Functional BNL programs to IN Iterators
Changes to src/Common.hs:
Mon Jan 14 17:43:33 WET 2008 Miguel Vilaca <>
* Functional BNL programs to IN Iterators
Compiles a textual BNL program into an Interaction Net system with iterators.
See paper "Encoding Iterators in Interaction Nets" for more details.
adddir ./examples/New-Token-Passing
adddir ./src/Functional
move ./src/LambdaC.hs ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs
addfile ./examples/New-Token-Passing/CallByNameForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs
addfile ./examples/New-Token-Passing/CallByValueForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs
hunk ./lib/animLC/Bruijn.hs 1
-module Bruijn where
-import List
-import Maybe
-import Monad
-import LambdaS
-import Consts
-import Closure
-data Term = Ref Int
- | Abs Term
- | App Term Term deriving (Eq,Show)
-freeVarsTerm = fv 0
- where fv i (Ref n) = if n<i then [] else [n]
- fv i (Abs m) = map (\x->x-1) (fv (i+1) m)
- fv i (App m n) = nub $ (fv i m) ++ (fv i n)
---instance Show Term where
- -- showsPrec i t = showsPrec i (term2expr t)
--- Bound Vars: x0, x1, x2, ...
--- Free Vars: u0, u1, u2, ...
-bound_var n = 'x':(show n)
-free_var n = 'u':(show n)
-nth l n = head $ drop (n-1) l
-term2expr = expression []
- where expression free_vars = expr free_vars (length free_vars)
- expr env depth (Ref n) = Var $ if n>=depth
- then free_var (n-depth)
- else (nth env (n+1))
- expr env depth (App t1 t2) = Apply (expr env depth t1)
- (expr env depth t2)
- expr env depth (Abs t) = let x=bound_var depth
- in Lambda x (expr (x:env) (depth+1) t)
-valid_at_depth n (Ref m) = m < n
-valid_at_depth n (Abs t) = valid_at_depth (n+1) t
-valid_at_depth n (App t1 t2) = valid_at_depth n t1 && valid_at_depth n t2
-closed_term = valid_at_depth 0
-min_context_depth = min_rec 0
- where min_rec n (Ref m) = m-n+1
- min_rec n (Abs t) = min_rec (n+1) t
- min_rec n (App t1 t2) = max (min_rec n t1) (min_rec n t2)
---closure t = until closed_term Abs
-index_of_fv id [] = error "free variable not found"
-index_of_fv id (x:xs) = if id==x then 0 else 1 + index_of_fv id xs
-expr2term :: Expr -> Term
-expr2term e = convert_aux (freeVars e) [] e
- where convert_aux fv bv (Var x) = case findIndex (==x) bv of
- Nothing -> Ref ((length bv)+
- (index_of_fv x fv))
- (Just i) -> Ref i
- convert_aux fv bv (Lambda x e) = Abs (convert_aux fv (x:bv) e)
- convert_aux fv bv (Apply e f) = App (convert_aux fv bv e)
- (convert_aux fv bv f)
---BETA REDUCTION: (App (Abs M) N) --> M[0<-N]
--- subst m d n <- m[d<-n]
-subst :: Term -> Int -> Term -> Term
-subst (Abs m) d t = Abs (subst m (d+1) t)
-subst (App m n) d t = App (subst m d t) (subst n d t)
-subst (Ref n) d t | n<d = Ref n
- | n>d = Ref (n-1)
- | n==d = rename n 0 t
- where rename i j (Ref n) | n<j = Ref n
- | True = Ref (n+i)
- rename i j (App m n) = App (rename i j m) (rename i j n)
- rename i j (Abs m) = Abs (rename i (j+1) m)
--- funcao de substituicao onde se divide a "promocao" da substituicao...
-promove :: Int -> Term -> Term
-promove n = promoveAux 0
- where promoveAux k (Ref i) = if i<k then Ref i
- else Ref (n+i)
- promoveAux k (Abs m) = Abs (promoveAux (k+1) m)
- promoveAux k (App m n) = App (promoveAux k m) (promoveAux k n)
-subst' :: Term -> Term -> Term
-subst' t = subst'aux 0
- where subst'aux n (Ref k) = if k==n then promove n t
- else if k<n then Ref k
- else Ref (k-1)
- subst'aux n (Abs t') = Abs (subst'aux (n+1) t')
- subst'aux n (App t' t'') = App (subst'aux n t') (subst'aux n t'')
- Beta Reduction - return Nothing if the term is already a canonical form
--- betaOL m <- outermost-leftmost one step beta red.
-betaOL :: Term -> Maybe Term
-betaOL (Ref _) = Nothing
-betaOL (App (Abs m) n) = Just $ subst m 0 n
-betaOL (App m1 m2) = do {r1 <- betaOL m1;return (App r1 m2)}
- `mplus`
- do {r2 <- betaOL m2;return (App m1 r2)}
-betaOL (Abs m) = do {r <- (betaOL m);return (Abs r)}
---betaLI m <- innermost-leftmost one step beta red.
-betaLI :: Term -> Maybe Term
-betaLI (Ref n) = Nothing
-betaLI (App (Abs m) n) = do {r<-betaLI m;return (App (Abs r) n)}
- `mplus`
- (Just $ subst m 0 n)
-betaLI (App m1 m2) = do {r1 <- betaLI m1;return (App r1 m2)}
- `mplus`
- do {r2 <- betaLI m2;return (App m1 r2)}
-betaLI (Abs m) = do {r <- (betaLI m);return (Abs r)}
---instance Rewrite Term where
--- rewrite = betaOL
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hunk ./lib/animLC/Closure.hs 1
-module Closure where
--- Fecho reflexivo e transitivo de uma RELAÇÃO
--- recebe: limite de reduções (-1 sem limite)
--- função de redução - 1 passo
--- termo a reduzir
--- retorna forma normal e contador de reduções
--- (pode entrar em ciclo...)
-closure :: Int -> (a->Maybe a) -> a -> (Int,a)
-closure max beta expr = closureAux max beta 0 expr
- where closureAux max beta cont expr
- | max==cont = (max,expr)
- | True = case (beta expr) of
- Nothing -> (cont,expr)
- (Just e) -> closureAux max beta (cont+1) e
--- Equipa o tipo com uma noção de re-escrita...
-class Rewrite a where
- rewrite :: a -> Maybe a [_$_]
- rstar :: Int -> a -> (Int,a)
- rstar max x = rstarAux max 0 x
- where rstarAux max c x | c==max = (max,x)
- | True = case (rewrite x) of
- Nothing -> (c,x)
- (Just x') -> rstarAux max (c+1) x'
- nform :: a -> a
- nform x = snd (rstar (-1) x)
rmfile ./lib/animLC/Closure.hs
hunk ./lib/animLC/Consts.hs 1
-module Consts where
-import List
-import LambdaS
-import Monad
---Assume-se que as constantes são termos fechados...
-freeVars :: Expr -> [String]
-freeVars (Var x) = [x]
-freeVars (Const _) = []
-freeVars (Lambda i e) = delete i (freeVars e)
-freeVars (Apply e1 e2) = nub $ (freeVars e1) ++ (freeVars e2)
---Assume-se que as constantes já foram expandidas...
-boundVars :: Expr -> [String]
-boundVars (Var _) = []
-boundVars (Const _) = error "Term with constants"
-boundVars (Lambda v m) = nub $ v:(boundVars m)
-boundVars (Apply m n) = nub $ boundVars m ++ boundVars n
---Verifica se um termo satisfaz a convenção das variáveis...
-chkConvVar :: Expr -> Bool
-chkConvVar (Var _) = True
-chkConvVar (Const _) = error "Term with constants"
-chkConvVar (Lambda _ m) = chkConvVar m
-chkConvVar (Apply m n) = chkConvVar m && chkConvVar n &&
- null (union
- (intersect (boundVars m) (freeVars n))
- (intersect (boundVars n) (freeVars m)))
---o último teste não é estritamente necessário (mas é coerente com a
---apresentação corrente da convenção: as variáveis ligadas são distintas
---das variáveis livres).
-closedTerm t = freeVars t == []
---Função que expande as CONSTANTES (de acordo com lista de DEFINIÇÕES)
--- ...Aproveita-se a travessia para aplicar CONVENÇÃO DAS VARIÁVEIS...
-expandExpr :: Defs -> Expr -> Expr
-expandExpr defs (Var v) = Var v
-expandExpr defs (Const c) = expandExpr defs (lookup_def c defs)
-expandExpr defs (Lambda v e) = Lambda v (expandExpr defs e)
-expandExpr defs (Apply m n) = Apply (expandExpr defs m) (expandExpr defs n)
-data Defs = Defs [(String,Expr)]
--- i=0 : iniciar...
--- i<>0 : continuar...
-instance Show Defs where
- showsPrec 0 (Defs []) = showString "------- Do not exist -------\n"
- showsPrec _ (Defs []) = showString "---------------------------\n"
- showsPrec 0 defs = showString "------- DEFINITIONS --------\n" .
- showsPrec 1 defs
- showsPrec _ (Defs ((c,t):xs)) = showString c . showString " = " .
- shows t . showChar '\n' .
- showsPrec 1 (Defs xs)
-nullEnv = Defs []
-lookup_def c (Defs []) = error ("Constant "++ show c++" not found")
-lookup_def c (Defs ((x,y):xs)) = if c==x then y else lookup_def c (Defs xs)
-remove_def c (Defs []) = Defs []
-remove_def c (Defs ((x,y):xs)) | c==x = Defs xs
- | True = let (Defs d) = remove_def c (Defs xs)
- in Defs ((x,y):d)
--- Assume-se (sem efectuar teste) que as constantes não são
---recursivas (directa ou indirectamente)
-addDef :: Defs -> String -> Expr -> Defs
-addDef defs const expr = addDef' (remove_def const defs) const expr
- where addDef' (Defs defs) const expr | closedTerm expr =
- Defs ((const,expr):defs)
- addDef' _ c _ = error ("Constant "++(show c)++
- " is not a closed term")
-addDefs :: Defs -> [(String,String)] -> Defs
-addDefs defs l = foldl (\d (c,e)->addDef d c (parseExpr e)) defs l
-sampleDefsTxt = [("K","[x,y]x"),
- ("S","[x,y,z]x z(y z)"),
- --
- ("I","[x]x"), --I = SKK
- ("B","S (K S) K"),
- ("C","S (B S (B K S)) (K K)"),
- --
- ("W","[x]x x"),
- ("Omega","W W"),
- ----------------
- ("Pair","[x,y,p]p x y"),
- ("Proj1","[p]p ([x,y]x)"),
- ("Proj2","[p]p ([x,y]y)"),
- -------------
- ("True","[x,y]x"),
- ("False","[x,y]y"),
- ("Or","[x,y]x True y"),
- ("And","[x,y]x y False"),
- -------------------------
- ("Zero","[s,z]z"),
- ("Succ","[n,s,z]s (n s z)"),
- ("IsZero","[x]x ([r]False) True"),
- ("Plus","[x,y]x Succ y"),
- ("Mult","[x,y]x (Plus y) Zero"),
- ("PrimRecNat","[n,f,z]Proj2 (n ([p]Pair (Succ (Proj1 p)) (f (Proj1 p) (Proj2 p))) (Pair Zero z) )"),
- ("Pred","[n]PrimRecNat n ([p,r]p) Zero"),
- ("Factorial","[n]PrimRecNat n ([p,r]Mult (Succ p) r) (Succ Zero)"),
- --------------------------------
- ("Y","[f]([x]f (x x)) [x]f (x x)"),
- ("Fix","Y"),
- ------------
- ("FactorialR","Fix [f,n](IsZero n) (Succ Zero) (Mult n (f (Pred n)))")
- ]
-sampleDefs = addDefs nullEnv sampleDefsTxt
rmfile ./lib/animLC/Consts.hs
hunk ./lib/animLC/LambdaS.hs 1
-module LambdaS
-import List
-import ParseLib
-data Expr = Var String
- | Const String
- | Lambda String Expr
- | Apply Expr Expr deriving (Eq)
--- i==0 : normal
--- i>0 : precisa parênteses
--- i<0 : precisa fechar abstracção
-instance Show Expr where
- showsPrec i (Lambda v t) | i>= 0 = showString "([" .
- showString v .
- showsPrec (-1) t .
- showChar ')'
- showsPrec i (Lambda v t ) = showChar ',' .
- showString v .
- showsPrec i t
- showsPrec i (Var v) | i>=0 = showString v
- showsPrec i (Var v) = showChar ']' . showString v
- showsPrec i (Const c) | i>=0 = showString c
- showsPrec i (Const c) = showChar ']' . showString c
- showsPrec 0 (Apply m n) = showsPrec 0 m . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 1 n
- showsPrec i (Apply m n) | i>0 = showChar '(' .
