/ src / Functional /
1 {-|
2 Module : Functional.Compiler
3 Copyright : (c) Daniel Mendes and Miguel Vilaça 2007
4 Maintainer : danielgomesmendes@gmail.com and jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt
5 Stability : experimental
6 Portability : portable
8 Small Functional Language: Compiler -}
9 module Functional.Compiler ( compile) where
11 import Network
12 import InfoKind
13 import Palette
14 import Shape
15 import Document
16 import Ports
17 import Math
18 import List
19 import INRule
20 import INRules
21 import Common
22 import CommonUI
24 import Functional.Language
26 import Data.Maybe
27 import Data.List
28 import qualified Data.Map as Map
31 type Context = Map.Map Variable ConnectionPoint
32 data AgentType = Syntactical | Computational
35 -- | Given a strategy, a closed term and a list of names for iter agents,
36 -- update the document with the dynamic part of the IN system.
37 compile :: (Eq n, InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> CallBy -> FuncLang -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> Document g n e -> IO (Document g n e)
38 compile g n e callBy term names doc
39 | callBy `elem` [Name,Value] =
40 -- add iter symbols
41 let symbs = foldr (\h r-> createIterSymbol Syntactical h : createIterSymbol Computational h :r) [] names
42 repeated = map fst symbs `intersect` (shapesNames $ getPalette doc)
43 in if null repeated
44 then
45 do
46 let doc1 = joinPalette (Palette symbs) doc
47 palette = getPalette doc1
48 tokenRules <- mapM (createIterTokenRule g n e palette) names
49 lrules <- mapM (createIterConstructorRules g n e palette names) names
50 return $ setNetwork (draw term names palette $ Network.empty g n e)
51 $ updateRules (++ tokenRules ++ concat lrules) doc1
52 else fail $ "Give different names to iter symbols. This ones are already in use:\n"
53 ++ commasAnd repeated
55 | otherwise = fail "unknown strategy"
58 -- | Create the main net.
59 draw ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => FuncLang -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> Palette n -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
60 draw t names p network = let (x,net) = addNode "interface" p network
61 (n,net1) = addNode "evaluation" p net
62 net2 = setNodePosition n (DoublePoint 15 1.03)
63 . setNodePosition x (DoublePoint 15 0.01)
64 . connectNodes p (x,"interface","interface") (n,"evaluation","res") $ net1
65 in iso p names (n,"evaluation","arg") (0,1.6) t Map.empty net2
67 -- | The \cal{T} function of the paper.
68 iso :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Palette n
69 -> [(FuncLang, String)] -- ^ list of names for Iter_TYPE symbols
70 -> ConnectionPoint -- point to connect the root of the IN term
71 -> (Double,Double) -- translation from connection node
72 -> FuncLang -- term to translate to INs
73 -> Context -- free variables and their respective connection points
74 -> Network g n e -- already constructed net
75 -> Network g n e -- resulting net
76 iso palette names point trans term ctx net = -- trace ("ISO: TERM: " ++ show term ++ " CTX: " ++ show (Map.keys ctx)) $
77 case term of
78 Var v -> case Map.lookup v ctx of
79 Just pointVar -> connectNodes palette point pointVar net
80 Nothing -> error $ "Internal Error: variable \"" ++ v ++ "\" is not in context " ++ show (Map.keys ctx)
82 Abst v t -> let (abstNr, net1) = addNode "lambda" palette net
83 net2 = connectNodes palette point (abstNr,"lambda","res")
84 . moveNode abstNr trans point
85 $ net1
86 abstPoint = translate (getNodePosition net2 abstNr) (DoublePoint (-1) 1)
87 (net3, ctx1) = if v `elem` (freeVars t)
88 then (net2, Map.insert v (abstNr,"lambda","var") ctx)
89 else let (eraseNr,net4) = addNode "Erase" palette net2
90 in (connectNodes palette (eraseNr,"Erase","down") (abstNr,"lambda","var")
91 $ setNodePosition eraseNr abstPoint net4, ctx)
92 in iso palette names (abstNr,"lambda","body") (1,1.2) t ctx1 net3
94 Appl t u -> createNet2 "beforeApplication" t "func" u "arg"
95 TT -> createNet0 "True"
96 FF -> createNet0 "False"
97 Zero -> createNet0 "Zero"
98 Succ t -> createNet1 "Succ" t "arg"
99 Nil -> createNet0 "Nil"
100 Cons t u -> createNet2 "Cons" t "head" u "tail"
101 iter@(IterBool v f b) -> createNetIter iter [(v, 'v'),(f, 'f')] b "arg"
102 iter@(IterNat x s z n) -> createNetIter iter [(Abst x s, 's'),(z, 'z')] n "arg"
103 iter@(IterList x y c n l) -> createNetIter iter [(Abst x $ Abst y c, 'c'),(n, 'n')] l "arg"
104 _ -> error "Internal Error: none exaustive patterns in function iso."
