/ src /
1 {- | To create new Checks simply:
3 1. create an element of type 'Check g n e'
5 2. add it to the list 'checksList'
7 If necessary create new 'INError' values and
8 extend the 'show' function definition.
9 -}
10 module INChecks
11 (
12 -- * Data-types
13 INError(..)
14 , ErrorLoc
15 , CheckOp
16 , Check
18 -- * List of available check operations
19 , checksList
21 , iNCheck
23 -- * Check operations combinators
24 , join
25 , joins
27 -- * Other functions useful elsewhere
28 , undefinedAgents
29 ) where
31 import Document
32 import Network
33 import Ports
34 import INRule
35 import Palette hiding (join)
36 import Common
37 import Shape
38 import SpecialSymbols
40 import Data.Maybe
41 import Data.Map (Map)
42 import qualified Data.Map as Map
43 import Data.List
45 -- | Interaction Nets Errors
46 data INError g n e
47 = DisconnectedPorts [(NodeNr, Node n, [Port])] -- ^ Disconnected ports
48 | ErrorString String -- ^ General error
49 | MultiDef String Int -- ^ Symbol is defined multiple times in palette
50 | UndefAgent (Node n) -- ^ Undefined agent
51 | BadInterfaceSymbol Shape Ports -- ^ Bad interface symbol definition
52 | BadInterfaceAgent (Node n) -- ^ Bad interface agent
53 | SymbolNoPorts String -- ^ Symbol without ports
54 | SymbolRepeatedPorts String [(String, Int)] -- ^ Symbol with repeated port names
55 | SymbolDiffPorts String Ports Ports -- ^ Symbol definition differ from default one.
56 | AgentNoPorts (Node n) -- ^ Agent without ports
57 | MappingNoDom Mapping NodeNr -- ^ Bad mapping which refers one element in domain that do not exist.
58 | MappingNoRang Mapping NodeNr -- ^ Bad mapping which refers one element in range that do not exist.
59 | MappingNotInj Mapping NodeNr -- ^ Mapping is not injective with respect to LHS node given.
60 | MappingNotFunc Mapping NodeNr -- ^ Mapping is not a function with respect to RHS node given.
61 | UnMappedInterface (Node n) -- ^ Interface agent is not mapped to another.
62 | Not2Agents [Node n] -- ^ rule LHS don't have exactly 2 agents.
63 | NoActivePair (Node n) (Node n) -- ^ No active pair between the nodes given
64 | ExtraEdge EdgeNr (NodeNr, PortName) (NodeNr, PortName) -- ^ Edge other than edge between principal ports found between agents in LHS.
65 | InterfaceBadConnected NodeNr (EdgeNr) -- ^ Interface agent is not connected to free ports of active pair.
66 | MultRulesSameLHS String String [String] -- ^ Multiple rules with same LHS active pair, i.e. between shape1 and shape2.
68 -- | NewError ... -- ^
70 instance (Show g, Show n, Show e) => Show (INError g n e) where
71 showsPrec _ (DisconnectedPorts l) =
72 showString badPortMsg . showChar '\n' . showString (showBadPortsNet 1 l)
73 showsPrec _ (ErrorString str) = showString str
74 showsPrec _ (MultiDef symb reps) =
75 showString "Symbol \"" . showString symb . showString "\" is defined "
76 . shows reps . showString " times in palette of symbols."
77 showsPrec _ (UndefAgent node) =
78 showString "Agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node)
79 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node)
80 . showString " is not defined in the palette of symbols."
81 showsPrec _ (BadInterfaceSymbol shape ports) =
82 showString ("A symbol called interface is defined, so its definition should be :\n"
83 ++ "\tshape = Circle { shapeStyle = ShapeStyle { styleStrokeWidth = 2\n"
84 ++ "\t , styleStrokeColour = RGB 255 255 255\n"
85 ++ "\t , styleFill = RGB 255 255 255 }\n"
86 ++ "\t , shapeRadius = 0.25 }\n"
87 ++ "\tports = Just [(\"interface\", DoublePoint 0.0 0.25)]\n"
88 ++ "but something different were found:")
89 . showString "\tshape = " . shows shape
90 . showString "\tports = " . shows ports
91 showsPrec _ (BadInterfaceAgent node) =
92 showString "Agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node)
93 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node)
94 . showString " is a bad interface agent."