- showsPrec 0 (Apply m n) .
- showChar ')'
- showsPrec i (Apply m n) = showChar ']' . showsPrec 0 (Apply m n)
--- Parsing...
-ospaces = many (sat (==' '))
-parse_var =
- do --Parser
- ospaces
- c <- lower
- rest <- many alphanum
- return (Var (c:rest))
-parse_const =
- do --Parser
- ospaces
- c <- upper
- rest <- many alphanum
- return (Const (c:rest))
-parse_num =
- do --Parser
- ospaces
- m <- char '#'
- i <- int
- return (iter i)
- where iter 0 = Const "Zero"
- iter n = Apply (Const "Succ") (iter (n-1))
-parse_abs =
- do --Parser
- ospaces
- char '['
- lv <- sepby (ospaces>>ident) (char ',')
- ospaces
- char ']'
- t <- parse_term
- return (foldr Lambda t lv)
-parse_apps =
- do --Parser
- ospaces
--- ts <- sepby1 parse_term' spaces
- ts <- many1 parse_term'
- return (foldl1 Apply ts)
-parse_term' =
- do --Parser
- do {ospaces;char '(';t<-parse_term;ospaces;char ')';return t} +++
- parse_var +++ parse_const +++ parse_num +++ parse_abs
-parse_term =
- do --Parser
- parse_apps +++ parse_term'
-parseExpr x = let [(t,r)] = papply parse_term x in
- if r==[] then t else error "Erro no PARSING"
rmfile ./lib/animLC/LambdaS.hs
hunk ./lib/animLC/ParseLib.hs 1
- 29th July 1996
- Revised, October 1996
- Revised again, November 1998
- Graham Hutton Erik Meijer
- University of Nottingham University of Utrecht
-This Haskell 98 script defines a library of parser combinators, and is taken
-from sections 1-6 of our article "Monadic Parser Combinators". Some changes
-to the library have been made in the move from Gofer to Haskell:
- * Do notation is used in place of monad comprehension notation;
- * The parser datatype is defined using "newtype", to avoid the overhead
- of tagging and untagging parsers with the P constructor.
-module ParseLib
- (Parser, item, papply, (+++), sat, many, many1, sepby, sepby1, chainl,
- chainl1, chainr, chainr1, ops, bracket, char, digit, lower, upper,
- letter, alphanum, string, ident, nat, int, spaces, comment, junk,
- parse, token, natural, integer, symbol, identifier, module Monad) where
-import Char
-import Monad
-infixr 5 +++
---- The parser monad ---------------------------------------------------------
-newtype Parser a = P (String -> [(a,String)])
-instance Functor Parser where
- -- map :: (a -> b) -> (Parser a -> Parser b)
- fmap f (P p) = P (\inp -> [(f v, out) | (v,out) <- p inp])
-instance Monad Parser where
- -- return :: a -> Parser a
- return v = P (\inp -> [(v,inp)])
- -- >>= :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
- (P p) >>= f = P (\inp -> concat [papply (f v) out | (v,out) <- p inp])
-instance MonadPlus Parser where
- -- mzero :: Parser a
- mzero = P (\inp -> [])
- -- mplus :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
- (P p) `mplus` (P q) = P (\inp -> (p inp ++ q inp))
---- Other primitive parser combinators ---------------------------------------
-item :: Parser Char
-item = P (\inp -> case inp of
- [] -> []
- (x:xs) -> [(x,xs)])
-force :: Parser a -> Parser a
-force (P p) = P (\inp -> let x = p inp in
- (fst (head x), snd (head x)) : tail x)
-first :: Parser a -> Parser a
-first (P p) = P (\inp -> case p inp of
- [] -> []
- (x:xs) -> [x])
-papply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
-papply (P p) inp = p inp
---- Derived combinators ------------------------------------------------------
-(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
-p +++ q = first (p `mplus` q)
-sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
-sat p = do {x <- item; if p x then return x else mzero}
-many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-many p = force (many1 p +++ return [])
-many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-many1 p = do {x <- p; xs <- many p; return (x:xs)}
-sepby :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
-p `sepby` sep = (p `sepby1` sep) +++ return []
-sepby1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
-p `sepby1` sep = do {x <- p; xs <- many (do {sep; p}); return (x:xs)}
-chainl :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a
-chainl p op v = (p `chainl1` op) +++ return v
-chainl1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
-p `chainl1` op = do {x <- p; rest x}
- where
- rest x = do {f <- op; y <- p; rest (f x y)}
- +++ return x
-chainr :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a
-chainr p op v = (p `chainr1` op) +++ return v
-chainr1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
-p `chainr1` op = do {x <- p; rest x}
- where
- rest x = do {f <- op; y <- p `chainr1` op; return (f x y)}
- +++ return x
-ops :: [(Parser a, b)] -> Parser b
-ops xs = foldr1 (+++) [do {p; return op} | (p,op) <- xs]
-bracket :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser b
-bracket open p close = do {open; x <- p; close; return x}
---- Useful parsers -----------------------------------------------------------
-char :: Char -> Parser Char
-char x = sat (\y -> x == y)
-digit :: Parser Char
-digit = sat isDigit
-lower :: Parser Char
-lower = sat isLower
-upper :: Parser Char
-upper = sat isUpper
-letter :: Parser Char
-letter = sat isAlpha
-alphanum :: Parser Char
-alphanum = sat isAlphaNum
-string :: String -> Parser String
-string "" = return ""
-string (x:xs) = do {char x; string xs; return (x:xs)}
-ident :: Parser String
-ident = do {x <- lower; xs <- many alphanum; return (x:xs)}
-nat :: Parser Int
-nat = do {x <- digit; return (digitToInt x)} `chainl1` return op
- where
- m `op` n = 10*m + n
-int :: Parser Int
-int = do {char '-'; n <- nat; return (-n)} +++ nat
---- Lexical combinators ------------------------------------------------------
-spaces :: Parser ()
-spaces = do {many1 (sat isSpace); return ()}
-comment :: Parser ()
-comment = do {string "--"; many (sat (\x -> x /= '\n')); return ()}
-junk :: Parser ()
-junk = do {many (spaces +++ comment); return ()}
-parse :: Parser a -> Parser a
-parse p = do {junk; p}
-token :: Parser a -> Parser a
-token p = do {v <- p; junk; return v}
---- Token parsers ------------------------------------------------------------
-natural :: Parser Int
-natural = token nat
-integer :: Parser Int
-integer = token int
-symbol :: String -> Parser String
-symbol xs = token (string xs)
-identifier :: [String] -> Parser String
-identifier ks = token (do {x <- ident; if not (elem x ks) then return x
- else mzero})
rmfile ./lib/animLC/ParseLib.hs
hunk ./lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.hs 1
-module Schonfinkel where
-import Monad
-import LambdaS
-import Consts
-import Closure
-schonfinkel :: Expr -> Expr
-schonfinkel (Var x) = Var x
-schonfinkel (Const x) = Const x
-schonfinkel (Apply m n) = Apply (schonfinkel m) (schonfinkel n)
-schonfinkel (Lambda x (Var y)) | x==y = Const "I"
- | True = Apply (Const "K") (Var y)
-schonfinkel (Lambda x (Const y)) = Apply (Const "K") (Const y)
-schonfinkel (Lambda x (Apply m n)) =
- Apply (Apply (Const "S") (schonfinkel (Lambda x m)))
- (schonfinkel (Lambda x n))
-schonfinkel (Lambda x (Lambda y m)) =
- (schonfinkel . Lambda x . schonfinkel . Lambda y) m
---realiza UM PASSO da optimização... (estrategia outermost-leftmost)
-opt_schon :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
--- S (K M) I = M
-opt_schon (Apply (Apply (Const "S") (Apply (Const "K") m))
- (Const "I")) = Just m
--- S (K M) (K N) = K (M N)
-opt_schon (Apply (Apply (Const "S") (Apply (Const "K") m))
- (Apply (Const "K") n)) =
- Just $ Apply (Const "K") (Apply m n)
--- S (K M) N = B M N
-opt_schon (Apply (Apply (Const "S") (Apply (Const "K") m)) n) =
- Just $ Apply (Apply (Const "B") m) n
--- S M (K N) = C M N
-opt_schon (Apply (Apply (Const "S") m) (Apply (Const "K") n)) =
- Just $ Apply (Apply (Const "C") m) n
-opt_schon (Apply m1 m2) = do {r1 <- opt_schon m1;return (Apply r1 m2)}
- `mplus`
- do {r2 <- opt_schon m2;return (Apply m1 r2)}
-opt_schon _ = Nothing
rmfile ./lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.hs
hunk ./lib/animLC/Types.hs 1
-module Types where
-import Monad
-import Char
-import LambdaS
-import Consts
-import Bruijn
-data Type = TVar Int | TArrow Type Type deriving Eq
-varsInType :: Type -> [Int]
-varsInType (TVar i) = [i]
-varsInType (TArrow t1 t2) = (varsInType t1) ++ (varsInType t2)
--- p>0 necessita parênteses
--- p==0 não necessita...
-instance Show Type where
- showsPrec _ (TVar i) = showChar (chr (97+i))
- showsPrec p (TArrow t1 t2) | p>0 = showChar '(' .
- showsPrec 0 (TArrow t1 t2) .
- showChar ')'
- | True = showsPrec 1 t1 .
- showString "->" .
- showsPrec 0 t2
--- Representamos substituições como morfismos...
-type Subst = Int -> Type
---Substituição nula...
-nullSubst :: Subst
-nullSubst = TVar
---Substituição unitária... (igual à identidade excepto num ponto)
-unSubst :: Int -> Type -> Subst
-unSubst i t n | n==i = t
- | True = TVar n
---Aplicação de substituições...
-appSubst :: Type -> Subst -> Type
-appSubst (TVar i) s = s i
-appSubst (TArrow t1 t2) s = TArrow (appSubst t1 s) (appSubst t2 s)
---Composição de substituições... (s1 . s2)
-compSubst :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
-compSubst s1 s2 v = appSubst (s2 v) s1
---Unificação de termos...
-unifType :: Type -> Type -> Maybe Subst
-unifType (TVar v1) (TVar v2) = [_$_]
- Just $ if v1<v2 then unSubst v1 (TVar v2) [_$_]
- else unSubst v2 (TVar v1)
-unifType (TVar v) t =
- if v `notElem` varsInType t then Just $ unSubst v t else Nothing
-unifType t (TVar v) =
- if v `notElem` varsInType t then Just $ unSubst v t else Nothing
-unifType (TArrow t1 t2) (TArrow t3 t4) = do --Maybe
- s <- unifType t1 t3
- s' <- unifType (appSubst t2 s)
- (appSubst t4 s)
- return (compSubst s' s)
--- são representados como listas [Type]
-appCtxt :: [Type] -> Subst -> [Type]
-appCtxt c s = map (flip appSubst s) c
-getNth l n = head $ drop n l
---tInf realiza a inferencia de tipos...
--- ... dado um contexto inicial, um termo e um tipo, procura uma
--- substituição que satisfaça a asserção \Sigma\vdash t: T
---tInf :: [(Int,Type)] -> Term -> Type -> Maybe Subst
-tInf t = do --Maybe
- (_,s) <- tInfAux (nfv+1) (take nfv [TVar i|i<-[1..]]) t (TVar 0)
- return (appSubst (TVar 0) s)
- where fv = freeVarsTerm t
- nfv = length fv
-tInfAux i ctxt (Ref v) t = do --Maybe
- s <- unifType t (getNth ctxt v)
- return (i,s)
-tInfAux i ctxt (Abs m) t = do let t1=TVar i
- let t2=TVar (i+1)
- s <- unifType t (TArrow t1 t2)
- (i',s') <- tInfAux (i+2) (appCtxt (t1:ctxt) s)
- m (appSubst t2 s)
- return (i',compSubst s' s)
-tInfAux i ctxt (App m n) t = do let t1=TVar i
- (i',s) <- tInfAux (i+1) ctxt n t1
- (i'',s') <- tInfAux i' (appCtxt ctxt s) m
- (appSubst (TArrow t1 t) s)
- return (i'',compSubst s' s)
--- renameType produz uma renomeação de forma aparecerem as primeiras
--- variáveis de tipos...
-renameType Nothing = Nothing
-renameType (Just t) = Just $ rtAux (varsInType t) t
- where rtAux vs (TVar i) = TVar $ getIndex i vs
- rtAux vs (TArrow m n) = TArrow (rtAux vs m) (rtAux vs n)
-getIndex _ [] = error "UNPREDICTABLE ERROR (renaming)..."
