/ src /
1 module Main (main, gain) where
3 import NetworkUI
4 import Graphics.UI.WX
5 import Graphics.UI.WXCore
6 import State
7 import InfoKind
9 import Network
10 import Operations
11 import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
12 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
13 import Data.List (nub)
14 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
15 import qualified PersistentDocument as PD
16 import INTextual
17 import INTextualUI
18 import SafetyNet
19 import INChecksUI
20 import CommonUI
22 import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (XmlContent)
24 import System.Cmd
25 import System.Exit
27 --import EnableGUI
30 main :: IO ()
31 main = start $
32 do{ state <- State.empty
33 ; NetworkUI.create state () [] [] graphOps
34 }
36 instance InfoKind Int () where
37 blank = 0
38 check n _ i | i<0 = ["Number should not be negative in "++n]
39 | otherwise = []
40 instance InfoKind [Int] () where
41 blank = []
42 check _ _ _ = []
44 -- A simple range of operations on a graph network.
45 graphOps :: GraphOps () [Int] [Int]
46 graphOps = GraphOps { pureOps = [ ]
47 , ioOps = [ ("Generate textual description"
48 , genTextual)
49 , ("Compile through external compiler", compilePIN)
50 ] }
52 -- Every edge is augmented with the sum of the numbers in its from-node.
53 pushAlongEdge :: IntMap (Node [Int]) -> Edge [Int] -> Edge [Int]
54 nodemap `pushAlongEdge` edge = setEdgeInfo (nub (sum n: getEdgeInfo edge)) edge
55 where n = (getInfo . fromJust . flip IntMap.lookup nodemap . getEdgeFrom)
56 edge
58 -- Every node is augmented with a list of all the numbers in its incoming edges.
59 accumulateIn :: IntMap (Edge [Int]) -> NodeNr -> Node [Int] -> Node [Int]
60 (edgemap `accumulateIn` nr) node = setInfo (nub (es++getInfo node)) node
61 where es = (concat . IntMap.elems
62 . IntMap.map getEdgeInfo
63 . IntMap.filter (\e-> getEdgeTo e == nr) )
64 edgemap
66 gain :: IO ()
67 gain = main -- :-)
69 compilePIN :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g, Show g) => IOOp g n e
70 compilePIN doc state =
71 do
72 logMessage "Compiling in PIN"
73 pDoc <- getDocument state
74 inName <- PD.getFileName pDoc
75 theFrame <- getNetworkFrame state
77 let fn = changeExt ".INblobs" "-PIN" $ fromMaybe "" inName
78 fnN = fn ++ ".net"
79 fnI = fn ++ ".INblobs"
81 writeFile fnI . showRepresentation PIN . simplify $ doc2net doc
82 comm <- textDialog theFrame "Command to invoque external compiler.\nThis special tokens can be used:\n#i for FILE.net\n#o for FILE.INblobs" "Compiling through external compiler" "java pin.compiler.Main #i"
83 when (not $ null comm) $
84 do
85 let command = subst fnN fnI comm
86 putStrLn command
87 ec <- system command
88 case ec of
89 ExitSuccess ->
90 safetyNet theFrame $
91 openNetworkFile fnI state (Just theFrame)
92 >> singleCheckOverIN iNCheck state
93 ExitFailure n -> errorDialog theFrame "Compiling through external compiler"
94 $ "Error compiling through external compiler:\n"
95 ++ show ec
96 where subst inp out [] = []
97 subst inp out ('#':'i':str) = inp ++ subst inp out str
98 subst inp out ('#':'o':str) = out ++ subst inp out str
99 subst inp out (c:str) = c : subst inp out str