95 showsPrec _ (SymbolNoPorts symb) =
96 showString "Symbol \"" . showString symb . showString "\" don't have ports."
97 showsPrec _ (SymbolRepeatedPorts symb reps) =
98 showString "Symbol \"" . showString symb . showString "\" have the following repeated port names:\n"
99 . showString (unlines $ map showPortRep reps)
100 showsPrec _ (SymbolDiffPorts symb ports defaultPorts) =
101 showString "Symbol \"" . showString symb . showString "\" is defined with ports \n."
102 . shows ports . showString "\nwhich differ from the default definition with ports \n"
103 . shows defaultPorts
104 showsPrec _ (AgentNoPorts node) =
105 showString "Agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node)
106 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node)
107 . showString " don't have ports."
108 showsPrec _ (MappingNoDom mapping nNr) =
109 showString "Interface node " . shows nNr
110 . showString " do not exist in LHS but is referred in domain of mapping\n"
111 . showsMapping mapping
112 showsPrec _ (MappingNoRang mapping nNr) =
113 showString "Interface node " . shows nNr
114 . showString" do not exist in RHS but is referred in range of mapping\n"
115 . showsMapping mapping
116 showsPrec _ (MappingNotInj mapping nNr) =
117 showString "Mapping is not injective with respect to LHS interface node "
118 . shows nNr
119 . showChar '\n'
120 . showsMapping mapping
121 showsPrec _ (MappingNotFunc mapping nNr) =
122 showString "Mapping is not a function with respect to RHS interface node "
123 . shows nNr
124 . showChar '\n'
125 . showsMapping mapping
126 showsPrec _ (UnMappedInterface node) =
127 showString "Interface \"" . showString (Network.getName node)
128 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node)
129 . showString " is not mapped to other interface in the other side of the rule."
130 showsPrec _ (Not2Agents lNs) =
131 showString "The rule LHS should have exactly 2 agents but those "
132 . shows (length lNs) . showString " were found:" . showsAgents lNs
133 showsPrec _ (NoActivePair node1 node2) =
134 showString "No active pair between agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node1)
135 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node1)
136 . showString "\nand agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node2)
137 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node2)
138 showsPrec _ (ExtraEdge edgeNr (nNr1, port1) (nNr2, port2)) =
139 showString "Edge " . shows edgeNr
140 . showString "is not the edge between principal ports but also found between agents \"Node "
141 . shows nNr1 . showString "\" at port " . showString port1
142 . showString " and \"Node " . shows nNr2 . showString "\" at port "
143 . showString port2
144 showsPrec _ (InterfaceBadConnected nNr edgeNr) =
145 showString "Interface \"Node " . shows nNr
146 . showString "\" should be connected to one of the free ports of active pair \"Edge "
147 . shows edgeNr . showString "\" but it isn't."
148 showsPrec _ (MultRulesSameLHS shape1 shape2 rules) =
149 showString "There should be at most one rule for pair of agents but for agents \""
150 . showString shape1 . showString "\" and \"" . showString shape2
151 . showString "\" there are this rules whose LHS is an active pair between such agents :"
152 . showString (commasAnd rules)
154 -- showsPrec _ (NewError ...) = ...
