/ src / Functional /
1 {-|
2 Module : Functional.UI
3 Copyright : (c) Miguel Vilaça and Daniel Mendes 2007
5 Maintainer : jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt and danielgomesmendes@gmail.com
6 Stability : experimental
7 Portability : portable
10 Small Functional Language: Graphical stuff for integration in INblobs.
12 -}
13 module Functional.UI
14 ( compileUI
15 ) where
17 import State
18 import StateUtil
19 import qualified PersistentDocument as PD
20 import Common
21 import CommonIO
22 import CommonUI
23 import InfoKind
24 import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (XmlContent)
26 import Graphics.UI.WX
27 import Graphics.UI.WXCore
29 import Functional.Language
30 import Functional.Parser
31 import Functional.Compiler
33 import Data.List
34 import Data.Char
35 import qualified Control.Exception as E
38 -- | List of strategies for which compilation is available.
39 listCallBy :: [CallBy]
40 listCallBy = [ Name, Value ]
42 -- | GUI for compilation of BNL to INs.
43 compileUI :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) => State g n e -> g -> n -> e -> IO ()
44 compileUI state g n e =
45 closeDocAndThen state $
46 do
47 theFrame <- getNetworkFrame state
49 res <- parseDialog theFrame
50 case res of
51 Nothing -> return ()
52 Just (term, callBy)
53 |not . null $ freeVars term ->
54 errorDialog theFrame "Free variables"
55 $ "Only closed terms are allowed and this one have the following free vars:\n" ++ commasAnd (freeVars term)
56 Just (term, callBy) ->
57 do
58 let iterSymbs = listIteratorSymbols term
59 names <- if null iterSymbs
60 then return (Just [])
61 else meaningfulNamesDialog iterSymbs theFrame
62 case names of
63 Nothing -> return ()
64 Just names ->
65 flip E.catch (\exception ->
66 do
68 wxcEndBusyCursor
69 errorDialog theFrame "Compilation failed..." (show exception)
70 ) $
71 do
72 -- loadDocument
73 let fname = "examples/New-Token-Passing/CallBy"
74 ++ show callBy ++
75 "ForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs"
76 openNetworkFile fname state (Just theFrame)
77 pDoc <- getDocument state
78 doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
79 wxcBeginBusyCursor
80 logMessage "COMPILING..."
81 doc2 <- compile g n e callBy term names doc
83 wxcEndBusyCursor
84 let fname2 = "examples/New-Token-Passing/GENERATED-CallBy"
85 ++ show callBy ++
86 "ForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs"
87 PD.resetDocument (Just fname2) doc2 pDoc
89 -- Redraw
90 applyCanvasSize state
91 buildVisiblePalette state
92 reAddRules2Tree state
93 repaintAll state
95 -- | Deal with collecting a term from the user.
96 -- Graphical treatment of parsing errors is done here.
97 parseDialog :: Frame () -> IO (Maybe (FuncLang,CallBy))
98 parseDialog theFrame =
99 do
100 dial <- dialog theFrame [text := "Functional term to IN system", position := pt 200 20]
101 p <- panel dial []
102 termbox <- textCtrlRich p [text := ""]
103 help <- button p
104 [ text := "Help"
105 , on command := infoDialog dial "Help" helpString
106 ]
108 okB <- button p [ text := "Ok" ]
109 canB <- button p [ text := "Cancel" ]
111 -- one button per functional language constructor
112 listBs <- mapM (\(name,term) -> button p
113 [ text := name
114 , on command := addTxtInPlace2TextCtrl termbox $ show term
115 ])
116 listLangConstructors
118 -- CallByX
119 when (null listCallBy) (error "No strategies available.")
120 callByUI <- radioBox p Vertical (map show listCallBy)
121 [ text := "Which evaluation strategy?"
122 , selection := 0
123 ]
125 errorsUI <- textCtrl p [ visible := False ]
127 set dial [ layout := container p $
128 margin 10 $
129 column 5 [ label "Input your term:"
130 , row 2 [ hfill $ widget termbox
131 , column 10 (map widget listBs)
132 ]
133 , widget callByUI
134 , minsize (sz 30 30) . fill $ widget errorsUI
135 , widget help
136 , hrule 350
137 , floatRight $ row 5 [widget okB, widget canB]
138 ]
139 ]
141 showModal dial $ \stop ->
142 do
143 set canB [on command := stop Nothing]
144 set okB [on command :=
145 do
146 set errorsUI [ visible := False, text := ""]
147 txt <- get termbox text
148 i <- get callByUI selection
150 case parse txt of
151 Left term -> stop $ Just (term, listCallBy !! i)
152 Right errMsg ->
153 do
154 set errorsUI [ visible := True
155 , text := "Parse error:\n" ++ errMsg
156 ]
157 errorDialog theFrame "Parsing Error" "Parsing error.\nSee report."
158 ]
160 where helpString = "Use the buttons on the right side to create a term or write it if already familiar with the syntax."
162 -- | Allow the user to supply more meaningful names for symbols that correspond to iterators with internalized arguments.
163 -- Checks if:
164 -- * given names don't contain blank or control characters
165 -- * given names are disjoint
166 meaningfulNamesDialog :: [FuncLang] -> Frame () -> IO (Maybe [(FuncLang, String)])
167 meaningfulNamesDialog terms theFrame =
168 do
169 dial <- dialog theFrame [text := "Meaningful names"
170 , position := pt 200 20
171 , resizeable := True
172 ]
173 p <- panel dial []
175 listG <- listCtrl p [ columns := [ ("Symbol name", AlignRight, -1)
176 , ("Term", AlignLeft, 200)
177 ]
178 , items := [[name, showAgent term] | (term, name) <- giveNames terms]
179 , style :~ (wxLC_EDIT_LABELS .+. wxLC_VRULES .+.)
180 ]
182 okB <- button p [ text := "Ok" ]
183 canB <- button p [ text := "Cancel" ]
185 errorsUI <- textCtrl p [ visible := False ]
187 set dial [ layout := container p $
188 margin 10 $
189 column 5 [ label "Edit the \"Symbol name\" column to give more meaningful names."
190 , fill $ widget listG
191 , fill $ widget errorsUI
192 , hrule 350
193 , floatRight $ row 5 [widget okB, widget canB]
194 ]
195 ]
197 showModal dial $ \stop ->
198 do set okB [ on command :=
199 do
200 newNames <- get listG items
201 let mapp = zip terms (map head newNames)
202 -- Check that given names are good names.
203 badNames = filter (badName . snd) mapp
204 -- Check that given names are disjoint.
205 equalNames = filter ((> 1) . length)
206 $ groupBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> a == b) mapp
207 case (null badNames, null equalNames) of
208 (True, True) -> stop $ Just mapp
209 (False, _) -> -- some bad names
210 set errorsUI [ visible := True
211 , text := "The symbol's name(s) for the following term(s) contain invalid (control or blank) characters:\n"
212 ++ (indent 1 . unlines) (map (showAgent . fst) badNames)
213 ]
214 (True, False) -> -- repeated names
215 set errorsUI [ visible := True
216 , text := "The following terms have the same name(s):\n "
217 ++ beautify equalNames
218 ]
219 ]
220 set canB [on command := stop Nothing]
221 where
222 beautify :: [[(FuncLang,String)]] -> String
223 beautify = unlines . map (\l -> snd (head l) ++ "\n"
224 ++ indent 1 (unlines $ map (showAgent.fst) l))
225 badName = any (\c -> isSpace c || isControl c)