105 where
106 -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 0 and connect it to the given point.
107 -- createNet0 :: String -> Network g n e
108 createNet0 agentName = let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
109 in connectNodes palette point (nr,agentName,"res")
110 $ moveNode nr trans point net1
112 -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 1 and connect
113 -- it to the given point and to the translation of the subterm.
114 -- createNet1 :: String -> FuncLang -> PortName -> Network g n e
115 createNet1 agentName term portName =
116 let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
117 in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portName) (0,1) term ctx
118 . connectNodes palette point (nr,agentName,"res")
119 . moveNode nr trans point
120 $ net1
122 -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 2 and connect it to the given
123 -- point and to the subterms, taking care of shared variables.
124 -- createNet2 :: String -> FuncLang -> PortName -> FuncLang -> PortName -> Network g n e
125 createNet2 agentName tLeft portLeft tRight portRight =
126 let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
127 net2 = connectNodes palette point (nr,agentName,"res")
128 . moveNode nr trans point
129 $ net1
130 (net3, [ctxL,ctxR]) = shareCommonVariables palette [tLeft, tRight] ctx net2
131 in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portLeft) (-5,1) tLeft ctxL
132 . iso palette names (nr,agentName,portRight) (5,1) tRight ctxR
133 $ net3
135 -- | Create a net with the iter agent and connect it to the given
136 -- point and to the subterms, taking care of shared variables.
137 -- createNetIter :: FuncLang -- iter_TYPE term
138 -- -> [(FuncLang, Char)] -- list of sub terms and respective port prefixs
139 -- -> FuncLang -- middle (arg) sub term
140 -- -> PortName -- middle (arg) port name
141 -- -> Network g n e
142 createNetIter term l tMiddle portMiddle =
143 case lookupIterName term names of
144 Just agentName ->
145 let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
146 net2 = connectNodes palette point (nr,agentName,"res")
147 . moveNode nr trans point
148 $ net1
149 (terms,portPrefixs) = unzip l
150 (net3, ctxM:ctxs) = shareCommonVariables palette (tMiddle:terms) ctx net2
151 in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portMiddle) (0,1.5) tMiddle ctxM
152 . foldlCont (connect2Iter nr agentName) (zip portPrefixs ctxs)
153 $ net3
154 Nothing -> error $ "Internal Error: symbol " ++ show term ++ "not found in list of symbol's names."
156 -- connect2Iter :: (InfoKind e g) => NodeNr -> String -> Network g n e -> (Char,Context) -> Network g n e
157 connect2Iter nr agentName net (portPrefix, ctx) =
158 connectPorts palette portPrefix nr agentName ctx net
160 -- | Connect the set of ports with prefix 'pF' from given agent to the context.