156 showsAgent :: Node n -> ShowS
157 showsAgent node =
158 showString "Agent \"" . showString (Network.getName node)
159 . showString "\" of symbol \""
160 . showString (getShape node)
161 . showString "\" @ " . shows (getPosition node)
162 where err = error ""
164 showsAgents :: [Node n] -> ShowS
165 showsAgents [] = showString ""
166 showsAgents (x:xs) = showsAgent x . showChar '\n' . showsAgents xs
168 showPortRep :: (PortName, Int) -> String
169 showPortRep (portname, n) = '\t':portname ++ " ~ " ++ show n ++ " times"
171 data Side = Lhs | Rhs deriving (Eq,Ord)
172 instance Show Side where
173 show Lhs = "LHS"
174 show Rhs = "RHS"
176 data ErrorLoc = PALETTE | NET | RULES | RULE RuleName (Maybe Side) deriving (Eq, Ord)
178 instance Show ErrorLoc where
179 show PALETTE = "PALETTE"
180 show NET = "NET"
181 show RULES = "RULES"
182 show (RULE ruleName mSide) =
183 showString "RULE \"" . showString ruleName . showChar '\"'
184 . maybe id (\v -> showChar ' ' . shows v) mSide $ ""
187 type CheckOp g n e = Document g n e -> Map ErrorLoc [INError g n e] -- ^ errors by location
188 type Check g n e =
189 ( String -- Check operation name to be displayed
190 , String -- Check description
191 , String -- Message when the check is passed successfully
192 , String -- Message when the check fails
193 , CheckOp g n e -- Check function
194 )
196 -- | Join two check operations; concatenate errors.
197 join :: CheckOp g n e -> CheckOp g n e -> CheckOp g n e
198 join check1 check2 = uncurry (Map.unionWith (++)) . (check1 /\ check2)
200 -- | Join a list of check operations.
201 joins :: [CheckOp g n e] -> CheckOp g n e
202 joins = foldr1 join
204 -- | List of available checks.
205 checksList :: [Check g n e]
206 checksList =
207 [ badPortsCheck
208 , iNCheck
209 , manCheck
210 -- , newCheck
211 ]
215 --------------------------------------------------------
216 -- | Useful function that transverse a 'Document' in a very common way to collect 'INError's.
217 doc2Errors :: (Network g n e -> [INError g n e])
218 -> (INRule g n e -> [(Maybe Side, [INError g n e])] )
219 -> CheckOp g n e
220 doc2Errors funcNet funcRule =
221 uncurry (foldl updtAc)
222 . ( (emptyOrSingle NET . funcNet . getNetwork)
223 /\
224 getRules)
225 where
226 -- updtAc :: Map ErrorLoc [INError g n e] -> INRule g n e -> Map ErrorLoc [INError g n e]
227 updtAc mapp rule = foldl (aux $ INRule.getName rule) mapp $ funcRule rule
229 aux :: RuleName -> Map ErrorLoc [INError g n e] -> (Maybe Side, [INError g n e])
230 -> Map ErrorLoc [INError g n e]
231 aux _ mapp (_,[]) = mapp
232 aux ruleName mapp (mSide, errs) = Map.insertWith (++) (RULE ruleName mSide) errs mapp
234 -- | If the list of values is empty create the empty 'Map'. Else creates the singleton 'map' with key @k@.
235 emptyOrSingle :: k -> [v] -> Map k [v]
236 emptyOrSingle k l = if null l then Map.empty else Map.singleton k l
238 -- Bad Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 badPortMsg = "Disconnected or with multiple connections ports found"
242 badPortsCheck :: Check g n e
243 badPortsCheck =
244 ( "Check bad ports"
245 , "Every port must be connected exactly once."
246 , "No disconnected or with multiple connections ports found."
247 , badPortMsg
248 , pureBadPorts
249 )
251 -- | Every net in INblobs must have exactly one edge connected at each port.
252 badPortsNet :: Palette n -> Network g n e -> [(NodeNr, Node n, [Port])]
253 badPortsNet palette network =
254 filter f . map badPortsN $ getNodeAssocs network
255 where
256 f (_,_,t) = not $ null t
257 -- Gives list of bad ports for this node.
258 badPortsN :: (NodeNr, Node n) -> (NodeNr, Node n, [Port])
259 badPortsN (nNr, node) = (nNr, node, case getPorts palette network nNr of
260 Nothing -> error $ "Unexpected situation: no ports found in agent "
261 ++ show nNr ++ " of type " ++ getShape node
262 Just ports -> filter (g nNr . fst) ports)
263 g :: NodeNr -> PortName -> Bool
264 g nnr port = maybe True (== (nnr,port)) $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort network nnr port
266 -- | Collects all bad ports by location.