-getIndex i (x:xs) | i==x = 0
- | True = 1 + getIndex i xs
rmfile ./lib/animLC/Types.hs
rmdir ./lib/animLC
hunk ./Makefile 37
- src/INReductionStrategies.hs src/LambdaC.hs \
+ src/INReductionStrategies.hs \
hunk ./Makefile 41
+ src/Functional/Language.hs \
+ src/Functional/Parser.hs \
+ src/Functional/Compiler.hs \
+ src/Functional/UI.hs \
hunk ./Makefile 50
- lib/animLC/Bruijn.hs lib/animLC/Consts.hs \
- lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.hs lib/animLC/Closure.hs \
- lib/animLC/LambdaS.hs lib/animLC/ParseLib.hs lib/animLC/Types.hs
hunk ./Makefile 53
-IFACES = src:lib/DData:lib/animLC
+IFACES = src:lib/DData:src/Functional
hunk ./Makefile 98
- $(RM) lib/animLC/*.o
- $(RM) lib/animLC/*.hi
hunk ./Makefile 125
-lib/animLC/ParseLib.o : lib/animLC/ParseLib.hs
-lib/animLC/LambdaS.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hs
-lib/animLC/LambdaS.o : lib/animLC/ParseLib.hi
-lib/animLC/Closure.o : lib/animLC/Closure.hs
-lib/animLC/Consts.o : lib/animLC/Consts.hs
-lib/animLC/Consts.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hi
-lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.o : lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.hs
-lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.o : lib/animLC/Closure.hi
-lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.o : lib/animLC/Consts.hi
-lib/animLC/Schonfinkel.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hi
-lib/animLC/Bruijn.o : lib/animLC/Bruijn.hs
-lib/animLC/Bruijn.o : lib/animLC/Closure.hi
-lib/animLC/Bruijn.o : lib/animLC/Consts.hi
-lib/animLC/Bruijn.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hi
-lib/animLC/Types.o : lib/animLC/Types.hs
-lib/animLC/Types.o : lib/animLC/Bruijn.hi
-lib/animLC/Types.o : lib/animLC/Consts.hi
-lib/animLC/Types.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hi
hunk ./Makefile 151
+src/Functional/Language.o : src/Functional/Language.hs
+src/Functional/Language.o : src/Common.hi
+src/Functional/Parser.o : src/Functional/Parser.hs
+src/Functional/Parser.o : src/Functional/Language.hi
hunk ./Makefile 330
-src/LambdaC.o : src/LambdaC.hs
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Common.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/INReduction.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Math.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Ports.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/StateUtil.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/State.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Document.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/PDDefaults.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Palette.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : src/Network.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : lib/animLC/Consts.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : lib/animLC/LambdaS.hi
-src/LambdaC.o : lib/animLC/Bruijn.hi
hunk ./Makefile 331
-src/CommonUI.o : src/LambdaC.hi
hunk ./Makefile 365
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Functional/Compiler.hs
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Functional/Language.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/CommonUI.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Common.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/INRules.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/INRule.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Math.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Document.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Shape.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Palette.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/Functional/Compiler.o : src/Network.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/Functional/UI.hs
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/Functional/Compiler.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/Functional/Parser.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/Functional/Language.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/CommonUI.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/CommonIO.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/Common.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/StateUtil.hi
+src/Functional/UI.o : src/State.hi
hunk ./Makefile 390
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Functional/UI.hi
hunk ./examples/New-Token-Passing/CallByNameForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs 1
+ ><Network
+ ><Network
+ ><Width
+ >15.0</Width
+ ><Height
+ >9.0</Height
+ ><Info
+ ><unit/></Info
+ ><Nodes
+ /><Edges/></Network></Network
+ ><Palette
+ ><Palette
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><Circle
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.25"/></Circle
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+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[lambda]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Polygon
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="215"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.6</Y
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+ >-0.7</X
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+ >0.3</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
+ ><Lines
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
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+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >-0.15</X
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+ >-0.25</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.35</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines
+ ><Lines
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.1</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.0</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.15</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.55</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[body]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[var]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[application]]></string
+ ><TextInEllipse
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="215"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ ><![CDATA[@]]></string></TextInEllipse
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[evaluation]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Circle
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="144"
+ /><int value="238"
+ /><int value="144"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
+ ><Lines
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
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+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >-0.2</X
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+ >-0.2</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.2</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.2</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines
+ ><Lines
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.2</X
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+ >-0.2</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.2</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.2</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines
+ ><Lines
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.4</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[beforeApplication]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Polygon
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="215"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.5</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
+ ><Text
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[@]]></string></Text></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.5</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy]]></string
+ ><TextInEllipse
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="192"
+ /><int value="192"
+ /><int value="192"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[c]]></string></TextInEllipse
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[duplicator]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Circle
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
+ ><Arc
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.2"
+ /><double value="70.0"
+ /><double value="270.0"
+ /><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.18</Y></Arc
+ ><Arc
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.2"
+ /><double value="150.0"
+ /><double value="90.0"
+ /><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.18</Y></Arc></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Circle
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
+ ><Arc
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.2"
+ /><double value="90.0"
+ /><double value="270.0"
+ /><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.18</Y></Arc
+ ><Arc
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="2"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="250"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><double value="0.2"
+ /><double value="90.0"
+ /><double value="270.0"
+ /><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.18</Y></Arc></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Nil]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Polygon
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.7</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
+ ><Text
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Nil]]></string></Text></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.65</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[Cons]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Polygon
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.7</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
+ ><Text
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Cons]]></string></Text></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.65</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.4</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><maybe-list-int
+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[True]]></string
+ ><Composite
+ ><list-Shape
+ ><Polygon
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><list-DoublePoint
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.7</Y
+ ><X
+ >-0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y
+ ><X
+ >0.7</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.15</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
+ ><Text
+ ><ShapeStyle
+ ><int value="1"
+ /><RGB
+ ><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"
+ /><int value="0"/></RGB
+ ><RGB
+ ><int value="200"
+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[True]]></string></Text></list-Shape></Composite
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.65</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >12</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.55</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[evaluation]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.9952083333333337</X
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+ >2.328333333333333</Y></Via
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >Erase_preApplication</Name
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >5.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.354791666666667</X
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+ >2.672291666666667</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.3866666666666667</X
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+ >3.148541666666667</Y></Via
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.841875000000001</X
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+ >3.175</Y></Via
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >4.0</X
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[duplicator]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1.9843750000000009</X
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+ >3.1750000000000003</Y></Via
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >5.926666666666668</X
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+ >2.8839583333333336</Y></Via
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.5189583333333334</X
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+ >1.905</Y></Via
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.1275</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >7</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.8120833333333325</X
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+ >5.5</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >12</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >13</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >9</To
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >13</To
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >15</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >15</From
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >9</To
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >13</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >1.4552083333333334</X
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+ >3.6512500000000006</Y></Via
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+ >4</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >10</To
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2.2754166666666666</X
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+ >1.7197916666666666</Y></Via
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+ >9</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9.551458333333334</X
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+ >2.857500000000001</Y></Via
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+ >7</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.55</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >10</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >12</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >12</From
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >2</To
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >3</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[True]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[False]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ /><Edges/></Network></RHS
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+ >Erase_Zero</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><unit/></Info
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Zero]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ /><Edges/></Network></RHS
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+ >Erase_Succ</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><unit/></Info
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 1]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Succ]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1.981666666666667</X
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+ >4.970833333333333</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 3]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >10</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >10</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4</From
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >6</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >7</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
+ ><PortTo
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+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >8</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule></Rules></Document>
hunk ./examples/New-Token-Passing/CallByValueForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs 1
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+ ><![CDATA[lambda]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[var]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[application]]></string
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[evaluation]]></string
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+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines></list-Shape></Composite
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><string
+ ><![CDATA[beforeApplication]]></string
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+ >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Polygon
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><int value="192"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[duplicator]]></string
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+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><int value="255"
+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
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+ ><![CDATA[Nil]]></string
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+ >-0.65</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[Cons]]></string
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >-0.65</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >-0.65</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >12</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.55</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1.27</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.286250000000001</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >Erase_Evaluator</Name
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >4.0</X
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[evaluation]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.9952083333333337</X
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+ >2.328333333333333</Y></Via
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >Erase_preApplication</Name
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >5.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.672291666666667</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.3866666666666667</X
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+ >3.148541666666667</Y></Via
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.841875000000001</X
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+ >3.175</Y></Via
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >4.0</X
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[duplicator]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1.9843750000000009</X
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >2.8839583333333336</Y></Via
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >3.5189583333333334</X
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+ >1.905</Y></Via
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.1275</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >7</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.8120833333333325</X
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+ >5.5</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >12</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >13</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ ><![CDATA[func]]></string
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >9</To
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >14</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >13</To
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >15</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >15</From
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >9</To
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >15</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >13</To
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >1.4552083333333334</X
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+ >3.6512500000000006</Y></Via
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+ >4</From
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2.2754166666666666</X
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+ >1.7197916666666666</Y></Via
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+ >9</From
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+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9.551458333333334</X
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+ >2.857500000000001</Y></Via
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+ >7</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.55</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >10</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.4</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >12</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >12</From
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+ >-0.4</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >3</From
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >5</From
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
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+ ><int value="3"
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >Erase_Nil</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Nil]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ /><Edges/></Network></RHS
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+ >Erase_Cons</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><unit/></Info
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Cons]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >1.0820833333333333</X
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+ >4.865</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 3]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.7964583333333333</X
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+ >4.8914583333333335</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >2</From
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.7964583333333333</X
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+ >4.8914583333333335</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1.0847916666666668</X
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+ >3.042708333333333</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.778125</X
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+ >3.0162500000000003</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 6]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >5</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >6</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >Erase_True</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[True]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ /><Edges/></Network></RHS
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><unit/></Info
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[False]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >1</From
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >2</To
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+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ /><Edges/></Network></RHS
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+ >Erase_Zero</Name
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+ >15.0</Width
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+ >9.0</Height
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+ ><unit/></Info
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >2.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 1]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Erase]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2.0</X
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+ >4.0</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
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+ >True</LabelAbove
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+ ><![CDATA[Zero]]></string></Left-string></Shape
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ ><![CDATA[src]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[tail]]></string
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >-0.35</Y
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ ><![CDATA[head]]></string
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
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+ >7</From
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >10</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[fst_target]]></string
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[snd_target]]></string
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >7</To
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ /><Info
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+ >7</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >6</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.25</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >9</To
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.25</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >10</To
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >6</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y
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+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >2</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N5"
+ ><X
+ >2.008125</X
+ ><Y
+ >5.473541666666667</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N6"
+ ><X
+ >0.5820833333333334</X
+ ><Y
+ >2.0902083333333334</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 6]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Succ]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.4</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N7"
+ ><X
+ >3.1220833333333338</X
+ ><Y
+ >1.9050000000000002</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 7]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[Succ]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.4</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N8"
+ ><X
+ >2.0108333333333333</X
+ ><Y
+ >3.6777083333333334</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 8]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[duplicator]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
+ ><Edges
+ ><Edge id="E1"
+ ><From
+ >3</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >6</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E2"
+ ><From
+ >4</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >7</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E3"
+ ><From
+ >6</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >8</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy1]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E4"
+ ><From
+ >7</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >8</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[copy2]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E5"
+ ><From
+ >8</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[down]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >5</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
+ ><Mapping
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="5"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="5"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule></Rules></Document>
hunk ./makeclean.bat 5
+del src\Functional\*.hi
hunk ./makeclean.bat 7
-del lib\animLC\*.hi
hunk ./makeclean.bat 9
+del src\Functional\*.o
hunk ./makeclean.bat 11
-del lib\animLC\*.o
hunk ./src/Common.hs 202
+-- | 'foldl' for compositions
+foldlCont :: (a -> b -> a) -> [b] -> a -> a
+foldlCont f l init = foldl f init l
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 28
-import LambdaC
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 30
-import Graphics.UI.WXCore
+import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Document, Palette)
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 651
+ ;let palette = getPalette doc
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 657
- DefaultRule -> defaultRuleSelector (agent1,agent2) state g n e (getPalette doc) [_$_]
- ; let palette = getPalette doc
+ DefaultRule -> defaultRuleSelector (agent1,agent2) state g n e palette [_$_]
+ ; (rule,nNr1,nNr2) <- createRuleWizard g n e palette agent1 agent2
+ ; addNewRuleItem False state $ copy rule
+ }
+-- An interaction net rule, whose left hand side is the active pair
+-- of the two given agents, will be created.
+-- A new name is created for this rule.
+-- Empty RHS.