161 connectPorts :: (InfoKind e g) => Palette n ->
162 Char -- port prefix
163 -> NodeNr -- iter agent
164 -> String -- iter agent
165 -> Context
166 -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
167 connectPorts palette pF iterNr iterAgent ctx net = Map.foldWithKey (connectIterZs iterNr) net ctx
168 where -- connectIterZs :: (InfoKind e g) => NodeNr
169 -- -> Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e
170 -- -> Network g n e
171 connectIterZs iterNr var point net =
172 connectNodes palette (iterNr,iterAgent,pF:'_':var) point net
175 type RichCtx = Map.Map Variable [ConnectionPoint]
177 -- | Add as many copy agents as necessary for variables that are shared between sub-terms.
178 shareCommonVariables :: (InfoKind n g,InfoKind e g) =>
179 Palette n
180 -> [FuncLang] -- list of n subterms
181 -> Context
182 -> Network g n e
183 -> (Network g n e, [Context]) -- new net with necessary copy agents
184 -- and n contexts: respectively for each subterm
185 shareCommonVariables palette l ctx net =
186 let
187 lVars = map freeVars l
188 (net1, richCtx) =
189 Map.mapAccumWithKey copyPointInNet net . Map.mapWithKey count $ ctx
190 in (net1, snd $ mapAccumL subTermCtx richCtx lVars)
191 where
192 lVars = map freeVars l
194 count :: Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> (Int, ConnectionPoint)
195 count var point = (length $ findIndices (var `elem`) lVars, point)
197 -- copyPointInNet :: (InfoKind n g,InfoKind e g) =>
198 -- Network g n e -> Variable -> (Int, ConnectionPoint)
199 -- -> (Network g n e, [ConnectionPoint])
200 copyPointInNet net _ (0, point) = error "Internal Error in copyPointInNet"
201 copyPointInNet net _ (1, point) = (net, [point])
202 copyPointInNet net v (n, point) =
203 let (nNr, net1) = addNode "copy" palette net
204 m = n `div` 2
205 net2 = moveNode nNr (-1.5,1) point
206 $ connectNodes palette point (nNr,"copy","src") net1
207 (netL, pointsL) = copyPointInNet net2 v (m , (nNr,"copy","fst_target"))
208 (netR, pointsR) = copyPointInNet netL v (n-m, (nNr,"copy","snd_target"))
209 in (netR, pointsL ++ pointsR)
213 subTermCtx :: RichCtx -> [Variable] -> (RichCtx, Context)
214 subTermCtx richctx = (id >< Map.fromList) . mapAccumL variableCtx richctx
216 variableCtx :: RichCtx -> Variable -> (RichCtx, (Variable,ConnectionPoint))
217 variableCtx richctx var = (Map.adjust tail var richctx, (var, head $ richctx Map.! var))
219 -- | Connect unused variables to erase agents.
220 closeEpsilon ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Palette n -> Context -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
221 closeEpsilon pal ctx net = Map.fold aux net ctx
222 where
223 -- aux :: ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
224 aux point nt = let (node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "Erase" pal nt
225 in connectNodes pal point (node_nr,"Erase","down")
226 . moveNode node_nr (0,-1) point
227 $ n_nt
229 createIterSymbol :: AgentType -> (FuncLang, String) -> (String, (Shape, Ports, Maybe a))
230 createIterSymbol at (term, name) = (name2, (shape, ports, Nothing))
231 where
232 (x,y) = (1.0, 1.0)
233 topPosition = DoublePoint 0.0 (-y)
234 name2 = case at of
235 Syntactical -> name
236 Computational -> '^':name
237 shape =
238 case at of
239 Syntactical -> -- triangle with text
240 Composite { shapeSegments =
241 [ Polygon { shapeStyle = ShapeStyle { styleStrokeWidth = 1
242 , styleStrokeColour = licorice
