/ src /
1 module NetworkControl
2 ( createNode, selectNode
3 , createEdge, selectEdge
4 , createVia, selectVia
5 , selectPort
6 , createMapping
7 , selectNothing, selectMultiple
8 , pickupNode, dragNode, dropNode
9 , pickupVia, dragVia, dropVia
10 , pickupMultiple, dragMultiple, dropMultiple
11 , pickupArea, dragArea, dropArea
12 , deleteSelection
13 , changeNamePosition
14 , changeNodeShape
15 , renameNode, reinfoNodeOrEdge
16 , changeGlobalInfo
17 ) where
19 {- pickupX functions with X belonging to {Node, Edge, Via, Area, Multiple} do
20 1 - setDragging on
21 2 - selects X
22 -}
25 import State
26 import StateUtil
27 import Network
28 import NetworkView (edgeContains)
29 import Document
30 import INRule
31 import INRules
32 import Common
33 import CommonIO
34 import Math
35 import Shape
36 import Ports
37 import qualified PersistentDocument as PD
38 import InfoKind
39 import Text.Parse as Parse
40 import Data.Char (isSpace)
42 import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Selection)
43 import Graphics.UI.WXCore
47 changeNamePosition :: Bool -> State g n e -> IO ()
48 changeNamePosition above state =
49 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
50 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
51 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
52 ; case getSelection doc of
53 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _ | canv == canvas ->
54 do{ PD.updateDocument "move label"
55 (updateSelNetwork
56 (updateNode nodeNr
57 (setNameAbove above)) canvas) pDoc
58 ; repaintAll state
59 }
60 _ -> return ()
61 }
63 changeNodeShape :: InfoKind n g => String -> n -> State g n e -> IO ()
64 changeNodeShape shapename info state =
65 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
66 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
67 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
68 ; case getSelection doc of
69 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _ | canv == canvas ->
70 do{ PD.updateDocument "change shape"
71 (updateSelNetwork
72 (updateNode nodeNr
73 (setInfo info . setShape shapename)) canvas) pDoc
74 ; repaintAll state
75 }
76 _ -> return ()
77 }
79 deleteSelection :: State g n e -> IO ()
80 deleteSelection state =
81 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
82 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
83 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
84 ; case getSelection doc of
85 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _ | canv == canvas ->
86 do{ PD.updateDocument "delete node"
87 ( setSelection NoSelection
88 . removeMappingElemWithNode canv nodeNr
89 . updateSelNetwork (removeNode nodeNr) canvas
90 ) pDoc
91 ; repaintAll state
92 }
93 EdgeSelection canv edgeNr | canv == canvas ->
94 do{ PD.updateDocument "delete edge"
95 ( setSelection NoSelection
96 . updateSelNetwork (removeEdge edgeNr) canvas
97 ) pDoc
98 ; repaintAll state
99 }
100 ViaSelection canv edgeNr viaNr | canv == canvas ->
101 do{ PD.updateDocument "delete control point"
102 ( setSelection NoSelection
103 . updateSelNetwork (removeVia edgeNr viaNr) canvas
104 ) pDoc
105 ; repaintAll state
106 }
107 MultipleSelection canv area nodeNrs viaNrs | canv == canvas ->
108 do{ PD.updateDocument "delete multiple selection"
109 ( setSelection NoSelection
110 . updateSelNetwork (foldr (\edgeNr r -> removeNode edgeNr . r) id nodeNrs) canvas
111 ) pDoc
112 ; repaintAll state
113 }
114 _ -> return ()
115 }
117 createNode :: InfoKind n g => DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
118 createNode mousePoint state =
119 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
120 ; shapeName <- getCurrentShape state
121 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
122 ; doc1 <- PD.getDocument pDoc
124 ; let palette = getPalette doc1
125 (nodeNr, doc2) = updateSelNetworkEx
126 (setNewPosition . addNode shapeName palette)
127 canvas doc1
128 doc3 = setSelection (NodeSelection canvas nodeNr Nothing) doc2
129 ; PD.setDocument ("add node on " ++ show' canvas) doc3 pDoc
130 ; repaintAll state
131 }
132 where setNewPosition (nodeNr, newNet) =
133 (nodeNr, updateNode nodeNr ( setPosition mousePoint) newNet )
135 selectNothing :: State g n e -> IO ()
136 selectNothing state =
137 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
138 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection NoSelection) pDoc
139 ; repaintAll state
140 }
142 selectEdge :: Int -> State g n e -> IO ()
143 selectEdge edgeNr state =
144 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
145 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
146 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (EdgeSelection canvas edgeNr)) pDoc
147 ; repaintAll state
148 }
150 createEdge :: (InfoKind e g) => NodeNr -> PortName -> NodeNr -> PortName -> State g n e -> IO ()