+createRuleWizard :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) =>
+ g -> n -> e -> Palette n
+ -> String -> String -> IO (INRule g n e, NodeNr, NodeNr)
+createRuleWizard g n e palette agent1 agent2 =
+ do{
+ ; let
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 678
- ;logMessage $ agent1 ++ agent2 ++ (show copyOption)
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 704
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 706
- ; addNewRuleItem False state . copy $ construct (agent1 ++ "_" ++ agent2) lhs7 rhs mapping
+ ; return (construct (agent1 ++ "_" ++ agent2) lhs7 rhs mapping, nNr1,nNr2)
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 708
- where getPorts' :: String -> Palette.Palette n -> IO Ports
- getPorts' shape (Palette palette) = [_$_]
- case Data.List.lookup shape palette of [_$_]
- Nothing -> fail $ shape ++ " agent is missing." [_$_]
- Just e -> case snd3 e of [_$_]
- Nothing -> fail $ shape ++ " agent without port."
- Just [] -> fail $ shape ++ " agent without port."
- Just ps -> return ps
+ where getPorts' = getSymbolPorts
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 753
+getSymbolPorts :: String -> Palette.Palette n -> IO Ports
+getSymbolPorts shape (Palette palette) =
+ case Data.List.lookup shape palette of
+ Nothing -> fail $ shape ++ " agent is missing."
+ Just e -> case snd3 e of
+ Nothing -> fail $ shape ++ " agent without port."
+ Just [] -> fail $ shape ++ " agent without port."
+ Just ps -> return ps
+-- | For a list of nodes placed at the same position, change their positions to form a row.
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 790
- in (construct ("Erase_"++a1) lhs rhs3 (getMapping newRule))
+ in (construct ("T:Erase_"++a1) lhs rhs3 (getMapping newRule))
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 817
- in (construct (a1++"_"++a2) lhs rhs5 (getMapping newRule))
+ in (construct ('T':':':a2++'_':a1) lhs rhs5 (getMapping newRule))
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 1180
-lambdaDialog :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g,Show g) => g -> n -> e -> State g n e -> IO (Maybe Int)
-lambdaDialog g n e state = [_$_]
- do ;theFrame <- getNetworkFrame state
- ;pDoc <- getDocument state
- ;doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
- ;let pal = getPalette doc
- ;dial <- dialog theFrame [text := "Lambda term to Net", position := pt 200 20]
- ;p <- panel dial []
- ;termbox <- textCtrl p [text := "[x]x"]
- ;help <- button p [text := "Help"]
- ;goNet <- button p [text := "Create Net"]
- ;ok <- button p [text := "Done"]
- ;can <- button p [text := "Cancel" ]
- ;sc1 <- checkBox p [text := "Add Token", checked := False]
- ;set dial [ layout := container p $ [_$_]
- margin 10 $ [_$_]
- column 5 [ label "Lambda term input"
- , row 2 [hfill $ widget termbox, column 10 [widget help ,widget goNet]]
- , hrule 350
- , row 5 [widget ok, widget can,widget sc1]
- ]
- ]
- ;showModal dial $ \stop -> [_$_]
- do set goNet [on command := do {;ex <- get termbox text
- ;safetyNet theFrame $ do { ;sele <- get sc1 checked[_^I_][_$_]
- ;s <- drawLambda g n e state pal ex sele
- ;case s of [_$_]
- Nothing -> do ;let rep = getlambdaReport ex
- ;case rep of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just i -> errorDialog dial "Lambda Terms" $ i [_$_]
- ;return ()
- Just nt -> do ;PD.updateDocument "Draw Lambda" ( updateNetwork (\a -> nt)) pDoc
- ;repaintAll state
- ;return ()
- }
- -- ;stop Nothing
- }
- ]
- set help [on command := do infoDialog dial "Help" $ helpString
- ]
- set ok [on command := stop (Just 0)]
- set can [on command := stop (Just 0) ]
- [_$_]
- where helpString = "Before starting to create Nets you must load the LambdaC palette in your Palettes folder.\n"
- ++ "To change the agent palette go to Symbols -> Change shape palettes and choose the LambdaC Palette\n\n"
- ++ "************* Lambda Term Grammar: ***************\n\n"
- ++ "Term -> \'[\' ListOfVars \']\' Term \n"
- ++ " | \'(\' Term \')\' \n"
- ++ " | Term Term \n"
- ++ " | Var\n\n"
- ++ "ListOfVars -> Var\n"
- ++ " | Var \',\' ListOfVars \n"
- ++ " \n"
- ++ "Var -> String \n\n\n************* Some Examples: *************** \n\n\n"
- ++ "Lambda Notation INblobs Lambda Notation\n\n"
- ++ " \\x.x [x]x\n"
- ++ " \\x y.x y [x,y]x y or [x][y]x y \n"
- ++ " (\\x.x x) (\\x. x x) ([x]x x) ([x]x x)\n"
- ++ " x x \n"
- [_$_]
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 1200
+-- | Add text to a 'TextCtrl' putting it in the current position.
+addTxtInPlace2TextCtrl :: TextCtrl () -> String -> IO ()
+addTxtInPlace2TextCtrl t str =
+ do
+ pos <- textCtrlGetInsertionPoint t
+ textCtrlSetInsertionPoint t pos
+ textCtrlWriteText t str
replace ./src/CommonUI.hs [A-Za-z_0-9] specialFoldl rowNodes
hunk ./src/Constants.hs 11
hunk ./src/Document.hs 20
+ , joinPalette
hunk ./src/Document.hs 129
+joinPalette :: (Eq n) => Palette n -> Document g n e -> Document g n e
+joinPalette palette doc = doc { docPalette = join (getPalette doc) palette }
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 1
-module LambdaC where
+ Module : Functional.Compiler
+ Copyright : (c) Daniel Mendes and Miguel Vilaça 2007
+ Maintainer : and
+ Stability : experimental
+ Portability : portable
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 8
+ Small Functional Language: Compiler -}
+module Functional.Compiler ( compile) where
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 11
-import Bruijn
-import LambdaS
-import Consts
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 12
-import IntMap hiding (map,filter)
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 14
-import Maybe
-import qualified PersistentDocument as PD
-import qualified PDDefaults as PD
+import Shape
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 16
-import State
-import StateUtil
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 19
-import INReduction
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 20
+import INRules
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 22
-import Control.Exception
+import CommonUI
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 24
-type VarId = String [_$_]
-type Side = Int
-type NrFree = Int
-type Context = [(VarId,NodeNr,Side,NrFree)]
+import Functional.Language
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 26
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 31
-drawLambda ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g,Show g) => g -> n -> e -> State g n e -> Palette n ->String -> Bool ->IO(Maybe (Network g n e))
-drawLambda g n e state pal term b = [_$_]
- do expr <- getTermOrError term
- let n_term = expr2term expr
- closed = closed_term n_term
- if ( not closed) [_$_]
- then return Nothing [_$_]
- else do let n_termo = term2expr $ expr2term expr
- (nt,ctx) = draw n_termo pal (Network.empty g n e) b
- nt1 = closeEpsilon pal ctx nt
- ntn = display nt1
- return (Just ntn)
+type Context = Map.Map Variable ConnectionPoint
+data AgentType = Syntactical | Computational
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 35
-getTermOrError :: String -> IO Expr
-getTermOrError s = return $ parseExpr s
+-- | Given a strategy, a closed term and a list of names for iter agents,
+-- update the document with the dynamic part of the IN system.
+compile :: (Eq n, InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> CallBy -> FuncLang -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> Document g n e -> IO (Document g n e)
+compile g n e callBy term names doc
+ | callBy `elem` [Name,Value] =
+ -- add iter symbols
+ let symbs = foldr (\h r-> createIterSymbol Syntactical h : createIterSymbol Computational h :r) [] names
+ repeated = map fst symbs `intersect` (shapesNames $ getPalette doc)
+ in if null repeated
+ then
+ do
+ let doc1 = joinPalette (Palette symbs) doc
+ palette = getPalette doc1
+ tokenRules <- mapM (createIterTokenRule g n e palette) names
+ lrules <- mapM (createIterConstructorRules g n e palette names) names
+ return $ setNetwork (draw term names palette $ Network.empty g n e)
+ $ updateRules (++ tokenRules ++ concat lrules) doc1
+ else fail $ "Give different names to iter symbols. This ones are already in use:\n"
+ ++ commasAnd repeated
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 55
- [_$_]
-getlambdaReport :: String -> Maybe String
-getlambdaReport s = let e = parseExpr s
- n_term = expr2term e
- closed = closed_term n_term
- in if (not closed) then Just ("The Lamda-Term is not closed.\nThe variables " ++ (show (freeVars e)++" are free "))
- else Nothing [_$_]
+ | otherwise = fail "unknown strategy"
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 58
-draw ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Expr -> Palette n -> Network g n e -> Bool -> (Network g n e,Context)
-draw t p network b = let (x,net) = addNode "interface" p network
- in if b then let [_$_]
- (n,n_nt) = addNode "evaluation" p net
- nnn = setNodePosition n (DoublePoint 10 10) n_nt
- nn_nt = connectNode (x,0) (n,1) nnn
- in iso t (nn_nt,[]) (n,0) p
- else iso t (net,[]) (x,0) p
-[_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_] [_$_]
-iso ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Expr -> (Network g n e,Context) -> (NodeNr,Side) ->Palette n -> (Network g n e,Context)
-iso (Lambda v t) (nt,ctx) (prev,side) plt = let ;(node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "lambda" plt nt
- ;nn_nt = connectNode (prev,side) (node_nr,0) n_nt
- ;n_ctx = (v,node_nr,1,countfree v t) : ctx
- in iso t (nn_nt,n_ctx) (node_nr,2) plt
+-- | Create the main net.
+draw ::(InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => FuncLang -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> Palette n -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+draw t names p network = let (x,net) = addNode "interface" p network
+ (n,net1) = addNode "evaluation" p net
+ net2 = setNodePosition n (DoublePoint 15 1.03)
+ . setNodePosition x (DoublePoint 15 0.01)
+ . connectNodes (x,"interface","interface") (n,"evaluation","res") $ net1
+ in iso p names (n,"evaluation","arg") (0,1.6) t Map.empty net2
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 67
+-- | The \cal{T} function of the paper.
+iso :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Palette n
+ -> [(FuncLang, String)] -- ^ list of names for Iter_TYPE symbols
+ -> ConnectionPoint -- point to connect the root of the IN term
+ -> (Double,Double) -- translation from connection node
+ -> FuncLang -- term to translate to INs
+ -> Context -- free variables and their respective connection points
+ -> Network g n e -- already constructed net
+ -> Network g n e -- resulting net
+iso palette names point trans term ctx net = -- trace ("ISO: TERM: " ++ show term ++ " CTX: " ++ show (Map.keys ctx)) $
+ case term of
+ Var v -> case Map.lookup v ctx of
+ Just pointVar -> connectNodes point pointVar net
+ Nothing -> error $ "Internal Error: variable \"" ++ v ++ "\" is not in context " ++ show (Map.keys ctx)
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 82
-iso (Apply m n) (nt,ctx) (prev,side) plt = let ;(node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "beforeApplication" plt nt
- ;nn_nt = connectNode (prev,side) (node_nr,0) n_nt
- ;lsn_ctx = iso m (nn_nt,ctx) (node_nr,2) plt
- in iso n lsn_ctx (node_nr,1) plt
+ Abst v t -> let (abstNr, net1) = addNode "lambda" palette net
+ net2 = connectNodes point (abstNr,"lambda","res")
+ . moveNode abstNr trans point
+ $ net1
+ abstPoint = translate (getNodePosition net2 abstNr) (DoublePoint (-1) 1)
+ (net3, ctx1) = if v `elem` (freeVars t)
+ then (net2, Map.insert v (abstNr,"lambda","var") ctx)
+ else let (eraseNr,net4) = addNode "Erase" palette net2
+ in (connectNodes (eraseNr,"Erase","down") (abstNr,"lambda","var")
+ $ setNodePosition eraseNr abstPoint net4, ctx)
+ in iso palette names (abstNr,"lambda","body") (1,1.2) t ctx1 net3
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 94
-iso (Var c) (nt,ctx) (prev,side) plt = if (make_node c ctx) [_$_]
- then let ;(node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "copy" plt nt
- ;nn_nt = connectNode (prev,side) (node_nr,1) n_nt
- ;(no,si) = getVarPort ctx c
- ;nnn_nt = connectNode (no,si) (node_nr,0) nn_nt
- ;n_ctx = update_ctx ctx c (node_nr,2)
- in (nnn_nt,n_ctx)
- else let ;(no,si) = getVarPort ctx c
- ;nnn_nt = connectNode (no,si) (prev,side) nt
- ;n_ctx = update_ctx ctx c (-1,-1)
- in (nnn_nt,n_ctx)
- [_$_]
-connectNode ::InfoKind e g => (NodeNr,Side) -> (NodeNr,Side) -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
-connectNode (prev,p1) (nxt,p2) nt = let previous = getNode prev nt
- next = getNode nxt nt
- up = getPortIndexed p1 previous
- down = getPortIndexed p2 next
- in addEdgesWithJustPort [((prev,up),(nxt,down))] nt
-[_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_] [_$_]
-getPortIndexed :: Int -> Node n -> Port [_$_]
-getPortIndexed i n = head $ drop i $ fromJust $ getPorts n
+ Appl t u -> createNet2 "beforeApplication" t "func" u "arg"
+ TT -> createNet0 "True"
+ FF -> createNet0 "False"
+ Zero -> createNet0 "Zero"
+ Succ t -> createNet1 "Succ" t "arg"
+ Nil -> createNet0 "Nil"
+ Cons t u -> createNet2 "Cons" t "head" u "tail"
+ iter@(IterBool v f b) -> createNetIter iter [(v, 'v'),(f, 'f')] b "arg"
+ iter@(IterNat x s z n) -> createNetIter iter [(Abst x s, 's'),(z, 'z')] n "arg"
+ iter@(IterList x y c n l) -> createNetIter iter [(Abst x $ Abst y c, 'c'),(n, 'n')] l "arg"
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: none exaustive patterns in function iso."
