/ src /
1 module DocumentFile where
4 import Document as Doc
5 import Palette
6 import Shape
7 import Ports
8 import INRule
9 import InfoKind
10 import NetworkFile
12 import Text.XML.HaXml.Types
13 import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn (noPos)
14 import Text.XML.HaXml.Parse
15 import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent as XML
16 import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
17 import qualified Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty as Pretty
20 -- | Print the document data structure to an XML text
21 toString :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) =>
22 Doc.Document g n e -> String
23 toString doc = render . Pretty.document $
24 Document (Prolog Nothing [] Nothing []) emptyST (f (toContents doc)) []
25 where
26 f [CElem e _] = e
27 f _ = error "bad" -- shouldn't happen
29 -- | Parses a string to the document data structure
30 -- Returns either an error message (Left) or the document,
31 -- a list of warnings (Right) and a boolean indicating whether
32 -- the file was an old INBlobs file
33 fromString :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) =>
34 String -> Either String (Doc.Document g n e, [String], Bool)
35 fromString xml =
36 case xmlParse' "input file" xml of
37 Left err -> Left err -- lexical or initial (generic) parse error
38 Right (Document _ _ e _) ->
39 case runParser parseContents [CElem e noPos] of
40 (Left err, _) -> Left err -- secondary (typeful) parse error
41 (Right v, _) -> Right (v,[],False)
45 instance HTypeable (Doc.Document g n e) where
46 toHType _ = Defined "Document" [] [Constr "Document" [] []]
47 instance (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) =>
48 XmlContent (Doc.Document g n e) where
49 toContents document =
50 [CElem (Elem "Document" []
51 $ (toContents $ getNetwork document)
52 ++ (toContents $ getPalette document)
53 ++ [ makeTag "Rules" (concatMap toContents
54 $ getRules document)
55 ]) () ]
56 parseContents = do
57 { inElement "Document" $ do
58 { net <- parseContents
59 ; pal <- parseContents
60 ; rus <- inElement "Rules" $ many1 parseContents
61 ; return ( setRules rus
62 . setPalette pal
63 . setNetwork net
64 $ Doc.empty undefined undefined undefined)
65 }
66 }
68 instance HTypeable a => HTypeable (Palette a) where
69 toHType p = Defined "Palette" [toHType a] [Constr "Palette" [] []]
70 where (Palette ((_,(_,_,Just a)):_)) = p
71 instance XmlContent a => XmlContent (Palette a) where
72 toContents (Palette shapes) =
73 [ mkElemC "Palette" (map aux shapes) ]
74 where
75 -- aux :: (ShapeName,(Shape,Ports,Maybe a)) -> Content ()
76 aux (name,(shape,pPort:ports, info)) =
77 CElem (Elem "Symbol" []
78 [ escapeString "ShapeName" name
79 , makeTag "Shape" $ toContents shape
80 , makeTag "Ports"
81 [ makeTag "Principals" [auxPort pPort]
82 , makeTag "Auxiliaries" $ map auxPort ports]
83 , makeTag "Info" $ toContents info
84 ]) ()
85 auxPort :: Port -> Content ()
86 auxPort = makeTag "Port" . toContents
87 parseContents = do
88 { inElement "Palette" $ fmap Palette (many1 parseSymbol) }
90 parseSymbol :: (XmlContent a) => XMLParser (ShapeName,(Shape,Ports,Maybe a))
91 parseSymbol = do
92 { inElement "Symbol" $ do
93 { name <- inElement "ShapeName" $ XML.text
94 ; shape <- inElement "Shape" $ parseContents
95 ; ([pP],aPs) <- inElement "Ports" $ parsePorts
96 ; info <- inElement "Info" $ parseContents
97 ; return (name,(shape,pP:aPs,info)) } }
99 parsePorts :: XMLParser (Ports,Ports)
100 parsePorts =
101 do
102 pPorts <- inElement "Principals" $ many1 parsePort -- principal ports
103 aPorts <- inElement "Auxiliaries" $ many parsePort -- auxiliary ports
104 return (pPorts, aPorts)
106 parsePort :: XMLParser Port
107 parsePort = inElement "Port" $ parseContents
109 instance HTypeable (INRule g n e) where
110 toHType _ = Defined "INRule" [] [Constr "INRule" [] []]
111 instance (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) =>
112 XmlContent (INRule g n e) where
113 toContents rule =
114 [CElem (Elem "INRule" []
115 [ escapeString "Name" (getName rule)
116 , makeTag "LHS" (toContents $ getLHS rule)
117 , makeTag "RHS" (toContents $ getRHS rule)
118 , makeTag "Mapping" (map toContentsMappingElement
119 $ getMapping rule)
120 ]) () ]
121 where
122 toContentsMappingElement :: MappingElement -> Content ()
123 toContentsMappingElement (nNr1,nNr2) =
124 CElem (Elem "MappingElement"
125 [ mkAttr "lhs" (show nNr1)
126 , mkAttr "rhs" (show nNr2)
127 ] []) ()
128 parseContents = do
129 { inElement "INRule" $ do
130 { nam <- inElement "Name" $ XML.text
131 ; lhs <- inElement "LHS" $ parseContents
132 ; rhs <- inElement "RHS" $ parseContents
133 ; maa <- inElement "Mapping" $ many parseMappingElement
134 ; return ( INRule.construct nam lhs rhs maa)
135 }
136 }
138 parseMappingElement :: XMLParser MappingElement
139 parseMappingElement = do
140 { (p, e@(Elem _ [("lhs",nNr1),("rhs",nNr2)] [])) <- posnElement ["MappingElement"]
141 ; nNr1' <- attr2value nNr1
142 ; nNr2' <- attr2value nNr2
143 ; return (nNr1', nNr2')
144 }