatePt
237 tr1 = translatePolar (endAngle + pi + pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pt2
238 tr2 = translatePolar (endAngle + pi - pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pt2
240 pw1 = translatePolar fstAngle (radius + kARROW_SIZE) fromPoint
241 pw2 = translatePolar endAngle (endTotalLen - radius - kARROW_SIZE) penultimatePt
243 tw1 = translatePolar (fstAngle + pi + pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pw1
244 tw2 = translatePolar (fstAngle + pi - pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pw1
246 tw3 = translatePolar (endAngle + pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pw2
247 tw4 = translatePolar (endAngle - pi / 6) kARROW_SIZE pw2
249 drawVia :: Edge e -> ViaNr -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
250 drawVia e n options =
251 let pt = (getEdgeVia e)!!n in
252 do logicalCircle ppi dc pt kEDGE_CLICK_RANGE
253 (options ++ solidFill violet)
255 solidFill :: Colour -> [Prop (DC ())]
256 solidFill colour = [ brushKind := BrushSolid, brushColor := wxcolor colour ]
258 -- | Finds which node of the network is clicked by the mouse, if any
259 clickedNode :: DoublePoint -> Document g n e -> ActiveCanvas -> Maybe Int
260 clickedNode clickedPoint doc canvas =
261 let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
262 nodeAssocs = case getSelection doc of
263 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _
264 | canv == canvas -> [(nodeNr, getNode nodeNr network)]
265 | otherwise -> []
266 _ -> []
267 ++ reverse (getNodeAssocs network)
268 in case filter (\(_, node) -> node `nodeContains` clickedPoint) nodeAssocs of
269 [] -> Nothing
270 ((i, _):_) -> Just i
272 -- | Finds which node and port of the network is clicked by the mouse, if any
273 clickedNodePort :: DoublePoint -> Document g n e -> ActiveCanvas
274 -> Maybe (NodeNr, Maybe PortName)
275 clickedNodePort clickedPoint doc canvas =
276 let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
277 nodeAssocs = case getSelection doc of
278 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _
279 | canv == canvas -> [(nodeNr, getNode nodeNr network)]
280 | otherwise -> []
281 _ -> []
282 ++ reverse (getNodeAssocs network)
283 in case filter (\(_, node) -> node `nodeContains` clickedPoint) nodeAssocs of
284 [] -> Nothing
285 ((i, n):_) -> case getPorts (getPalette doc) network i of
286 Nothing -> Nothing -- no symbol definition. Shouldn't occur
287 Just ps ->
288 case filter (\p -> portContains n p clickedPoint) ps of
289 [] -> Just (i, Nothing) -- if the mouse is over a node
290 -- with ports but not over any
291 -- of its ports the node is selected
292 (port:_) -> Just (i, Just $ fst port)
294 nodeContains :: Node n -> DoublePoint -> Bool
295 nodeContains node clickedPoint =
296 distancePointPoint (getPosition node) clickedPoint
299 portContains :: Node n -> Port -> DoublePoint -> Bool
300 portContains node (_, portP) clickedPoint =
301 distancePointPoint portCenter clickedPoint
302 < kPortSelectionRadius
303 where portCenter = translate (getPosition node) portP
305 -- | Finds which edge of the network is clicked by the mouse, if any
306 clickedEdge :: DoublePoint -> Network g n e -> Maybe Int
307 clickedEdge clickedPoint network =
308 let assocs = getEdgeAssocs network
309 in case filter (\(_, edge) -> isJust (edgeContains edge clickedPoint network)) assocs of
310 [] -> Nothing
311 ((i, _):_) -> Just i
313 edgeContains :: Edge e -> DoublePoint -> Network g n e -> Maybe Int
314 edgeContains edge clickedPoint network =
315 let p0 = getNodePosition network (getEdgeFrom edge)
316 p1 = getNodePosition network (getEdgeTo edge)
317 via= getEdgeVia edge
318 p = clickedPoint
319 numberedDistancesToSegments = zip [0..] $
320 zipWith (\p0 p1-> distanceSegmentPoint p0 p1 p)
321 (p0:via) (via++[p1])
322 in case [ nr | (nr,dist) <- numberedDistancesToSegments