+ where
+ -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 0 and connect it to the given point.
+ -- createNet0 :: String -> Network g n e
+ createNet0 agentName = let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
+ in connectNodes point (nr,agentName,"res")
+ $ moveNode nr trans point net1
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 112
-countfree :: String -> Expr -> Int
-countfree x t = length $ filter (==x) $ allfreeVars t
+ -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 1 and connect
+ -- it to the given point and to the translation of the subterm.
+ -- createNet1 :: String -> FuncLang -> PortName -> Network g n e
+ createNet1 agentName term portName =
+ let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
+ in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portName) (0,1) term ctx
+ . connectNodes point (nr,agentName,"res")
+ . moveNode nr trans point
+ $ net1
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 122
-allfreeVars :: Expr -> [String]
-allfreeVars (Var x) = [x]
-allfreeVars (Const _) = []
-allfreeVars (Lambda i e) = List.delete i (allfreeVars e)
-allfreeVars (Apply e1 e2) = (allfreeVars e1) ++ (allfreeVars e2)
+ -- | Create a net with the agent of arity 2 and connect it to the given
+ -- point and to the subterms, taking care of shared variables.
+ -- createNet2 :: String -> FuncLang -> PortName -> FuncLang -> PortName -> Network g n e
+ createNet2 agentName tLeft portLeft tRight portRight =
+ let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
+ net2 = connectNodes point (nr,agentName,"res")
+ . moveNode nr trans point
+ $ net1
+ (net3, [ctxL,ctxR]) = shareCommonVariables palette [tLeft, tRight] ctx net2
+ in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portLeft) (-5,1) tLeft ctxL
+ . iso palette names (nr,agentName,portRight) (5,1) tRight ctxR
+ $ net3
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 135
-make_node:: VarId -> Context -> Bool
-make_node v c = not . null $ filter (\(a,_,_,l) -> (a==v) && (l>1)) c
+ -- | Create a net with the iter agent and connect it to the given
+ -- point and to the subterms, taking care of shared variables.
+ -- createNetIter :: FuncLang -- iter_TYPE term
+ -- -> [(FuncLang, Char)] -- list of sub terms and respective port prefixs
+ -- -> FuncLang -- middle (arg) sub term
+ -- -> PortName -- middle (arg) port name
+ -- -> Network g n e
+ createNetIter term l tMiddle portMiddle =
+ case lookupIterName term names of
+ Just agentName ->
+ let (nr, net1) = addNode agentName palette net
+ net2 = connectNodes point (nr,agentName,"res")
+ . moveNode nr trans point
+ $ net1
+ (terms,portPrefixs) = unzip l
+ (net3, ctxM:ctxs) = shareCommonVariables palette (tMiddle:terms) ctx net2
+ in iso palette names (nr,agentName,portMiddle) (0,1.5) tMiddle ctxM
+ . foldlCont (connect2Iter nr agentName) (zip portPrefixs ctxs)
+ $ net3
+ Nothing -> error $ "Internal Error: symbol " ++ show term ++ "not found in list of symbol's names."
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 156
-update_ctx :: Context -> VarId -> (Int,Int) -> Context
-update_ctx ctx v (node_nr,side) = let (q,w,e,r) = head $ filter (\(a,_,_,_) -> (a==v)) ctx
- in if (r-1 == 0 || r == 0) then List.delete (q,w,e,r) ctx [_$_]
- else (q,node_nr,side,r-1):(List.delete (q,w,e,r) ctx)
+ connect2Iter :: (InfoKind e g) => NodeNr -> String -> Network g n e -> (Char,Context) -> Network g n e
+ connect2Iter nr agentName net (portPrefix, ctx) =
+ connectPorts portPrefix nr agentName ctx net
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 160
-getVarPort :: Context -> VarId -> (Int,Int)
-getVarPort c v = let (_,w,e,_) = head $ filter (\(a,_,_,_) -> (a==v)) c
- in (w,e)
+-- | Connect the set of ports with prefix 'pF' from given agent to the context.
+connectPorts :: (InfoKind e g) =>
+ Char -- port prefix
+ -> NodeNr -- iter agent
+ -> String -- iter agent
+ -> Context
+ -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+connectPorts pF iterNr iterAgent ctx net = Map.foldWithKey (connectIterZs iterNr) net ctx
+ where connectIterZs :: (InfoKind e g) => NodeNr
+ -> Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e
+ -> Network g n e
+ connectIterZs iterNr var point net =
+ connectNodes (iterNr,iterAgent,pF:'_':var) point net
+type RichCtx = Map.Map Variable [ConnectionPoint]
+-- | Add as many copy agents as necessary for variables that are shared between sub-terms.
+shareCommonVariables :: (InfoKind n g,InfoKind e g) =>
+ Palette n
+ -> [FuncLang] -- list of n subterms
+ -> Context
+ -> Network g n e
+ -> (Network g n e, [Context]) -- new net with necessary copy agents
+ -- and n contexts: respectively for each subterm
+shareCommonVariables palette l ctx net =
+ let
+ lVars = map freeVars l
+ (net1, richCtx) =
+ Map.mapAccumWithKey copyPointInNet net . Map.mapWithKey count $ ctx
+ in (net1, snd $ mapAccumL subTermCtx richCtx lVars)
+ where
+ lVars = map freeVars l
+ count :: Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> (Int, ConnectionPoint)
+ count var point = (length $ findIndices (var `elem`) lVars, point)
+-- copyPointInNet :: (InfoKind n g,InfoKind e g) =>
+-- Network g n e -> Variable -> (Int, ConnectionPoint)
+-- -> (Network g n e, [ConnectionPoint])
+ copyPointInNet net _ (0, point) = error "Internal Error in copyPointInNet"
+ copyPointInNet net _ (1, point) = (net, [point])
+ copyPointInNet net v (n, point) =
+ let (nNr, net1) = addNode "copy" palette net
+ m = n `div` 2
+ net2 = moveNode nNr (-1.5,1) point
+ $ connectNodes point (nNr,"copy","src") net1
+ (netL, pointsL) = copyPointInNet net2 v (m , (nNr,"copy","fst_target"))
+ (netR, pointsR) = copyPointInNet netL v (n-m, (nNr,"copy","snd_target"))
+ in (netR, pointsL ++ pointsR)
+ subTermCtx :: RichCtx -> [Variable] -> (RichCtx, Context)
+ subTermCtx richctx = (id >< Map.fromList) . mapAccumL variableCtx richctx
+ variableCtx :: RichCtx -> Variable -> (RichCtx, (Variable,ConnectionPoint))
+ variableCtx richctx var = (Map.adjust tail var richctx, (var, head $ richctx Map.! var))
+-- | Connect unused variables to erase agents.
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 221
-closeEpsilon _ [] nt = nt
-closeEpsilon pal ((a,b,c,d):t) nt = let ;(node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "Erase" pal nt
- ;nn_nt = connectNode (b,c) (node_nr,0) n_nt
- in closeEpsilon pal t nn_nt
+closeEpsilon pal ctx net = Map.fold aux net ctx
+ where
+ -- aux :: ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+ aux point nt = let (node_nr, n_nt) = addNode "Erase" pal nt
+ in connectNodes point (node_nr,"Erase","down")
+ . moveNode node_nr (0,-1) point
+ $ n_nt
+createIterSymbol :: AgentType -> (FuncLang, String) -> (String, (Shape, Maybe Ports, Maybe a))
+createIterSymbol at (term, name) = (name2, (shape, Just ports, Nothing))
+ where
+ (x,y) = (1.0, 1.0)
+ topPosition = DoublePoint 0.0 (-y)
+ name2 = case at of
+ Syntactical -> name
+ Computational -> '^':name
+ shape =
+ case at of
+ Syntactical -> -- triangle with text
+ Composite { shapeSegments =
+ [ Polygon { shapeStyle = ShapeStyle { styleStrokeWidth = 1
+ , styleStrokeColour = licorice
+ , styleFill = lightRed }
+ , shapePerimeter = [topPosition, DoublePoint (-x) 0.3, DoublePoint x 0.3] }
+ , Text { shapeStyle = defaultShapeStyle
+ , shapeText = name }
+ ] }
+ Computational -> -- circle
+ TextInEllipse { shapeStyle = ShapeStyle { styleStrokeWidth = 1
+ , styleStrokeColour = licorice
+ , styleFill = lightRed }
+ , shapeText = name }
+ (resP,argP) = case at of
+ Syntactical -> (("res", topPosition),("arg", DoublePoint 0.0 0.3))
+ Computational -> (("arg", DoublePoint 0.0 0.3),("res", topPosition))
+ ports =
+ case term of
+ IterBool v f (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 'v' v ++ argP: portsFrom x 'f' f
+ IterNat a s z (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 's' (Abst a s) ++ argP: portsFrom x 'z' z
+ IterList a b c n (Var "") -> resP: portsFrom (-x) 'c' (Abst a $ Abst b c) ++ argP: portsFrom x 'n' n
+ _ -> error "unexpected case"
+ portsFrom :: Double -> Char -> FuncLang -> [Port]
+ portsFrom pos char term = snd . mapAccumL (createPort char desc) pos $ freeVars term
+ where desc = (signum pos) * (-0.3)
+createPort :: Char -> Double -> Double -> String -> (Double, Port)
+createPort c desc x str = (x + desc, (c:'_':str, DoublePoint x 0.3))
+createIterTokenRule :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> (FuncLang, String) -> IO (INRule g n e)
+createIterTokenRule g n e palette (_, agent) =
+ do
+ (rule,nNr1,nNr2) <- createRuleWizard g n e palette "evaluation" agent
+ portsIter <- getSymbolPorts ('^':agent) palette
+ portsEval <- getSymbolPorts "evaluation" palette
+ return . updateRHS (f portsIter portsEval ('^':agent) nNr1 nNr2) $ copyLHS2RHS rule
+ where
+ f :: (InfoKind e g) => Ports -> Ports -> String -> NodeNr -> NodeNr -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+ f portsIter [(pEA@("arg",_)),pER@("res",_)] shape2 nNr1 nNr2 net =
+ let pos1 = getNodePosition net nNr1
+ pos2 = getNodePosition net nNr2
+ mPort = head . fromJust $ getNodePorts net nNr2
+ mid = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 pEA
+ top = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 pER
+ bot = fromJust $ otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr2 ("arg",DoublePoint 0.0 0.3)
+ arc1 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 pEA
+ arc2 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr1 pER
+ arc3 = fromJust $ edgeConnectedOnPort net nNr2 ("arg",DoublePoint 0.0 0.3)
+ in addEdgesWithJustPort
+ [ ((nNr2,("arg",DoublePoint 0.0 0.3)),(nNr1,pER)) -- (iter,arg) |-> (token,res)
+ , (top,(nNr2,mPort)) -- top interface |-> (iter,res)
+ , ((nNr1,pEA), bot) -- (token,arg) |-> bottom interface
+ ]
+ . removeEdge arc1 . removeEdge arc2 . removeEdge arc3
+ . setNodePorts nNr2 portsIter . setNodeShape nNr2 (Left shape2) -- change symbol iter to ^iter
+ . setNodePosition nNr1 pos2 . setNodePosition nNr2 pos1 -- swap positions
+ $ net
+ f _ _ _ _ _ _ = error $ "Internal Error: creating rule for token and " ++ agent
+createIterConstructorRules :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> (FuncLang, String) -> IO (INRules g n e)
+createIterConstructorRules g n e palette names (term, agent) =
+ mapM (createIterConstructorRule g n e palette names (term, agent) ) constructorAgents
+ where constructorAgents = case term of
+ IterBool _ _ (Var "") -> ["True","False"]
+ IterNat _ _ _ (Var "") -> ["Zero","Succ"]
+ IterList _ _ _ _ (Var "") -> ["Nil","Cons"]
+ -- new Iterators
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: iterator term expected and something different found."