243 , styleFill = lightRed }
244 , shapePerimeter = [topPosition, DoublePoint (-x) 0.3, DoublePoint x 0.3] }
245 , Text { shapeStyle = defaultShapeStyle
246 , shapeText = name }
247 ] }
248 Computational -> -- circle
249 TextInEllipse { shapeStyle = ShapeStyle { styleStrokeWidth = 1
250 , styleStrokeColour = licorice
251 , styleFill = lightRed }
252 , shapeText = name }
253 (resP,argP) = case at of
254 Syntactical -> (("res", topPosition),("arg", DoublePoint 0.0 0.3))
255 Computational -> (("arg", DoublePoint 0.0 0.3),("res", topPosition))
257 ports =
258 case term of
259 IterBool v f (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 'v' v ++ argP: portsFrom x 'f' f
260 IterNat a s z (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 's' (Abst a s) ++ argP: portsFrom x 'z' z
261 IterList a b c n (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 'c' (Abst a $ Abst b c) ++ argP: portsFrom x 'n' n
262 _ -> error "unexpected case"
263 portsFrom :: Double -> Char -> FuncLang -> [Port]
264 portsFrom pos char term = snd . mapAccumL (createPort char desc) pos $ freeVars term
265 where desc = (signum pos) * (-0.3)
267 createPort :: Char -> Double -> Double -> String -> (Double, Port)
268 createPort c desc x str = (x + desc, (c:'_':str, DoublePoint x 0.3))
270 createIterTokenRule :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> (FuncLang, String) -> IO (INRule g n e)
271 createIterTokenRule g n e palette (_, agent) =
272 do
273 (rule,nNr1,nNr2) <- createRuleWizard g n e palette "evaluation" agent
274 portsEval <- getSymbolPorts "evaluation" palette
275 return . updateRHS (f (map fst portsEval) ('^':agent) nNr1 nNr2) $ copyLHS2RHS rule
276 where
277 -- f :: (InfoKind e g) => [PortName] -> ShapeName -> NodeNr -> NodeNr -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
278 f ["arg","res"] shape2 nNr1 nNr2 net =
279 let pos1 = getNodePosition net nNr1
280 pos2 = getNodePosition net nNr2
281 mid = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 "arg"
282 top = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 "res"
283 bot = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr2 "arg"
284 arc1 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 "arg"
285 arc2 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 "res"
286 arc3 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr2 "arg"
288 in addEdges palette
289 [ ((nNr2,"arg"),(nNr1,"res")) -- (iter,arg) |-> (token,res)
290 , (top,(nNr2,"res")) -- top interface |-> (iter,res)
291 , ((nNr1,"arg"), bot) -- (token,arg) |-> bottom interface
292 ]
293 . removeEdge arc1 . removeEdge arc2 . removeEdge arc3
294 . setNodeShape nNr2 shape2 -- change symbol iter to ^iter
295 . setNodePosition nNr1 pos2 . setNodePosition nNr2 pos1 -- swap positions
296 $ net
297 f _ _ _ _ _ = error $ "Internal Error: creating rule for token and " ++ agent
299 createIterConstructorRules :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> (FuncLang, String) -> IO (INRules g n e)
300 createIterConstructorRules g n e palette names (term, agent) =
301 mapM (createIterConstructorRule g n e palette names (term, agent) ) constructorAgents
302 where constructorAgents = case term of
303 IterBool _ _ (Var "") -> ["True","False"]
304 IterNat _ _ _ (Var "") -> ["Zero","Succ"]
305 IterList _ _ _ _ (Var "") -> ["Nil","Cons"]
306 -- new Iterators
307 _ -> error "Internal Error: iterator term expected and something different found."
