/ src /
1 -- | If someone wants to give a new reduction strategy have to:
2 --
3 -- 1. add a new entry in @strategiesList@ (e.g. @(\"New Strategy string\", choose_NewStrategy_function)@)
4 --
5 -- 2. define @choose_NewStrategy_function :: [EdgeNr] -> Document g n e -> PossibleResult EdgeNr@
6 module INReductionStrategies where
8 import Document
9 import Network
10 import INRule
11 import Palette
13 import Data.Maybe
15 data PossibleResult a = Result a | ErrorD String String | InfoD String String
17 -- | Checks if the given edge is an active pair.
18 isActivePair :: EdgeNr -> Palette n -> Network g n e -> Bool
19 isActivePair edgeNr palette network =
20 isPrincipalPort palette network nodeNrFrom portFrom
21 && isPrincipalPort palette network nodeNrTo portTo
22 && not (isInterfaceNode (nodeNrFrom, getNode nodeNrFrom network) )
23 && not (isInterfaceNode (nodeNrTo, getNode nodeNrTo network) )
24 where edge = getEdge edgeNr network
25 (nodeNrFrom, portFrom) = getFullPortFrom edge
26 (nodeNrTo, portTo) = getFullPortTo edge
28 -- | Checks if an interface node is connected through an active pair.
29 isTheInterfaceActivePair :: EdgeNr -> Palette n -> Network g n e -> Bool
30 isTheInterfaceActivePair edgeNr palette network =
31 isPrincipalPort palette network nodeNrFrom portFrom
32 && isPrincipalPort palette network nodeNrTo portTo
33 where edge = getEdge edgeNr network
34 (nodeNrFrom, portFrom) = getFullPortFrom edge
35 (nodeNrTo, portTo) = getFullPortTo edge
39 type Strategy = String
41 -- | List of pairs (Strategy name, strategy choose function)
42 strategiesList :: [(Strategy -- strategy name
43 , [EdgeNr] -- none empty list of all active pairs in the network
44 -> Document g n e -- document
45 -> PossibleResult EdgeNr -- edgeNr to reduce or thrown error message
46 )]
47 strategiesList =
48 [ ("Manual selection", chooseManualSelection)
49 , ("Random", chooseRandom)
50 , ("WRINF", chooseWRINF)
51 ]
53 chooseManualSelection :: [EdgeNr] -> Document g n e -> PossibleResult EdgeNr
54 chooseManualSelection _ doc = case getSelection doc of
55 EdgeSelection Net edgeNr -> Result edgeNr
56 _ -> ErrorD "Reduction error" "Please select an active pair first and press 'REDUCE' again."
58 chooseRandom :: [EdgeNr] -> Document g n e -> PossibleResult EdgeNr
59 chooseRandom lAPs _ = Result $ head lAPs
62 -- | WRINF Strategy
63 chooseWRINF :: [EdgeNr] -> Document g n e -> PossibleResult EdgeNr
64 chooseWRINF _ doc =
65 case filter isInterfaceNode $ getNodeAssocs network of
66 [(interface,_)] ->
67 if (isTheInterfaceActivePair (dd palette network interface) palette network)
68 then InfoD "WRINF is done" "Nothing to be done using WRINF strategy"
69 else case walk palette network [] interface of
70 Nothing -> InfoD "WRINF is done" "Nothing to be done using WRINF strategy"
71 Just e -> Result e
72 where network = getNetwork doc
73 palette = getPalette doc
75 walk :: Palette n -> Network g n e -> [NodeNr] -> NodeNr -> Maybe EdgeNr
76 walk palette network visited node_start | (node_start `elem` visited) = Nothing
77 | otherwise = let pp = filter (isPrincipalPort palette network node_start . fst)
78 . fromMaybe [] $ getPorts palette network node_start
79 in case pp of
80 [] -> Nothing
81 [(x,_)] -> let edgeOnPPort = edgeConnectedOnPort network node_start x;
82 in case edgeOnPPort of
83 (Just e) -> if (isActivePair e palette network )
84 then (Just e)
85 else let next_node = fst . fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort network node_start x
86 in walk palette network (node_start:visited) next_node;
87 _ -> Nothing;
89 dd :: Palette n -> Network g n e -> NodeNr -> EdgeNr
90 dd palette nt nr = let por = map fst . fromMaybe [] $ getPorts palette nt nr
91 in head . catMaybes $ map (edgeConnectedOnPort nt nr ) por
92 -- END of WRINF
95 -- chooseNewStrategy :: [EdgeNr] -> Document g n e -> PossibleResult EdgeNr