151 createEdge fromNodeNr fromPort toNodeNr toPort state =
152 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
153 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
154 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
155 ; PD.updateDocument "add edge"
156 ( setSelection (NodeSelection canvas fromNodeNr $ Just fromPort)
157 . updateSelNetwork (addEdge (getPalette doc) fromNodeNr fromPort toNodeNr toPort)
158 canvas ) pDoc
159 ; repaintAll state
160 }
162 createMapping :: RuleName -- ^ rule to add the mapping to
163 -> NodeNr -- ^ LHS node number
164 -> NodeNr -- ^ RHS node number
165 -> State g n e -> IO ()
166 createMapping rule nNrL nNrR state =
167 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
168 ; PD.updateDocument ("add mapping to rule " ++ rule)
169 (updateRules
170 $ updateRule rule
171 $ updateMapping
172 $ addMapping (nNrL, nNrR)
173 ) pDoc
174 ; repaintAll state
175 }
177 createVia :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
178 createVia mousepoint state =
179 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
180 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
181 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
182 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
183 ; case getSelection doc of
184 EdgeSelection canv edgeNr | canv == canvas ->
185 do{ ifJust (edgeContains (getEdge edgeNr network) mousepoint network)
186 $ \viaNr->
187 do{ PD.updateDocument "add control point to edge"
188 ( setSelection (ViaSelection canvas edgeNr viaNr)
189 . updateSelNetwork (newViaEdge edgeNr viaNr mousepoint) canvas
190 ) pDoc
191 ; repaintAll state
192 }
193 }
194 _ -> return ()
195 }
197 selectVia :: Int -> Int -> State g n e -> IO ()
198 selectVia edgeNr viaNr state =
199 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
200 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
201 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (ViaSelection canvas edgeNr viaNr))
202 pDoc
203 ; repaintAll state
204 }
206 pickupVia :: Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
207 pickupVia edgeNr viaNr mousePoint state =
208 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
209 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
210 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
211 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
212 viaPos = (getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr network))!!viaNr
213 ; setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` viaPos)) state
214 ; selectVia edgeNr viaNr state
215 }
217 selectNode :: Int -> State g n e -> IO ()
218 selectNode nodeNr state = selectPort nodeNr Nothing state
220 selectPort :: Int -> Maybe PortName -> State g n e -> IO ()
221 selectPort nodeNr mPort state =
222 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
223 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
224 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection $ NodeSelection canvas nodeNr mPort) pDoc
225 ; repaintAll state
226 }
228 pickupNode :: Int -> Maybe PortName -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
229 pickupNode nodeNr mPort mousePoint state =
230 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
231 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
232 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
233 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
234 nodePos = getNodePosition network nodeNr
235 ; setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` nodePos)) state
236 ; selectPort nodeNr mPort state
237 }
239 dragNode :: Int -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
240 dragNode nodeNr mousePoint state =
241 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
242 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
243 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
244 ; Just (hasMoved, offset) <- getDragging state
245 ; let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset
246 oldPosition = getNodePosition (selectNetwork doc canvas) nodeNr
247 ; when (newPosition /= oldPosition) $
248 do{ -- The first time the node is moved we have to remember
249 -- the document in the undo history
250 ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move node"
251 else PD.superficialUpdateDocument)
252 (updateSelNetwork (updateNode nodeNr
253 (setPosition newPosition)) canvas )
254 pDoc
255 ; repaintAll state
256 ; setDragging (Just (True, offset)) state
257 -- yes, the node has really moved
258 }
259 }
261 dropNode :: Bool -> Int -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
262 dropNode hasMoved nodeNr offset mousePoint state =
263 do{ when hasMoved $
264 do{ let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset
265 ; pDoc <- getDocument state
266 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
267 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument
268 (updateSelNetwork (updateNode nodeNr
269 (setPosition newPosition)) canvas) pDoc
270 }
271 ; repaintAll state
272 ; setDragging Nothing state
273 }
275 dragVia :: Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
276 dragVia edgeNr viaNr mousePoint state =
277 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
278 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
279 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
280 ; Just (hasMoved, offset) <- getDragging state
281 ; let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset
282 oldPosition = (getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr (selectNetwork doc canvas)))!!viaNr
283 ; when (newPosition /= oldPosition) $
284 do{ -- The first time the point is moved we have to remember
285 -- the document in the undo history
286 ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move control point"
287 else PD.superficialUpdateDocument)
288 (updateSelNetwork (updateVia edgeNr viaNr newPosition) canvas)
289 pDoc
290 ; repaintAll state
291 ; setDragging (Just (True, offset)) state
292 -- yes, the point has really moved
293 }
294 }
296 dropVia :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
297 dropVia hasMoved edgeNr viaNr offset mousePoint state =
298 do{ when hasMoved $
299 do{ let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset
300 ; pDoc <- getDocument state
301 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
302 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument
303 (updateSelNetwork (updateVia edgeNr viaNr newPosition) canvas)
304 pDoc
305 }
306 ; repaintAll state
307 ; setDragging Nothing state
308 }
310 selectMultiple :: Maybe (DoublePoint,DoublePoint) -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
311 -> State g n e -> IO ()
312 selectMultiple area nodeNrs viaNrs state =
313 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
314 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
315 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument
316 (setSelection (MultipleSelection canvas area nodeNrs viaNrs))
317 pDoc
318 ; repaintAll state
319 }
321 pickupMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
322 pickupMultiple _nodeNrs _viaNrs mousePoint state =
323 do{ setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint)) state
324 -- ; selectMultiple Nothing nodeNrs viaNrs state -- already selected
325 }
327 dragMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
328 dragMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs mousePoint state =
329 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
330 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
331 -- ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
332 ; Just (hasMoved, origin) <- getDragging state
333 ; let offset = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` origin
334 ; when (mousePoint /= origin) $
335 do{ -- The first time the point is moved we have to remember
336 -- the document in the undo history
337 ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move control point"
338 else PD.superficialUpdateDocument)
339 (updateSelNetwork (updateMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs offset) canvas)
340 pDoc
341 ; repaintAll state
342 ; setDragging (Just (True, mousePoint)) state
343 -- yes, the point has really moved
344 }
345 }
347 updateMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> Network g n e
348 -> Network g n e
349 updateMultiple ns vs o network =
350 ( foldr (\n z-> updateNode n (offsetNode o) . z) id ns
351 . foldr (\ (e,v) z-> updateVia e v (offsetVia o e v) . z) id vs
352 ) network
353 where
354 offsetNode off node = setPosition (getPosition node `translate` off) node
355 offsetVia off edgeNr via = ((getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr network))!!via)
356 `translate` off
358 dropMultiple :: Bool -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint
359 -> State g n e -> IO ()
360 dropMultiple hasMoved nodeNrs viaNrs origin mousePoint state =
361 do{ when hasMoved $
362 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
363 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
364 ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument
365 (updateSelNetwork
366 (updateMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs
367 (mousePoint`subtractDoublePoint`origin)) canvas)
368 pDoc
369 }
370 ; repaintAll state
371 ; setDragging Nothing state
372 }
374 pickupArea :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
375 pickupArea mousePoint state =
376 do{ setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint)) state
377 ; selectMultiple (Just (mousePoint,mousePoint)) [] [] state
378 }
380 -- dragArea is not like dragging a selection. It does not move anything.
381 -- It only adds items into a multiple selection.