310 data InterfaceID =
311 RES ConnectionPoint
312 | SuccArg ConnectionPoint
313 | ConsHead ConnectionPoint
314 | ConsTail ConnectionPoint
315 | IterBoolV Context
316 | IterBoolF Context
317 | IterNatS Context
318 | IterNatZ Context
319 | IterListC Context
320 | IterListN Context
321 deriving(Eq,Ord,Show)
323 equalIID :: InterfaceID -> InterfaceID -> Bool
324 equalIID (RES _) (RES _) = True
325 equalIID (SuccArg _) (SuccArg _) = True
326 equalIID (ConsHead _) (ConsHead _) = True
327 equalIID (ConsTail _) (ConsTail _) = True
328 equalIID (IterBoolV _) (IterBoolV _) = True
329 equalIID (IterBoolF _) (IterBoolF _) = True
330 equalIID (IterNatS _) (IterNatS _) = True
331 equalIID (IterNatZ _) (IterNatZ _) = True
332 equalIID (IterListC _) (IterListC _) = True
333 equalIID (IterListN _) (IterListN _) = True
334 equalIID _ _ = False
336 createIterConstructorRule :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> (FuncLang, String) -> String -> IO (INRule g n e)
337 createIterConstructorRule g n e palette names (term, agent) agent2 =
338 do
339 (rule,nNr1,nNr2) <- createRuleWizard g n e palette ('^':agent) agent2
340 let lhs = getLHS rule
341 (_:lPorts1) = map fst . maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id $ getPorts palette lhs nNr1
342 (_:lPorts2) = map fst . maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id $ getPorts palette lhs nNr2
343 groupedInterfaces = groupInterfaces lhs (nNr1, lPorts1) (nNr2, lPorts2)
345 return . updateRHS (makeRHS term agent agent2 groupedInterfaces) $ copyLHSInterface2RHS rule
346 where
347 groupInterfaces :: Network g n e -> (NodeNr, [PortName]) -> (NodeNr, [PortName])
348 -> [InterfaceID]
349 groupInterfaces lhs (nNr1, auxPorts1) (nNr2, auxPorts2) =
350 sort (f4 nNr1 auxPorts1) ++ f4 nNr2 auxPorts2
351 where
352 f4 :: NodeNr -> [PortName] -> [InterfaceID]
353 f4 nNr = map (f3 lhs nNr) . groupBy aux
355 f3 :: Network g n e -> NodeNr -> [PortName] -> InterfaceID
356 f3 net nNr = aux3
357 where
358 aux3 [p@"res" ] = RES $ f2 p
359 aux3 [p@"head"] = ConsHead $ f2 p
360 aux3 [p@"tail"] = ConsTail $ f2 p
361 aux3 [p@"arg" ] = SuccArg $ f2 p
362 aux3 l@(('v':'_':_):_) = IterBoolV . f6 $ l
363 aux3 l@(('f':'_':_):_) = IterBoolF . f6 $ l
364 aux3 l@(('s':'_':_):_) = IterNatS . f6 $ l
365 aux3 l@(('z':'_':_):_) = IterNatZ . f6 $ l
366 aux3 l@(('c':'_':_):_) = IterListC . f6 $ l
367 aux3 l@(('n':'_':_):_) = IterListN . f6 $ l
368 aux3 _ = error "Internal Error in aux3"
370 f2 :: PortName -> ConnectionPoint
371 f2 = f4 . maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id . otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr
373 f4 (nNr,"interface") = (nNr,"interface","interface")
374 f4 _ = error "Internal Error: unexpected agent"
376 f5 (_:'_':portName) = portName
377 f5 _ = error "Internal Error: unexpected port name"
379 f6 = Map.fromList . map (f5 /\ f2)
381 -- makeRHS :: FuncLang -> String -> String -> [InterfaceID] -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
382 makeRHS term iterAgent consAgent (RES interfacePoint:lInters) net =
383 let (conE,net1) = connectToken palette interfacePoint net
384 in reallyMakeRHS palette names term iterAgent consAgent lInters conE net1
385 makeRHS _ _ _ _ _ = error "Internal Error making RHS."
387 -- | Add a token agent and connect its auxiliar port to the given point.