267 pureBadPorts :: CheckOp g n e
268 pureBadPorts doc = doc2Errors funcNet funcRule doc
269 where -- funcNet :: Network g n e -> [INError g n e]
270 funcNet = insertIfN . badPortsNet palette
272 -- funcRule :: INRule g n e -> [(Maybe Side, [INError g n e])]
273 funcRule =
274 uncurry (++)
275 . ((insertIfR Lhs . badPortsNet palette . getLHS)
276 /\
277 (insertIfR Rhs . badPortsNet palette . getRHS))
279 insertIfN netCheck = if null netCheck then [] else [DisconnectedPorts netCheck]
280 insertIfR side netCheck = if null netCheck then [] else [(Just side, [DisconnectedPorts netCheck])]
282 palette = getPalette doc
284 showBadPortsNet :: Int -> [(NodeNr, Node n, [Port])] -> String
285 showBadPortsNet n l = unlines' $ map showNode l
286 where showNode (_, node, lPorts) = unlines' $ (replicate n '\t' ++ Network.getName node
287 ++ " # " ++ getShape node ++ " @ "
288 ++ show (getPosition node) ++ " in port(s):") : map showPort lPorts
289 showPort (name,_) = replicate (n+1) '\t' ++ name
290 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 -- valid IN system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
294 iNCheck :: Check g n e
295 iNCheck =
296 ( "Valid IN system"
297 , unlines
298 [ "Check if it is a valid IN system.\n"
299 , "An IN system is valid in INblobs if:"
300 , " * every symbol have distinguished port names"
301 , " * every port is connected exactly once in net and in LHS and RHS of every rule"
302 , " * the LHS of every rule is one active pair, plus interface agents"
303 , " * every interface agent in the LHS (respectively RHS) of a rule is mapped to one interface agent in the RHS (respectively LHS)"
304 , " * there are at most one rule per pair of agents"
305 , " * every agent mentioned in the net or any rule is declared in the palette of symbols"
306 ]
307 , "Valid IN system"
308 , "Invalid IN system"
309 , validIN
310 )
312 {- | An IN system is valid in INblobs if:
314 * every symbol have distinguished port names
316 * every port is connected exactly once in net and in LHS and RHS of every rule
318 * the LHS of every rule is one active pair, plus interface agents
320 * every interface agent in the LHS (respectively RHS) of a rule is mapped to
321 one interface agent in the RHS (respectively LHS)
323 * there are at most one rule per pair of agents
325 * every agent mentioned in the net or any rule is declared in the palette of symbols
327 -}
328 validIN :: CheckOp g n e
329 validIN = joins [
330 pureBadPorts
331 , checkAgents
332 , checkEachRule
333 , checkNoRepeatedRules
334 ]
336 sepInterface :: Network g n e -> ( [(NodeNr,Node n)] -- interface nodes
337 , [(NodeNr,Node n)] -- none interface nodes
338 )
339 sepInterface = partition isInterfaceNode . getNodeAssocs
341 -- | 'checkLHS' and 'checkMapping'
342 checkEachRule :: CheckOp g n e
343 checkEachRule doc = doc2Errors funcNet funcRule doc
344 where funcNet :: Network g n e -> [INError g n e]
345 funcNet = const []
347 -- funcRule :: INRule g n e -> [(Maybe Side, [INError g n e])]
348 funcRule rule = (Just Lhs, checkLHS (getPalette doc) lhs)
349 : checkMapping (getMapping rule)
350 (fst $ sepInterface lhs)
351 (fst . sepInterface $ getRHS rule)
352 where lhs = getLHS rule
354 -- | LHS should be exactly two agents different from interface connected trough their
355 -- principal ports with the rest of the ports connected to one interface agent.