323 , dist < kEDGE_CLICK_RANGE ] of
324 [] -> Nothing
325 nrs -> Just (head nrs)
327 -- | Finds which 'via' control point is clicked by the mouse, if any
328 clickedVia :: DoublePoint -> Network g n e -> Maybe (Int,Int)
329 clickedVia clickedPoint network =
330 let allVia = concatMap (\ (k,e)-> zipWith (\n v->((k,n),v))
331 [0..] (getEdgeVia e))
332 (IntMap.toList (networkEdges network))
333 in case filter (\ (_,v)-> distancePointPoint v clickedPoint
334 < kEDGE_CLICK_RANGE) allVia of
335 [] -> Nothing
336 ((kn,_):_) -> Just kn
338 -- Drawing operations in logical coordinates
340 logicalCircle :: Size -> DC () -> DoublePoint -> Double -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
341 logicalCircle ppi dc center radius options =
342 WX.circle dc (logicalToScreenPoint ppi center) (logicalToScreenX ppi radius) options
344 logicalRect :: Size -> DC () -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
345 logicalRect ppi dc x y width height options =
346 drawRect dc
347 (rect
348 (pt (logicalToScreenX ppi x) (logicalToScreenY ppi y))
349 (sz (logicalToScreenX ppi width) (logicalToScreenY ppi height)))
350 options
352 data Justify = Justify Horizontal Vertical deriving Eq
353 data Horizontal = LeftJ | CentreJ | RightJ deriving Eq
354 data Vertical = TopJ | MiddleJ | BottomJ deriving Eq
356 -- can deal with multi-line text
357 logicalText :: Size -> DC () -> DoublePoint -> String -> Justify
358 -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
359 logicalText ppi dc (DoublePoint x y) txt (Justify horiz vert) options =
360 do{ (width,height) <- logicalGetTextExtent ppi dc txt
361 ; eachLine width (startPos height) (lines txt)
362 }
363 where
364 startPos height = case vert of TopJ -> (x, y)
365 MiddleJ -> (x, y-height/2)
366 BottomJ -> (x, y-height)
367 eachLine _ _ [] = return ()
368 eachLine maxwidth (x,y) (txt:txts) =
369 do{ (w,h) <- logicalGetTextExtent ppi dc txt
370 ; let thisX = case horiz of LeftJ -> x-maxwidth/2
371 CentreJ -> x-w/2
372 RightJ -> x+(maxwidth/2)-w
373 ; drawText dc txt (logicalToScreenPoint ppi (DoublePoint thisX y))
374 options
375 ; eachLine maxwidth (x,y+h) txts
376 }
378 -- currently assumes only single line of text
379 logicalTextRotated :: Size -> DC () -> DoublePoint -> String -> Double
380 -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
381 logicalTextRotated ppi dc pos txt angle options =
382 draw dc txt (logicalToScreenPoint ppi pos) options
383 where
384 draw = if angle<1 && angle>(-1) then drawText
385 else (\a b c e -> rotatedText a b c angle e)
388 {-
389 logicalLine :: Size -> DC () -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
390 logicalLine ppi dc fromPoint toPoint options =
391 line dc (logicalToScreenPoint ppi fromPoint)
392 (logicalToScreenPoint ppi toPoint) options
394 logicalLineSegments :: Size -> DC () -> [DoublePoint] -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
395 logicalLineSegments _ _ [p] options = return ()
396 logicalLineSegments ppi dc (fromPoint:toPoint:ps) options =
397 do{ line dc (logicalToScreenPoint ppi fromPoint)
398 (logicalToScreenPoint ppi toPoint) options
399 ; logicalLineSegments ppi dc (toPoint:ps) options
400 }
401 -}
403 logicalPoly :: Size -> DC () -> [DoublePoint] -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
404 logicalPoly ppi dc points options =
405 polygon dc (map (logicalToScreenPoint ppi) points) options
407 logicalLine :: Size -> DC () -> [DoublePoint] -> [Prop (DC ())] -> IO ()
408 logicalLine ppi dc points options =
409 polyline dc (map (logicalToScreenPoint ppi) points) options
411 logicalGetTextExtent :: Size -> DC () -> String -> IO (Double, Double)
412 logicalGetTextExtent ppi dc txt =
413 do{ textSizes <- mapM (getTextExtent dc) (lines txt)
414 ; return
415 ( screenToLogicalX ppi (maximum (map sizeW textSizes))
416 , screenToLogicalY ppi (sum (map sizeH textSizes))
417 )
418 }