382 dragArea :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
383 dragArea mousePoint state =
384 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
385 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
386 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
387 ; Just (_, origin) <- getDragging state
388 ; let (ns,vs) = itemsEnclosedWithin mousePoint origin (selectNetwork doc canvas)
389 ; selectMultiple (Just (origin,mousePoint)) ns vs state
390 }
391 where
392 itemsEnclosedWithin p0 p1 network =
393 ( ( Prelude.map fst
394 . Prelude.filter (\ (_,n)-> enclosedInRectangle (getPosition n) p0 p1)
395 . getNodeAssocs ) network
396 , ( Prelude.concatMap (\ (i,e)-> map (\ (j,_)-> (i,j))
397 (Prelude.filter
398 (\ (_,v)-> enclosedInRectangle
399 v p0 p1)
400 (zip [0..] (getEdgeVia e))))
401 . getEdgeAssocs ) network
402 )
404 dropArea :: DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO ()
405 dropArea _origin mousePoint state =
406 do{ dragArea mousePoint state -- calculate enclosure area
407 ; pDoc <- getDocument state
408 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
409 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
410 ; case getSelection doc of
411 MultipleSelection _ _ [] [] ->
412 PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection NoSelection) pDoc
413 MultipleSelection canv _ ns vs | canvas == canv ->
414 PD.superficialUpdateDocument
415 (setSelection (MultipleSelection canvas Nothing ns vs)) pDoc
416 | otherwise ->
417 PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection NoSelection) pDoc
418 _ -> return ()
419 ; setDragging Nothing state
420 ; repaintAll state
421 }
424 renameNode :: Frame () -> State g n e -> IO ()
425 renameNode theFrame state =
426 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
427 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
428 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
429 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
430 ; case getSelection doc of
431 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _ | canv == canvas ->
432 do{ let oldName = getNodeName network nodeNr
433 ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame SingleLine
434 "Rename node" oldName True
435 ; ifJust result $ \newName ->
436 do{ PD.updateDocument "rename node"
437 (updateSelNetwork
438 (updateNode nodeNr (Network.setName newName)) canvas) pDoc
439 ; repaintAll state
440 }
441 }
442 _ -> return ()
443 }
445 reinfoNodeOrEdge :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) =>
446 Frame () -> State g n e -> IO ()
447 reinfoNodeOrEdge theFrame state =
448 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
449 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
450 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
451 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
452 ; case getSelection doc of
453 NodeSelection canv nodeNr _ | canv == canvas ->
454 do{ let oldInfo = getNodeInfo network nodeNr
455 ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine
456 "Edit node info" (show oldInfo) True
457 ; ifJust result $ \newInfo ->
458 case Parse.runParser Parse.parse newInfo of
459 (Right x, s) ->
460 do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $
461 errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
462 ("Excess text after parsed value."
463 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
464 ; case check (getNodeName network nodeNr)
465 (getGlobalInfo network) x of
466 [] -> return ()
467 e -> errorDialog theFrame "Validity warning"
468 ("Validity check fails:\n"
469 ++unlines e)
470 ; PD.updateDocument "edit node info"
471 (updateSelNetwork
472 (updateNode nodeNr (setInfo x)) canvas) pDoc
473 ; repaintAll state
474 }
475 (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
476 ("Cannot parse entered text."
477 ++"\nReason: "++err
478 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
479 }
480 EdgeSelection canv edgeNr | canv == canvas ->
481 do{ let oldInfo = getEdgeInfo (getEdge edgeNr network)
482 ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine
483 "Edit edge info" (show oldInfo) True
484 ; ifJust result $ \newInfo ->
485 case Parse.runParser Parse.parse newInfo of
486 (Right x, s) ->
487 do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $
488 errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
489 ("Excess text after parsed value."
490 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
491 -- ; case check (getNodeName network nodeNr)
492 -- (getGlobalInfo network) x of
493 -- [] -> return ()
494 -- e -> errorDialog theFrame "Validity warning"
495 -- ("Validity check fails:\n"
496 -- ++unlines e)
497 ; PD.updateDocument "edit edge info"
498 (updateSelNetwork
499 (updateEdge edgeNr (setEdgeInfo x)) canvas) pDoc
500 ; repaintAll state
501 }
502 (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
503 ("Cannot parse entered text."
504 ++"\nReason: "++err
505 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
506 }
507 _ -> return ()
508 }
510 changeGlobalInfo :: (Show g, Parse g) => Frame () -> State g n e -> IO ()
511 changeGlobalInfo theFrame state =
512 do{ pDoc <- getDocument state
513 ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
514 ; canvas <- getActiveCanvas state
515 ; let network = selectNetwork doc canvas
516 ; let info = show (getGlobalInfo network)
517 ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine "Edit global info" info True
518 ; ifJust result $ \newInfo->
519 case Parse.runParser Parse.parse newInfo of
520 (Right x, s) ->
521 do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $
522 errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
523 ("Excess text after parsed value."
524 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
525 ; PD.updateDocument "edit global info"
526 (updateSelNetwork (setGlobalInfo x) canvas) pDoc
527 ; repaintAll state -- no visible change?
528 }
529 (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning"
530 ("Cannot parse entered text."
531 ++"\nReason: "++err
532 ++"\nRemaining text: "++s)
533 }