+data InterfaceID =
+ RES ConnectionPoint
+ | SuccArg ConnectionPoint
+ | ConsHead ConnectionPoint
+ | ConsTail ConnectionPoint
+ | IterBoolV Context
+ | IterBoolF Context
+ | IterNatS Context
+ | IterNatZ Context
+ | IterListC Context
+ | IterListN Context
+ deriving(Eq,Ord,Show)
+equalIID :: InterfaceID -> InterfaceID -> Bool
+equalIID (RES _) (RES _) = True
+equalIID (SuccArg _) (SuccArg _) = True
+equalIID (ConsHead _) (ConsHead _) = True
+equalIID (ConsTail _) (ConsTail _) = True
+equalIID (IterBoolV _) (IterBoolV _) = True
+equalIID (IterBoolF _) (IterBoolF _) = True
+equalIID (IterNatS _) (IterNatS _) = True
+equalIID (IterNatZ _) (IterNatZ _) = True
+equalIID (IterListC _) (IterListC _) = True
+equalIID (IterListN _) (IterListN _) = True
+equalIID _ _ = False
+createIterConstructorRule :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => g -> n -> e -> Palette n -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> (FuncLang, String) -> String -> IO (INRule g n e)
+createIterConstructorRule g n e palette names (term, agent) agent2 =
+ do
+ (rule,nNr1,nNr2) <- createRuleWizard g n e palette ('^':agent) agent2
+ let lhs = getLHS rule
+ (_:lPorts1) = maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id $ getNodePorts lhs nNr1
+ (_:lPorts2) = maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id $ getNodePorts lhs nNr2
+ groupedInterfaces = groupInterfaces lhs (nNr1, lPorts1) (nNr2, lPorts2)
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 347
+ return . updateRHS (makeRHS term agent agent2 groupedInterfaces) $ copyLHSInterface2RHS rule
+ where
+ groupInterfaces :: Network g n e -> (NodeNr, Ports) -> (NodeNr, Ports)
+ -> [InterfaceID]
+ groupInterfaces lhs (nNr1, auxPorts1) (nNr2, auxPorts2) =
+ sort (f4 nNr1 auxPorts1) ++ f4 nNr2 auxPorts2
+ where
+ f4 :: NodeNr -> Ports -> [InterfaceID]
+ f4 nNr = map (f3 lhs nNr) . groupBy aux
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 357
+ f3 :: Network g n e -> NodeNr -> [Port] -> InterfaceID
+ f3 net nNr = aux3
+ where
+ aux3 [p@("res" ,_)] = RES $ f2 p
+ aux3 [p@("head",_)] = ConsHead $ f2 p
+ aux3 [p@("tail",_)] = ConsTail $ f2 p
+ aux3 [p@("arg" ,_)] = SuccArg $ f2 p
+ aux3 l@(('v':'_':_,_):_) = IterBoolV . f6 $ l
+ aux3 l@(('f':'_':_,_):_) = IterBoolF . f6 $ l
+ aux3 l@(('s':'_':_,_):_) = IterNatS . f6 $ l
+ aux3 l@(('z':'_':_,_):_) = IterNatZ . f6 $ l
+ aux3 l@(('c':'_':_,_):_) = IterListC . f6 $ l
+ aux3 l@(('n':'_':_,_):_) = IterListN . f6 $ l
+ aux3 _ = error "Internal Error in aux3"
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 372
--- Display [_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_^I_][_$_]
+ f2 :: Port -> ConnectionPoint
+ f2 = f4 . maybe (error "Internal Error: unexpected Nothing") id . otherExtremeOfEdgeConnectedOnPort net nNr
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 375
-display :: Network g n e -> Network g n e
-display n = let nl = walk [getInterface n] n 1 []
- levels = groupBylevel nl
- pos = setBylevel (10,0) levels
- in assign n pos
+ f4 (nNr,("interface",_)) = (nNr,"interface","interface")
+ f4 _ = error "Internal Error: unexpected agent"
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 378
+ f5 (_:'_':portName,_) = portName
+ f5 _ = error "Internal Error: unexpected port name"
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 381
+ f6 = Map.fromList . map (f5 /\ f2)
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 383
-walk :: [NodeNr] -> Network g n e -> Int -> [NodeNr] -> [(Int,Int)]
-walk [] _ _ _ = []
-walk (x:xs) nt l v = if (x `elem` v)[_^I_][_$_]
- then walk xs nt l v
- else let p = getChildrenAll nt x;
- in [(x,l)] ++ ( walk xs nt l (x:v)) ++ ( walk p nt (l+1) (x:v))
+ -- makeRHS :: FuncLang -> String -> String -> [InterfaceID] -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+ makeRHS term iterAgent consAgent (RES interfacePoint:lInters) net =
+ let (conE,net1) = connectToken palette interfacePoint net
+ in reallyMakeRHS palette names term iterAgent consAgent lInters conE net1
+ makeRHS _ _ _ _ _ = error "Internal Error making RHS."
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 389
+-- | Add a token agent and connect its auxiliar port to the given point.
+connectToken :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Palette n -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> (ConnectionPoint, Network g n e)
+connectToken palette topPoint net =
+ let (nNrE, net1) = addNode "evaluation" palette net -- add token agent
+ in ( (nNrE,"evaluation","arg")
+ , connectNodes (nNrE, "evaluation", "res") topPoint -- (token, res) |-> topPoint
+ . moveNode nNrE (0,1) topPoint
+ $ net1 )
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 398
-getChildrenAll :: Network g n e -> NodeNr -> [NodeNr]
-getChildrenAll network parent = let ;por = fromMaybe [] $ getPorts $ getNode parent network
- ;ed = map (\(Just a) -> (getEdge a network)) $ [_$_]
- filter (/=Nothing) $ [_$_]
- map (edgeConnectedOnPort network parent ) por [_$_]
- ;che = map getEdgeFrom (filter (\x -> (getEdgeTo x == parent)) (getEdges network))
- in che ++ (map getEdgeTo ed )
+aux :: (String, a) -> (String, a) -> Bool
+aux (c1:'_':_,_) (c2:'_':_,_) = c1 == c2
+aux _ _ = False
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 402
+aux2 :: (String, a) -> (String, a) -> Bool
+aux2 (str1,_) (str2,_) = str1 == str2
+aux2 _ _ = False
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 406
-getInterface :: Network g n e -> NodeNr
-getInterface nt = (fst . head ) (filter isInterfaceNode $ getNodeAssocs nt) [_$_]
+-- | Creates the network that is the RHS of rule for given symbols.
+-- See interaction rules for iterators in paper
+-- "Encoding Iterators in Interaction Nets" for more details.
+reallyMakeRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
+ => Palette n
+ -> [(FuncLang, String)]
+ -> FuncLang -- Iter_TYPE args (Var "")
+ -> String -- iter agent name
+ -> String -- constructor agent name
+ -> [InterfaceID] -> ConnectionPoint
+ -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+reallyMakeRHS palette names term iterAgent const l point =
+ case (term, const) of
+ (IterBool v _ (Var ""), "True") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterBoolV emp, IterBoolF emp] of
+ [IterBoolV ctxV, IterBoolF ctxF] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxV ctxF v
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ (IterBool _ f (Var ""), "False") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterBoolV emp, IterBoolF emp] of
+ [IterBoolV ctxV, IterBoolF ctxF] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxF ctxV f
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ (IterNat _ _ z (Var ""), "Zero") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterNatS emp, IterNatZ emp] of
+ [IterNatS ctxS, IterNatZ ctxZ] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxZ ctxS z
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ (IterNat x s _ (Var ""), "Succ") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterNatS emp, IterNatZ emp, SuccArg undef] of
+ [IterNatS ctxS, IterNatZ ctxZ, SuccArg pSucArg] ->
+ oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names point ctxS emp ctxZ pSucArg x s iterAgent 'z' 's'
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ (IterList _ _ _ n (Var ""), "Nil") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterListC emp, IterListN emp] of
+ [IterListC ctxC, IterListN ctxN] -> simpleRHS palette names point ctxN ctxC n
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ (IterList x y c _ (Var ""), "Cons") ->
+ case emptyfy l [IterListC emp, IterListN emp, ConsHead undef, ConsTail undef] of
+ [IterListC ctxC, IterListN ctxN, ConsHead pConsHead, ConsTail pConsTail] ->
+ oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names point ctxC (Map.singleton x pConsHead) ctxN pConsTail y c iterAgent 'n' 'c'
+ _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected [InterfaceID]"
+ _ -> error "Undefined case making RHS."
+ where emp = Map.empty
+ undef = (0,"INVALID NODE","")
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 449
+emptyfy :: [InterfaceID] -> [InterfaceID] -> [InterfaceID]
+emptyfy given needed = map (\e -> maybe e id $ find (equalIID e) given ) needed
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 453
+-- | Defines a simple RHS that evaluates the translation of term t
+-- connecting its free variables to the corresponding interface agents
+-- and connects the remaing interface agents to erase agents.
+-- For example RHS for rule IterBool |X| TT that is
+-- \TOKEN(T(V))
+simpleRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
+ => Palette n
+ -> [(FuncLang, String)]
+ -> ConnectionPoint
+ -> Context -- context to connect
+ -> Context -- context to erase
+ -> FuncLang -- term to translate
+ -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+simpleRHS palette names point goodCtx eraCtx term = -- trace ("simpleRHS: POINT: " ++ show point ++ " GOODCTX" ++ show (Map.keys goodCtx) ++ " ERACTX: " ++ show (Map.keys eraCtx) ++" TERM: " ++ show term ) $
+ iso palette names point (2,0) term goodCtx
+ . closeEpsilon palette eraCtx
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 470
-groupBylevel :: [(Int,Int)] -> [[(Int,Int)]]
-groupBylevel = (groupBy (\(a,c) (b,n) -> c==n )) . [_$_]
- (map swap). sort .(map swap) . (foldr (++) []) . [_$_]
- (map (take 1)) . (groupBy (\(a,c) (b,n) -> a==b )) . sort [_$_]
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 471
+-- | Defines a RHS with one recursive call.
+-- Like IterNat |X| suc or IterList |X| cons
+oneRecursiveCallRHS :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g)
+ => Palette n
+ -> [(FuncLang, String)]
+ -> ConnectionPoint -- (token, arg) port to connect generated net
+ -> Context -- context to connect to copy
+ -> Context -- context to pass to translate function; refers to arguments of constructor
+ -> Context -- context to connect to iterator
+ -> ConnectionPoint -- interface for place to apply recursion
+ -> Variable -- variable that represents result of recursive call
+ -> FuncLang -- term to translate
+ -> String -- Iterator agent name
+ -> Char -- port prefix for final elements
+ -> Char -- port prefix for cont elements
+ -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+oneRecursiveCallRHS palette names topPoint copyCtx argCtx stopCtx argPoint var term iterAgent pF pC net =
+ let (newNet, newCtx) =
+ if var `elem` lFreeVars
+ then
+ let
+ (iterNr,net1) = addNode iterAgent palette net -- add iter agent
+ (net2, ctxNew) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (connectCopies iterNr) net1 copyCtx -- (Iter, FV(S)) |-> (copy, snd_target)
+ -- (copy, src) |-> copyCtx
+ in ( connectNodes (iterNr,iterAgent,"arg") argPoint -- (Iter, arg) |-> argInterface
+ . connectPorts pF iterNr iterAgent stopCtx -- (Iter, FV(Z)) |-> stopCtx
+ . moveNode iterNr (0,-1) argPoint
+ $ net2, Map.insert var (iterNr,iterAgent,"res") ctxNew )
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 500
+ else (closeEpsilon palette (Map.insert "" argPoint stopCtx) net, copyCtx)
+ (frees, dontExist) = Map.partitionWithKey aux argCtx
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 503
---Comprimento medio de um agente : 1,5
---espacamento : 0,5
+ in iso palette names topPoint (2,0.7) term (frees `Map.union` newCtx)
+ . closeEpsilon palette dontExist
+ $ newNet
+ where
+ lFreeVars = freeVars term
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 509
+-- connectCopies :: NodeNr -> Network g n e -> Variable -> ConnectionPoint -> (Network g n e, ConnectionPoint)
+ connectCopies iterNr net var point =
+ let (copyNr,net1) = addNode "copy" palette net
+ in (connectNodes (iterNr,iterAgent,pC:'_':var) (copyNr,"copy","snd_target")
+ . connectNodes (copyNr,"copy","src") point
+ . moveNode copyNr (0,-0.8) point
+ $ net1, (copyNr,"copy","fst_target") )
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 517
-specialFoldl2 :: DoublePoint -> [NodeNr] -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
-specialFoldl2 startingPoint nodes net = snd $ foldl gene2 (startingPoint, net) nodes
-gene2 :: (DoublePoint, Network g n e) -> NodeNr -> (DoublePoint, Network g n e)
-gene2 (actual, oldNet) nNr = (translate actual diff2, setNodePosition nNr actual oldNet)
-diff2 = DoublePoint 1.0 0.0
+ aux var _ = var `elem` lFreeVars
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 519
+type ConnectionPoint = ( NodeNr
+ , String -- shape name
+ , PortName
+ )
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 524
-setBylevel ::(Double,Double) -> [[(Int,Int)]] -> [(DoublePoint,[Int])]
-setBylevel _ [] = []
-setBylevel (x,y) (h:t) = let l = fromInteger(toInteger(length h))::Double
- startX = (x - (( (0.5 * l-1 ) + (l * 1.5))/2) ) [_$_]
- in if (startX < 0)
- then [(DoublePoint 0 (y+2) , map fst h )] ++ setBylevel (x,y+2) t
- else [(DoublePoint startX (y+2) , map fst h )] ++ setBylevel (x,y+2) t [_$_]
+-- | Connect a port in a node to another.
