Move to HaXml 1.19
Mon Nov 26 17:48:48 WET 2007 Miguel Vilaca <>
* Move to HaXml 1.19
hunk ./INblobs.cabal 14
-Build-Depends: base, haskell98, wx >= 0.9, wxcore >= 0.9, HaXml >= 1.15
+Build-Depends: base, haskell98, wx >= 0.9, wxcore >= 0.9, HaXml >= 1.19
hunk ./html/Installation.html 43
- <li>Download <a href="">HaXml 1.15</a>
- <br/>Install with <code>HaXml-1.15\Build.bat</code> editing this file as needed.
+ <li>Download <a href="">HaXml 1.19</a>
+ <br/>Install with <code>HaXml-1.19\Build.bat</code> editing this file as needed.
hunk ./html/Installation.html 56
- <li> Download <a href="">HaXml 1.15</a>
+ <li> Download <a href="">HaXml 1.19</a>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 67
-<h3>Ubuntu Edgy</h3>
+<h3>Ubuntu Feisty</h3>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 73
- <br/><code> # deb edgy universe<br/>
- # deb-src edgy universe
+ <br/><code> # deb feisty universe<br/>
+ # deb-src feisty universe
hunk ./html/Installation.html 85
- <li> install HaXml 1.16
+ <li> install HaXml
hunk ./html/Installation.html 87
- wget<br/>
- tar -xzvf HaXml-1.16.tar.gz<br/>
- cd HaXml-1.16<br/> [_$_]
+ darcs get<br/>
+ cd polyparse<br/>
+ runhaskell Setup.hs configure<br/>
+ runhaskell Setup.hs build<br/>
+ sudo runhaskell Setup.hs install<br/>
+ cd ..<br/>
+ darcs get<br/>
+ cd HaXml<br/>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 111
+ sudo apt-get install libghc6-time-dev<br/>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 138
-<li> You need GHC 6.2.2 at least. There are binaries to several platforms at <a href="">GHC web page</a>. Install it and put it available in path. [_$_]
+<li> You need GHC 6.6 at least. There are binaries to several platforms at <a href="">GHC web page</a>. Install it and put it available in path.
hunk ./html/Installation.html 141
- <li> <a href="">HaXml 1.15</a> [_$_]
+ <li> <a href="">HaXml 1.19</a>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 194
-tar xzvf HaXml-1.15.tar.gz<br/>
+tar xzvf HaXml-1.19.1.tar.gz<br/>
hunk ./html/Installation.html 198
-cd HaXml-1.15<br/>
+cd HaXml-1.19.1<br/>
hunk ./index.html 49
- <li> <a href="">HaXml</a> 1.15 or later
+ <li> <a href="">HaXml</a> 1.19 or later
hunk ./index.html 94
- <li> explicit options to do checks on the IN system. Currently checks are done at runtime as they are needed.
hunk ./src/Colors.hs 4
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse
hunk ./src/CommonUI.hs 25
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser as Parse
+import Text.Parse as Parse
hunk ./src/ContextMenu.hs 14
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse
hunk ./src/GUIEvents.hs 14
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse
hunk ./src/InfoKind.hs 4
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse
hunk ./src/Math.hs 20
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse
hunk ./src/NetworkControl.hs 40
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser as Parse
+import Text.Parse as Parse
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 21
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser as Parse
+import Text.Parse as Parse
hunk ./src/Palette.hs 6
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser as Parse
+import Text.Parse as Parse
hunk ./src/Shape.hs 8
-import Text.ParserCombinators.TextParser
+import Text.Parse