388 connectToken :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Palette n -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> (ConnectionPoint, Network g n e)
389 connectToken palette topPoint net =
390 let (nNrE, net1) = addNode "evaluation" palette net -- add token agent
391 in ( (nNrE,"evaluation","arg")
392 , connectNodes palette (nNrE, "evaluation", "res") topPoint -- (token, res) |-> topPoint
393 . moveNode nNrE (0,1) topPoint
394 $ net1 )
396 aux :: PortName -> PortName -> Bool
397 aux (c1:'_':_) (c2:'_':_) = c1 == c2
398 aux _ _ = False
400 -- | Creates the network that is the RHS of rule for given symbols.
401 -- See interaction rules for iterators in paper
402 -- "Encoding Iterators in Interaction Nets" for more details.
403 reallyMakeRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
404 => Palette n
405 -> [(FuncLang, String)]
406 -> FuncLang -- Iter_TYPE args (Var "")
407 -> String -- iter agent name
408 -> String -- constructor agent name
409 -> [InterfaceID] -> ConnectionPoint
410 -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
411 reallyMakeRHS palette names term iterAgent const l point =
412 case (term, const) of
413 (IterBool v _ (Var ""), "True") ->
414 case emptyfy l [IterBoolV emp, IterBoolF emp] of
415 [IterBoolV ctxV, IterBoolF ctxF] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxV ctxF v
416 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
417 (IterBool _ f (Var ""), "False") ->
418 case emptyfy l [IterBoolV emp, IterBoolF emp] of
419 [IterBoolV ctxV, IterBoolF ctxF] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxF ctxV f
420 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
421 (IterNat _ _ z (Var ""), "Zero") ->
422 case emptyfy l [IterNatS emp, IterNatZ emp] of
423 [IterNatS ctxS, IterNatZ ctxZ] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxZ ctxS z
424 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
425 (IterNat x s _ (Var ""), "Succ") ->
426 case emptyfy l [IterNatS emp, IterNatZ emp, SuccArg undef] of
427 [IterNatS ctxS, IterNatZ ctxZ, SuccArg pSucArg] ->
428 oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names point ctxS emp ctxZ pSucArg x s iterAgent 'z' 's'
429 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
430 (IterList _ _ _ n (Var ""), "Nil") ->
431 case emptyfy l [IterListC emp, IterListN emp] of
432 [IterListC ctxC, IterListN ctxN] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxN ctxC n
433 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
434 (IterList x y c _ (Var ""), "Cons") ->
435 case emptyfy l [IterListC emp, IterListN emp, ConsHead undef, ConsTail undef] of
436 [IterListC ctxC, IterListN ctxN, ConsHead pConsHead, ConsTail pConsTail] ->
437 oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names point ctxC (Map.singleton x pConsHead) ctxN pConsTail y c iterAgent 'n' 'c'
438 _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
439 _ -> error "Undefined case making RHS."
440 where emp = Map.empty
441 undef = (0,"INVALID NODE","")
443 emptyfy :: [InterfaceID] -> [InterfaceID] -> [InterfaceID]
444 emptyfy given needed = map (\e -> maybe e id $ find (equalIID e) given ) needed
447 -- | Defines a simple RHS that evaluates the translation of term t
448 -- connecting its free variables to the corresponding interface agents
449 -- and connects the remaing interface agents to erase agents.
450 -- For example RHS for rule IterBool |X| TT that is
451 -- \TOKEN(T(V))
452 simpleRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
453 => Palette n
454 -> [(FuncLang, String)]
455 -> ConnectionPoint
456 -> Context -- context to connect
457 -> Context -- context to erase
458 -> FuncLang -- term to translate
459 -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
460 simpleRHS palette names point goodCtx eraCtx term = -- trace ("simpleRHS: POINT: " ++ show point ++ " GOODCTX" ++ show (Map.keys goodCtx) ++ " ERACTX: " ++ show (Map.keys eraCtx) ++" TERM: " ++ show term ) $
461 iso palette names point (2,0) term goodCtx
462 . closeEpsilon palette eraCtx
465 -- | Defines a RHS with one recursive call.