+connectNodes :: (InfoKind e g) => ConnectionPoint -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+connectNodes (nrFrom, shapeFrom, portFrom) (nrTo, shapeTo, portTo) net =
+ case (getNodeShape net nrFrom, getNodeShape net nrTo) of
+ (Left str1, Left str2) | str1 == shapeFrom && str2 == shapeTo ->
+ case (getNodePorts net nrFrom, getNodePorts net nrTo) of
+ (Just portsFrom, Just portsTo) ->
+ case (Data.List.lookup portFrom portsFrom, Data.List.lookup portTo portsTo) of
+ (Just posFrom, Just posTo) ->
+ addEdge nrFrom (Just (portFrom,posFrom)) nrTo (Just (portTo,posTo)) net
+ (Nothing,_) -> error $ "Port \"" ++ portFrom ++ "\" do not exist in symbol \"" ++ shapeFrom ++ "\"."
+ (_,Nothing) -> error $ "Port \"" ++ portTo ++ "\" do not exist in symbol \"" ++ shapeTo ++ "\"."
+ _ -> error "No ports."
+ _ -> error "Shapes do not coincide."
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 539
-assign :: Network g n e -> [(DoublePoint,[Int])] -> Network g n e
-assign n [] = n
-assign n ((p,nr):t) = assign (specialFoldl2 p nr n) t
+-- | Move first node to position @(dx,dy)@ relatively to reference point position.
+moveNode :: NodeNr -> (Double,Double) -> ConnectionPoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e
+moveNode node (dx,dy) refPoint net =
+ setNodePosition node ( translate (DoublePoint dx dy)
+ $ getNodePosition net $ fst3 refPoint)
+ net
hunk ./src/Functional/Compiler.hs 546
addfile ./src/Functional/Language.hs
hunk ./src/Functional/Language.hs 1
+ Module : Functional.Language
+ Copyright : (c) Miguel Vilaça 2007
+ Maintainer :
+ Stability : experimental
+ Portability : portable
+ Small Functional Language
+module Functional.Language where
+import Data.List
+import Common
+type Variable = String
+data CallBy = Value | Name | Need deriving (Eq, Show)
+data FuncLang = Var Variable -- 1 (precedences)
+ | Abst Variable FuncLang -- 7
+ | Appl FuncLang FuncLang -- 10
+ | TT -- 1
+ | FF -- 1
+ | IterBool FuncLang FuncLang FuncLang -- 5
+ | Zero -- 1
+ | Succ FuncLang -- 3
+ | IterNat Variable FuncLang FuncLang FuncLang -- 5
+ | Nil -- 1
+ | Cons FuncLang FuncLang -- 3
+ | IterList Variable Variable FuncLang FuncLang FuncLang -- 5
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Default names and expressions for 'FuncLang' terms.
+listLangConstructors :: [(String, FuncLang)]
+listLangConstructors =
+ [ ("Abstraction" , Abst "x" (Var "t"))
+ , ("Application" , Appl (Var "t") (Var "u"))
+ , ("True" , TT)
+ , ("False" , FF)
+ , ("If then else" , IterBool (Var "V") (Var "F") (Var "b"))
+ , ("0" , Zero)
+ , ("successor" , Succ (Var "t"))
+ , ("Nat iterator" , IterNat "x" (Var "S") (Var "Z") (Var "t"))
+ , ("[]" , Nil)
+ , (":" , Cons (Var "H") (Var "T"))
+ , ("List iterator", IterList "x" "y" (Var "C") (Var "N") (Var "t"))
+ ]
+instance Show FuncLang where
+ -- precedence 9 is a special one; means that it is inside an abstraction
+ showsPrec 9 (Abst v t) =
+ showChar ','
+ . showString v
+ . showsPrec 9 t
+ showsPrec 9 x = showChar ']' . showsPrec 0 x
+ showsPrec d (Abst v t) =
+ showParen (d > 7) $
+ showChar '['
+ . showString v
+ . showsPrec 9 t
+ -- elements of precedence 1; those never surrounded by parenthesis
+ showsPrec _ (Var x) = showString x
+ showsPrec _ TT = showString "tt"
+ showsPrec _ FF = showString "ff"
+ showsPrec _ Zero = showString "0"
+ showsPrec _ Nil = showString "nil"
+ -- elements of precedence 3
+ showsPrec _ (Succ n) =
+ showString "suc("
+ . showsPrec 0 n
+ . showChar ')'
+ showsPrec _ (Cons h t) =
+ showString "cons("
+ . showsPrec 0 h
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 t
+ . showChar ')'
+ -- elements of precedence 5
+ showsPrec _ (IterBool v f b) =
+ showString "iterbool("
+ . showsPrec 0 v
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 f
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 b
+ . showChar ')'
+ showsPrec _ (IterNat x s z n) =
+ showString "iternat("
+ . showsPrec 0 (Abst x s)
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 z
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 n
+ . showChar ')'
+ showsPrec _ (IterList h t c n l) =
+ showString "iterlist("
+ . showsPrec 0 (Abst h $ Abst t c)
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 n
+ . showChar ','
+ . showsPrec 0 l
+ . showChar ')'
+ -- elements of precedence 10
+ showsPrec d (Appl u v) =
+ showParen (d > 10) $
+ showsPrec 11 u
+ . showChar ' '
+ . showsPrec 11 v
+-- | Show iter_TYPE symbols.
+showAgent :: FuncLang -> String
+showAgent t@(IterBool v f (Var "")) = show t
+showAgent t@(IterNat x s z (Var "")) = show t
+showAgent t@(IterList h r c n (Var "")) = show t
+showAgent _ = error "unexpected functional term here"
+cata :: (Variable -> r) -- ^ Var
+ -> (Variable -> r -> r) -- ^ Abstraction
+ -> (r -> r -> r) -- ^ Application
+ -> r -- ^ True
+ -> r -- ^ False
+ -> (r -> r -> r -> r) -- ^ IterBool
+ -> r -- ^ Zero
+ -> (r -> r) -- ^ Succ
+ -> (Variable -> r -> r -> r -> r) -- ^ IterNat
+ -> r -- ^ Nil
+ -> (r -> r -> r) -- ^ Cons
+ -> (Variable -> Variable -> r -> r -> r -> r) -- ^ IterList
+ -> FuncLang -- ^ term
+ -> r -- ^ result
+cata fVar fAbst fAppl fTT fFF fIB fZ fS fIN fN fC fIL = cata'
+ where cata' term =
+ case term of
+ Var var -> fVar var
+ Abst var t -> fAbst var (cata' t)
+ Appl t1 t2 -> fAppl (cata' t1) (cata' t2)
+ TT -> fTT
+ FF -> fFF
+ IterBool t1 t2 t3 -> fIB (cata' t1) (cata' t2) (cata' t3)
+ Zero -> fZ
+ Succ t -> fS (cata' t)
+ IterNat var t1 t2 t3 -> fIN var (cata' t1) (cata' t2) (cata' t3)
+ Nil -> fN
+ Cons t1 t2 -> fC (cata' t1) (cata' t2)
+ IterList var1 var2 t1 t2 t3 -> fIL var1 var2 (cata' t1) (cata' t2) (cata' t3)
+-- | Dummy variable
+eVar = Var ""
+-- | Collect all the symbols in a term.
+-- The possible symbols are:
+-- * @ IterBool t1 t2 (Var \"\") @
+-- * @ IterNat v t1 t2 (Var \"\") @
+-- * @ IterList v1 v2 t1 t2 (Var \"\") @
+listIteratorSymbols,listSymbs :: FuncLang -> [FuncLang]
+listIteratorSymbols = listSymbs
+listSymbs term =
+ case term of
+ Var _var -> []
+ Abst _var t -> listSymbs t
+ Appl t1 t2 -> (listSymbs t1) `join` (listSymbs t2)
+ TT -> []
+ FF -> []
+ IterBool t1 t2 t3 -> [IterBool t1 t2 eVar] `join` (listSymbs t1) `join` (listSymbs t2) `join` (listSymbs t3)
+ Zero -> []
+ Succ t -> listSymbs t
+ IterNat var t1 t2 t3 -> [IterNat var t1 t2 eVar] `join` (listSymbs t1) `join` (listSymbs t2) `join` (listSymbs t3)
+ Nil -> []
+ Cons t1 t2 -> (listSymbs t1) `join` (listSymbs t2)
+ IterList var1 var2 t1 t2 t3 -> [IterList var1 var2 t1 t2 eVar] `join` (listSymbs t1) `join` (listSymbs t2) `join` (listSymbs t3)
+ where join = union
+-- | Give some sequential names to symbols.
+giveNames :: [FuncLang] -> [(FuncLang, String)]
+giveNames = snd . mapAccumL f 1
+ where f acc x = (acc+1,(x,"Iter_" ++ show acc))
+-- | List the free variables of a term; the result is a set.
+freeVars :: FuncLang -> [String]
+freeVars = cata singleton delete union [] [] fIB [] id fIN [] union fIL
+ where
+ fIB r1 r2 r3 = r1 `union` r2 `union` r3
+ fIN v r1 r2 r3 = (delete v r1) `union` r2 `union` r3
+ fIL x y r1 r2 r3 = ( r1\\[x,y] ) `union` r2 `union` r3
+-- | Special lookup function for iterators with an equality.
