1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>INblobs editor</title>
4 <meta name="keywords" content="IN, Interaction Nets, editor, interpreter, INblobs" />
5 <meta name="description" content="Free Interaction Nets editor and interpreter." />
6 </head>
8 <body>
9 <center>
10 <h1>INblobs</h1>
11 <h2>An editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets</h2>
12 <a href="INblobs.png"><img src="INblobs.png" alt="INblobs editor" width=431.5px weight=406.5px caption="click on picture to enlarge"/></a>
13 </center>
15 <p/>
16 INblobs is an editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets.<p/>
17 It's built on top of the front-end <a href="http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/Blobs/">Blobs</a> from Arjan van IJzendoorn, Martijn Schrage and Malcolm Wallace.
18 <p/>
19 INblobs is being developed by <a href="http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jmvilaca">Miguel Vilaça</a> (<a href="mailto:jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt?subject=INblobs">jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt</a>) at <a href="http://www.uminho.pt">University of Minho</a>.
21 <p/>
22 <center>
23 <a href="#download">Download</a><br />
24 <a href="#tools">Necessary Tools</a><br />
25 <a href="#pre-compiled">Pre-compiled versions</a><br />
26 <a href="#bugs">Bugs</a><br />
27 <a href="#to_do">To Do list</a><br />
28 <a href="html/HowToUse.html">How to use INblobs</a><br />
29 <a href="html/Installation.html">Installation from sources</a><br />
30 </center>
31 <p/>
33 <h3><a name="download">Download</a></h3>
34 To use INblobs you must make a copy of the <a href="http://darcs.net/">darcs</a> repository.<p/>
36 <code> darcs get http://haskell.di.uminho.pt/jmvilaca/INblobs</code>
37 <p/>
38 or copy the latest tarball <a href="INblobs.tar.gz">INblobs.tar.gz</a>.
39 <p/>
40 The repository is browsable here through <a href="http://haskell.di.uminho.pt/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=INblobs;a=summary">darcsweb</a>
41 <p/>
43 <h3><a name="tools">Necessary Tools</a></h3>
45 INblobs uses the following tools and/or libraries:
46 <ul>
47 <li> <a href="http://haskell.org/ghc/">GHC</a> 6.2.2 or later
48 <li> <a href="http://wxhaskell.sourceforge.net/">wxHaskell</a> 0.9.0 or later
49 <li> <a href="http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/HaXml-1.14/">HaXml</a> 1.19 or later
50 </ul>
52 <h3><a name="pre-compiled">Pre-compiled versions</a></h3>
53 In here you can avoid to install the necessary tools/libraries. <br>
54 See if there is a pre-compiled version for your platform.
55 <h4>Windows XP and Vista</h4>
56 <ol>
57 <li> Simply download <a href="INblobs.zip">INblobs for Windows</a>;
58 <li> extract from file (the archive already has a containing folder);
59 <li> run the executable inside the folder;
60 <li> experiment INblobs.
61 </ol>
62 <p><b>Note:</b> When you run the executable, if you see the error message <i>The applicattion failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click OK to terminate the application.</i> then you need to install the
63 <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=200b2fd9-ae1a-4a14-984d-389c36f85647&DisplayLang=en">Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package</a>.</p>
65 <h4>Mac Os X</h4>
66 Build and tested in version 10.4 (PowerPC).</br>
67 Had been also successfully tested in Mac Os X 10.4 (Intel).
68 <ol>
69 <li> Install GHC 6.4 (ensure that is 6.4 and not 6.4.X) (<a href="http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/6.4/MacOSX/GHC-6.4.pkg.zip">download here</a>)
70 <li> Install wxHaskell for Mac (<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-bin-mac2.5.4-ghc6.4-0.9.4-0.dmg?download">download here</a>)
71 <li> Download <a href="INblobs.dmg">INblobs for Mac Os X 10.4</a> and run <i>INblobs.app</i>.<br/>
72 Try the examples that are in the <i>.dmg</i> file.
73 </ol>
75 <h4>Linux</h4>
76 Works from sources.
78 <h3><a name="bugs">Bugs</a></h3>
79 If you find a bug please report it to <a href="mailto:jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt?subject=INblobs bug">jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt</a> with subject <i>INblobs bug</i>.
80 <p/>
82 <h4><a name="known_bugs">Known bugs</a></h4>
83 <ul>
84 <li> When reducing, the application shows the rule used, but doesn't actualize the selection in the rules tree.
85 <li> Geometric problems: sometimes, some buttons disappear and the user needs to resize windows or move splitters to fix that.
87 </ul>
89 <h3><a name="to_do">To Do list</a></h3>
90 <ul>
92 <li> implement archetype like in the paper of LOPSTR05
94 <li> automatic alignment of nodes
95 <li> better graphical creator of new symbols; allowing new shapes and full point-and-click creation
96 <li> generation of a printed version of the full IN system.
97 <li> IN system generalization that do not need explicit &epsilon and &delta agents
98 <li> user defined rule templates
99 <li> hierarchical rules
100 <li> multiple nets for the same system
101 </ul>
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