466 -- Like IterNat |X| suc or IterList |X| cons
467 oneRecursiveCallRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
468 => Palette n
469 -> [(FuncLang, String)]
470 -> ConnectionPoint -- (token, arg) port to connect generated net
471 -> Context -- context to connect to copy
472 -> Context -- context to pass to translate function; refers to arguments of constructor
473 -> Context -- context to connect to iterator
474 -> ConnectionPoint -- interface for place to apply recursion
475 -> Variable -- variable that represents result of recursive call
476 -> FuncLang -- term to translate
477 -> String -- Iterator agent name
478 -> Char -- port prefix for final elements
479 -> Char -- port prefix for cont elements
480 -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
481 oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names topPoint copyCtx argCtx stopCtx argPoint var term iterAgent pF pC net =
482 let (newNet, newCtx) =
483 if var `elem` lFreeVars
484 then
485 let
486 (iterNr,net1) = addNode iterAgent palette net -- add iter agent
487 (net2, ctxNew) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (connectCopies iterNr) net1 copyCtx -- (Iter, FV(S)) |-> (copy, snd_target)
488 -- (copy, src) |-> copyCtx
489 in ( connectNodes palette (iterNr,iterAgent,"arg") argPoint -- (Iter, arg) |-> argInterface
490 . connectPorts palette pF iterNr iterAgent stopCtx -- (Iter, FV(Z)) |-> stopCtx
491 . moveNode iterNr (0,-1) argPoint
492 $ net2, Map.insert var (iterNr,iterAgent,"res") ctxNew )
494 else (closeEpsilon palette (Map.insert "" argPoint stopCtx) net, copyCtx)
495 (frees, dontExist) = Map.partitionWithKey aux argCtx
497 in iso palette names topPoint (2,0.7) term (frees `Map.union` newCtx)
498 . closeEpsilon palette dontExist
499 $ newNet
500 where
501 lFreeVars = freeVars term
503 -- connectCopies :: NodeNr -> Network g n e -> Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> (Network g n e, ConnectionPoint)
504 connectCopies iterNr net var point =
505 let (copyNr,net1) = addNode "copy" palette net
506 in (connectNodes palette (iterNr,iterAgent,pC:'_':var) (copyNr,"copy","snd_target")
507 . connectNodes palette (copyNr,"copy","src") point
508 . moveNode copyNr (0,-0.8) point
509 $ net1, (copyNr,"copy","fst_target") )
511 aux var _ = var `elem` lFreeVars
513 type ConnectionPoint = ( NodeNr
514 , ShapeName
515 , PortName
516 )
518 -- | Connect a port in a node to another.
519 connectNodes :: (InfoKind e g) => Palette n -> ConnectionPoint -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
520 connectNodes palette (nrFrom, shapeFrom, portFrom) (nrTo, shapeTo, portTo) net =
521 case (getNodeShape net nrFrom, getNodeShape net nrTo) of
522 (str1, str2) | str1 == shapeFrom && str2 == shapeTo ->
523 case (getPorts palette net nrFrom, getPorts palette net nrTo) of
524 (Just portsFrom, Just portsTo) ->
525 case (Data.List.lookup portFrom portsFrom, Data.List.lookup portTo portsTo) of
526 (Just _, Just _) ->
527 addEdge palette nrFrom portFrom nrTo portTo net
528 (Nothing,_) -> error $ "Port \"" ++ portFrom ++ "\" do not exist in symbol \"" ++ shapeFrom ++ "\"."
529 (_,Nothing) -> error $ "Port \"" ++ portTo ++ "\" do not exist in symbol \"" ++ shapeTo ++ "\"."
530 _ -> error "No ports."
531 _ -> error "Shapes do not coincide."
533 -- | Move first node to position @(dx,dy)@ relatively to reference point position.
534 moveNode :: NodeNr -> (Double,Double) -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
535 moveNode node (dx,dy) refPoint net =
536 setNodePosition node ( translate (DoublePoint dx dy)
537 $ getNodePosition net $ fst3 refPoint)
538 net