+lookupIterName :: FuncLang -> [(FuncLang, String)] -> Maybe String
+lookupIterName term [] = Nothing
+lookupIterName term ((term2,str):xs) | term `equal` term2 = Just str
+ | otherwise = lookupIterName term xs
+ where
+ equal :: FuncLang -> FuncLang -> Bool
+ equal (IterBool v1 f1 _) (IterBool v2 f2 _) = v1==v2 && f1==f2
+ equal (IterNat x1 s1 z1 _) (IterNat x2 s2 z2 _) = x1==x2 && s1==s2 && z1==z2
+ equal (IterList x1 y1 c1 n1 _) (IterList x2 y2 c2 n2 _) = x1==x2 && y1==y2 && c1==c2 && n1==n2
+ equal _ _ = False
addfile ./src/Functional/Parser.hs
hunk ./src/Functional/Parser.hs 1
+ Module : Functional.Parser
+ Copyright : (c) Miguel Vilaça 2007
+ Maintainer :
+ Stability : experimental
+ Portability : portable
+ Small Functional Language: Parser
+module Functional.Parser (parse) where
+import Functional.Language
+import Data.Char
+parse :: String -> Either FuncLang String
+parse str =
+ case filter (nul.snd) res of
+ [(term, _)] -> Left term
+ _ -> case res of
+ [] -> Right "Null result"
+ l -> Right $ "Ambiguous parsing.\n" ++ show l
+ where res = reads $ map f str
+ f c | isControl c = ' '
+ | otherwise = c
+ nul = all (\c -> isControl c || isSpace c)
+instance Read FuncLang where
+-- readsPrec :: Int -> String -> [(a, String)]
+ readsPrec d str =
+ map (\(v,s) -> (Var v,s)) (readVar str) -- variables
+ ++ readParen (d > abst_prec) -- abstraction - allow [x,y]t
+ (\r -> [(vs t, r4) |
+ ("[",r2) <- lex r,
+ (vs,r3) <- readVars r2,
+ (t,r4) <- readsPrec (abst_prec+1) r3 ]) str
+ ++ readParen (d > app_prec)
+ (\r -> [(Appl t u, r2) |
+ (t,r1) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) r,
+ (u,r2) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) r1 ]) str
+ ++ readTerminal TT "tt" str
+ ++ readTerminal FF "ff" str
+ ++ readParen (d > iter_prec) -- iterbool
+ (\r -> [(IterBool v f b, r8) |
+ ("iterbool",r1) <- lex r,
+ ("(",r2) <- lex r1,
+ (v,r3) <- readsPrec 0 r2,
+ (",",r4) <- lex r3,
+ (f,r5) <- readsPrec 0 r4,
+ (",",r6) <- lex r5,
+ (b,r7) <- readsPrec 0 r6,
+ (")",r8) <- lex r7]) str
+ ++ readTerminal Zero "0" str
+ ++ readParen (d > const_prec) -- suc
+ (\r -> [(Succ m, r4) |
+ ("suc",r1) <- lex r,
+ ("(",r2) <- lex r1,
+ (m,r3) <- readsPrec 0 r2,
+ (")",r4) <- lex r3]) str
+ ++ readParen (d > iter_prec) -- iternat
+ (\r -> [(IterNat x s z t, r8) |
+ ("iternat",r1) <- lex r,
+ ("(",r2) <- lex r1,
+ (Abst x s,r3) <- readsPrec 0 r2,
+ (",",r4) <- lex r3,
+ (z,r5) <- readsPrec 0 r4,
+ (",",r6) <- lex r5,
+ (t,r7) <- readsPrec 0 r6,
+ (")",r8) <- lex r7]) str
+ ++ readTerminal Nil "nil" str
+ ++ readParen (d > const_prec) -- cons
+ (\r -> [(Cons a as, r6) |
+ ("cons(",r1) <- lex r,
+ ("(",r2) <- lex r1,
+ (a,r3) <- readsPrec 0 r2,
+ (",",r4) <- lex r3,
+ (as,r5) <- readsPrec 0 r4,
+ (")",r6) <- lex r5]) str
+ ++ readParen (d > iter_prec) -- iterlist
+ (\r -> [(IterList x y c n l, r8) |
+ ("iterlist",r1) <- lex r,
+ ("(",r2) <- lex r1,
+ (Abst x (Abst y c),r3) <- readsPrec 0 r2,
+ (",",r4) <- lex r3,
+ (n,r5) <- readsPrec 0 r4,
+ (",",r6) <- lex r5,
+ (l,r7) <- readsPrec 0 r6,
+ (")",r8) <- lex r7]) str
+ where
+ abst_prec = 5
+ app_prec = 5
+ terminal_prec = 10
+ iter_prec = 10
+ const_prec = 10
+ readTerminal term symb str =
+ readParen (d > terminal_prec)
+ (\r -> [(term,t) |
+ (symb1,t) <- lex r, symb1 == symb]) str
+ readVar str =
+ readParen False
+ (\r -> [(v,t) |
+ (v,t) <- lex r, isVariable v]) str
+ readVars str =
+ [ (Abst v, r1) | (v,r) <- readVar str
+ , ("]",r1) <- lex r]
+ ++
+ [ (Abst v . lv, r2)
+ | (v,r) <- readVar str
+ , (",",r1) <- lex r
+ , (lv, r2) <- readVars r1]
+reservedWords :: [String]
+reservedWords = ["tt","ff","iterbool","0","suc","iternat","nil","cons","iterlist"]
+isVariable :: String -> Bool
+isVariable str =
+ not (null str)
+ && str `notElem` reservedWords
+ && all isAlphaNum str
+ && not (isDigit $ head str)
+-- Examples
+str = " [x,y,z,a,b]("
+ ++ "(iterbool(x,y,tt) iterlist([x,y]y (x (a z)), (a z), nil) )"
+ ++ "(iternat([x]x,x,0) iterbool(y,y,tt)))"
+term = Left $ Abst "x" $ Abst "y" $ Abst "z" $ Abst "a" $ Abst "b" $
+ Appl
+ (Appl (IterBool x y TT)
+ (IterList "x" "y" (Appl y $ Appl x $ Appl a z) (Appl a z) Nil)
+ )
+ (Appl (IterNat "x" x x Zero)
+ (IterBool y y TT)
+ )
+x = Var "x"
+y = Var "y"
+z = Var "z"
+a = Var "a"
addfile ./src/Functional/UI.hs
hunk ./src/Functional/UI.hs 1
+ Module : Functional.UI
+ Copyright : (c) Miguel Vilaça and Daniel Mendes 2007
+ Maintainer : and
+ Stability : experimental
+ Portability : portable
+ Small Functional Language: Graphical stuff for integration in INblobs.
+module Functional.UI
+ ( compileUI
+ ) where
+import State
+import StateUtil
+import qualified PersistentDocument as PD
+import Common
+import CommonIO
+import CommonUI
+import InfoKind
+import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (XmlContent)
+import Graphics.UI.WX
+import Graphics.UI.WXCore
+import Functional.Language
+import Functional.Parser
+import Functional.Compiler
+import Data.List
+import Data.Char
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+-- | List of strategies for which compilation is available.
+listCallBy :: [CallBy]
+listCallBy = [ Name, Value ]
+-- | GUI for compilation of BNL to INs.
+compileUI :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g, XmlContent g) => State g n e -> g -> n -> e -> IO ()
+compileUI state g n e =
+ closeDocAndThen state $
+ do
+ theFrame <- getNetworkFrame state
+ res <- parseDialog theFrame
+ case res of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (term, callBy)
+ |not . null $ freeVars term ->
+ errorDialog theFrame "Free variables"
+ $ "Only closed terms are allowed and this one have the following free vars:\n" ++ commasAnd (freeVars term)
+ Just (term, callBy) ->
+ do
+ let iterSymbs = listIteratorSymbols term
+ names <- if null iterSymbs
+ then return (Just [])
+ else meaningfulNamesDialog iterSymbs theFrame
+ case names of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just names ->
+ flip E.catch (\exception ->
+ do
+ wxcEndBusyCursor
+ errorDialog theFrame "Compilation failed..." (show exception)
+ ) $
+ do
+ -- loadDocument
+ let fname = "examples/New-Token-Passing/CallBy"
+ ++ show callBy ++
+ "ForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs"
+ openNetworkFile fname state (Just theFrame)
+ pDoc <- getDocument state
+ doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc
+ wxcBeginBusyCursor
+ logMessage "COMPILING..."
+ doc2 <- compile g n e callBy term names doc
+ wxcEndBusyCursor
+ let fname2 = "examples/New-Token-Passing/GENERATED-CallBy"
+ ++ show callBy ++
+ "ForClosedTerms+BNL-Iterators.INblobs"
+ PD.resetDocument (Just fname2) doc2 pDoc
+ -- Redraw
+ applyCanvasSize state
+ buildVisiblePalette state
+ reAddRules2Tree state
+ repaintAll state
+-- | Deal with collecting a term from the user.
+-- Graphical treatment of parsing errors is done here.
+parseDialog :: Frame () -> IO (Maybe (FuncLang,CallBy))
+parseDialog theFrame =
+ do
+ dial <- dialog theFrame [text := "Functional term to IN system", position := pt 200 20]
+ p <- panel dial []
+ termbox <- textCtrlRich p [text := ""]
+ help <- button p
+ [ text := "Help"
+ , on command := infoDialog dial "Help" helpString
+ ]
+ okB <- button p [ text := "Ok" ]
+ canB <- button p [ text := "Cancel" ]
+ -- one button per functional language constructor
+ listBs <- mapM (\(name,term) -> button p
+ [ text := name
+ , on command := addTxtInPlace2TextCtrl termbox $ show term
+ ])
+ listLangConstructors
+ -- CallByX
+ when (null listCallBy) (error "No strategies available.")
+ callByUI <- radioBox p Vertical (map show listCallBy)
+ [ text := "Which evaluation strategy?"
+ , selection := 0
+ ]
+ errorsUI <- textCtrl p [ visible := False ]
+ set dial [ layout := container p $
+ margin 10 $
+ column 5 [ label "Input your term:"
+ , row 2 [ hfill $ widget termbox
+ , column 10 (map widget listBs)
+ ]
+ , widget callByUI
+ , minsize (sz 30 30) . fill $ widget errorsUI
+ , widget help
+ , hrule 350
+ , floatRight $ row 5 [widget okB, widget canB]
+ ]
+ ]
+ showModal dial $ \stop ->
+ do
+ set canB [on command := stop Nothing]
+ set okB [on command :=
+ do
+ set errorsUI [ visible := False, text := ""]
+ txt <- get termbox text
+ i <- get callByUI selection
+ case parse txt of
+ Left term -> stop $ Just (term, listCallBy !! i)
+ Right errMsg ->
+ do
+ set errorsUI [ visible := True
+ , text := "Parse error:\n" ++ errMsg
+ ]
+ errorDialog theFrame "Parsing Error" "Parsing error.\nSee report."
+ ]
+ where helpString = "Use the buttons on the right side to create a term or write it if already familiar with the syntax."
+-- | Allow the user to supply more meaningful names for symbols that correspond to iterators with internalized arguments.
+-- Checks if:
+-- * given names don't contain blank or control characters
+-- * given names are disjoint
+meaningfulNamesDialog :: [FuncLang] -> Frame () -> IO (Maybe [(FuncLang, String)])
+meaningfulNamesDialog terms theFrame =
+ do
+ dial <- dialog theFrame [text := "Meaningful names"
+ , position := pt 200 20
+ , resizeable := True
+ ]
+ p <- panel dial []
+ listG <- listCtrl p [ columns := [ ("Symbol name", AlignRight, -1)
+ , ("Term", AlignLeft, 200)
+ ]
+ , items := [[name, showAgent term] | (term, name) <- giveNames terms]
+ , style :~ (wxLC_EDIT_LABELS .+. wxLC_VRULES .+.)
+ ]
+ okB <- button p [ text := "Ok" ]
+ canB <- button p [ text := "Cancel" ]
+ errorsUI <- textCtrl p [ visible := False ]
+ set dial [ layout := container p $
+ margin 10 $
+ column 5 [ label "Edit the \"Symbol name\" column to give more meaningful names."
+ , fill $ widget listG
+ , fill $ widget errorsUI
+ , hrule 350
+ , floatRight $ row 5 [widget okB, widget canB]
+ ]
+ ]
+ showModal dial $ \stop ->
+ do set okB [ on command :=
+ do
+ newNames <- get listG items
+ let mapp = zip terms (map head newNames)
+ -- Check that given names are good names.
+ badNames = filter (badName . snd) mapp
+ -- Check that given names are disjoint.
+ equalNames = filter ((> 1) . length)
+ $ groupBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> a == b) mapp
+ case (null badNames, null equalNames) of
+ (True, True) -> stop $ Just mapp
+ (False, _) -> -- some bad names
+ set errorsUI [ visible := True
+ , text := "The symbol's name(s) for the following term(s) contain invalid (control or blank) characters:\n"
+ ++ (indent 1 . unlines) (map (showAgent . fst) badNames)
+ ]
+ (True, False) -> -- repeated names
+ set errorsUI [ visible := True
+ , text := "The following terms have the same name(s):\n "
+ ++ beautify equalNames
+ ]
+ ]
+ set canB [on command := stop Nothing]
+ where
+ beautify :: [[(FuncLang,String)]] -> String
+ beautify = unlines . map (\l -> snd (head l) ++ "\n"
+ ++ indent 1 (unlines $ map (showAgent.fst) l))
+ badName = any (\c -> isSpace c || isControl c)
hunk ./src/INChecks.hs 276
- where showNode (_, node, lPorts) = unlines' $ (replicate n '\t' ++ Network.getName node ++ " @ " ++ show (getPosition node) ++ " in port(s):") : map showPort lPorts
+ where showNode (_, node, lPorts) = unlines' $ (replicate n '\t' ++ Network.getName node
+ ++ " # " ++ either id (const "BAD SHAPE") (getShape node) ++ " @ "
+ ++ show (getPosition node) ++ " in port(s):") : map showPort lPorts
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 29
+import Functional.UI
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 350
- ; menuLine opsMenu
+ ; when (not . null $ pureOps ops)
+ $ menuLine opsMenu
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 361
- [_$_]
- ; menuItem opsMenu [text := "Lambda term to Net" , on command := do {b <- lambdaDialog g n e state; return() } ]
+ ; when (not . null $ ioOps ops)
+ $ menuLine opsMenu
+ ; menuItem opsMenu
+ [ text := "Functional term to IN system"
+ , on command := safetyNet theFrame $ compileUI state g n e
+ ]
hunk ./startghc.bat 1
-ghc -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:lib\animLC:src src\Main.hs --make -o INblobs.exe -ignore-package network-1.0
+ghc -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs --make -o INblobs.exe -ignore-package network-1.0
hunk ./startghci.bat 1
-ghci -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:lib\animLC:src src\Main.hs -ignore-package network-1.0
+ghci -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs -ignore-package network-1.0