356 checkLHS :: Palette n -> Network g n e -> [INError g n e]
357 checkLHS palette = either (const []) id . checkLHS' palette
359 checkLHS' :: Palette n -> Network g n e -> Either (String, String) [INError g n e]
360 checkLHS' palette net =
361 case sepInterface net of
362 (iNs, [(xNr,x), (yNr,y)]) ->
363 case (getPorts palette net xNr, getPorts palette net yNr) of
364 (Just (px:pxs), Just (py:pys)) ->
365 case findEdge xNr (fst px) yNr (fst py) net of
366 Nothing -> Right [NoActivePair x y]
367 Just ed ->
368 let mINs = map (otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net xNr . fst) pxs
369 ++ map (otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net yNr . fst) pys
370 in if all isJust mINs
371 then
372 let iNs' = map (id >< const "interface") iNs
373 cons = map fromJust mINs
374 dif1 = cons \\ iNs' -- multiple edges between agents x and y
375 dif2 = iNs' \\ cons -- interface nodes not connected to agent x or y
376 in if null dif1 && null dif2
377 then Left (getShape x,getShape y)
378 else Right $ toError1 dif1 ++ map (toError2 ed) dif2
379 else Right [] -- disconnected ports checked in another piece of code
383 (psx, psy) -> Right . map (AgentNoPorts . snd) $ filter (maybe True null . fst) [(psx,x),(psy,y)]
384 (_, lAs) -> Right [Not2Agents $ map snd lAs]
385 where
386 toError1 :: [(NodeNr, PortName)] -> [INError g n e]
387 toError1 = map aux3 . groupBy aux2 . map aux
388 aux = id /\ fromJust . uncurry (edgeConnectedOnPort net)
389 aux2 a b = snd a == snd b
390 aux3 :: [((NodeNr,PortName),EdgeNr)] -> INError g n e
391 aux3 [(from,edge), (to,_)] = ExtraEdge edge from to
392 aux3 _ = error "unexpected situation"
393 toError2 ed (nNr,_) = InterfaceBadConnected nNr ed
396 -- | Every interface agent in the LHS (respectively RHS) of a rule is mapped to
397 -- one interface agent in the RHS (respectively LHS).
398 checkMapping :: Mapping -> [(NodeNr,Node n)] -> [(NodeNr,Node n)] -> [(Maybe Side, [INError g n e])]
399 checkMapping mapR lhsI rhsI =
400 [ (Just Lhs, map errL $ lhs \\ domMap )
401 , (Just Rhs, map errR $ rhs \\ rangeMap)
402 , (Nothing, (uncurry (++) . (map errNotInj >< map errNoDom ) . partition (`elem` lhs) $ domMap \\ lhs )
403 ++
404 (uncurry (++) . (map errNotFunc >< map errNoRang) . partition (`elem` rhs) $ rangeMap \\ rhs )
406 )
407 ]
408 where
409 (domMap, rangeMap) = unzip mapR :: ([NodeNr], [NodeNr])
410 lhs = map fst lhsI
411 rhs = map fst rhsI
413 errL nNr = UnMappedInterface . fromJust $ lookup nNr lhsI
414 errR nNr = UnMappedInterface . fromJust $ lookup nNr rhsI
415 errNotInj = MappingNotInj mapR
416 errNoDom = MappingNoDom mapR
417 errNotFunc = MappingNotFunc mapR
418 errNoRang = MappingNoRang mapR
420 insertIf :: Ord k => k -> [a] -> Map k [a] -> Map k [a]
421 insertIf k a mapp | null a = mapp
422 | otherwise = Map.insertWith (++) k a mapp
424 checkAgents :: CheckOp g n e
425 checkAgents doc =
426 insertIf PALETTE (map toError3 . filter badInterface $ shaps)
427 . insertIf PALETTE (map toError4 $ filter repeatedPorts shaps)
428 . insertIf PALETTE (map toError2 $ filter noPorts shaps)
429 . insertIf PALETTE (map toError . repeateds $ symbs)
430 $ undefinedAgents symbs doc
431 where
432 shaps = shapes $ getPalette doc
433 symbs = map fst shaps
434 toError (symb, i) = MultiDef symb i
435 toError2 = SymbolNoPorts . fst
436 toError3 (_, (shape, mPorts, _)) = BadInterfaceSymbol shape mPorts
437 toError4 (shapeName, (_, ports, _)) = SymbolRepeatedPorts shapeName . filter ((/=1) . snd) . repeateds $ map fst ports
438 noPorts = null . snd3 . snd
439 repeatedPorts = haveRepeateds . map fst . snd3 . snd
440 fstsnd (a,b,_) = (a,b)
442 badInterface ("interface", (_, [("interface",_)], _)) = False
443 badInterface ("interface", _) = True
444 badInterface _ = False
446 -- | Check if there are undefined agents.
447 undefinedAgents :: [String] -> CheckOp g n e
448 undefinedAgents symbols = doc2Errors funcNet funcRule
449 where funcNet :: Network g n e -> [INError g n e]
450 funcNet = undefinedAgentNet symbols
452 funcRule :: INRule g n e -> [(Maybe Side, [INError g n e])]
453 funcRule rule =
454 [ (Just Lhs, undefinedAgentNet symbols $ getLHS rule)
455 , (Just Rhs, undefinedAgentNet symbols $ getRHS rule)
456 ]
458 undefinedAgentNet :: [String] -> Network g n e -> [INError g n e]
459 undefinedAgentNet symbols = uncurry (++)
460 . ( (map UndefAgent . filter undefs) /\ (map BadInterfaceAgent . filter badInterfaceNode) )
461 . getNodes
462 where
463 undefs = (`notElem` symbols) . getShape
464 badInterfaceNode node = (\str -> str == fst interfaceSymbol && not (isInterfaceNode (0,node)) )
465 $ getShape node
467 -- | Checks if there are at most one rule per pair of agents.
468 checkNoRepeatedRules :: CheckOp g n e
469 checkNoRepeatedRules doc =
470 (\lErrors -> insertIf RULES lErrors Map.empty)
471 . map toError . filter dups . groupBy activePair
472 . map left . filter isLeft
473 . map (INRule.getName /\ checkLHS' (getPalette doc) .getLHS) . getRules
474 $ doc
475 where
476 isLeft = either (const True) (const False) . snd
477 left = id >< either id (error "This shouldn't happen")
478 activePair :: (RuleName, (String,String)) -> (RuleName, (String,String)) -> Bool
479 activePair (_,shapes1) (_,shapes2) = shapes1 == shapes2 || shapes1 == swap shapes2
480 dups = (> 1) . length
481 toError :: [(RuleName, (String,String))] -> INError g n e
482 toError ( (ruleName,(shape1,shape2)):xs) = MultRulesSameLHS shape1 shape2 $ ruleName : map fst xs
483 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
485 -- | Checks if declared management agents are defined in the exactly same way that they are in the default palette.
486 -- Useful to avoid posterior problems with templates.
487 manCheck :: Check g n e
488 manCheck =
489 ( "Check management agents"
490 , "Check if management agents are defined in the exact same way that in 'ManagementAgents.INblobpalette' to avoid troubles with templates."
491 , "Management agents definitions match."
492 , "Management agent(s) definitions don't match"
493 , manCheck'
494 )
496 manCheck' :: CheckOp g n e
497 manCheck' doc =
498 emptyOrSingle PALETTE
499 . Map.elems
500 . mapMaybeWithKey aux
501 . uncurry ( Map.intersectionWith (,) )
502 . ( Map.fromList >< Map.fromList )
503 $ (shapes $ getPalette doc, shapes specialSymbols)
505 where aux :: String -> ((a,Ports,c),(a,Ports,c)) -> Maybe (INError g n e)
506 aux k ((_, ports1,_), (_, ports2,_))
507 | ports1 == ports2 = Nothing
508 | otherwise = Just $ SymbolDiffPorts k ports1 ports2
510 mapMaybeWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> Maybe b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
511 -- In GHC 6.6:
512 -- mapMaybeWithKey = Map.mapMaybeWithKey
513 -- Allowing retro-compatibility with GHC 6.4
514 mapMaybeWithKey f = Map.foldWithKey aux Map.empty
515 where -- aux :: k -> a -> Map k b -> Map k b
516 aux k a = case f k a of
517 Nothing -> id
518 Just b -> Map.insert k b