Documentation update
Fri Jan 26 17:43:28 WET 2007 Miguel Vilaca <>
* Documentation update
move ./html/Instalation.html ./html/Installation.html
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 55
+<li> For rules between one of <b>{&epsilon, &delta, c}</b> symbols and any symbol there are templates that automatically create the whole rule; in <b>Rule creation wizard</b> check option <b>Rule template</b> and choose the two symbols.
hunk ./html/Installation.html 9
-<h4>Windows XP </h4>
+ <p/>
+ <center>
+ <a href="#warnings">Warnings/Restrictions</a><br />
+ <a href="#windows">Windows</a><br />
+ <a href="#macOsX">MacOsX</a><br />
+ <a href="#linux">Linux</a><br />
+ </center>
+ <p/>
+<h2><a name="warnings">Warnings/Restrictions</a></h2>
+ <li> HaXml >= 1.17 only compiles with GHC >= 6.6
+ <li> to compile HaXml or INblobs using Cabal (i.e. <code>runhaskell Setup.hs OPTION</code>) you need at least Cabal 1.1.4 (with GHC >= 6.4.2 this requirement is automatically satisfied)
+ <li> you can obtain the latest version of HaXml, wxHaskell or INblobs picking it up from the respective repositories with <code>darcs get URL_TO_REPOSITORY</code>. Alternatively download tarball releases.
+ <li> for wxHaskell is recommended to download the repository version; actual package versions are really out of date.
+ <li> This gives the usual equivalences between Cabal commands and typical <code>make</code>.
+ <table>
+ <head><th>without Cabal</th><th>with Cabal</th></head>
+ <tr><td><code>./configure</code></td><td><code>runhaskell Setup.hs configure</code></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><code>make</code></td><td><code>runhaskell Setup.hs build</code></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><code>make install</code></td><td><code>runhaskell Setup.hs install</code></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><code>make doc</code></td><td><code>runhaskell Setup.hs haddock</code></td></tr>
+ </table>
+<h2><a name="windows">Windows</a></h2>
+It compiles at least with the following versions:
+<ol> [_$_]
+ <li>Download <a href="">GHC 6.4</a>
+ <li>Download <a href="">HaXml 1.15</a>
+ <br/>Install with <code>HaXml-1.15\Build.bat</code> editing this file as needed.
+ <li>Download <a href="">wxHaskell 0.9.4</a>
+ <br/>Install with <code>wxhaskell-0.9.4\bin\wxhaskell-register.bat</code>
+ <li>Download <a href="">INblobs</a>
+ <br/>Compile with <code>INblobs\startghc.bat</code>
+<h2><a name="macOsX">MacOsX</a></h2>
+ <li> Install GHC 6.4 (ensure that is 6.4 and not 6.4.X) (<a href="">download here</a>)</li>
+ <li> Install wxHaskell for Mac (<a href="">download here</a>)</li>
+ <li> Download <a href="">HaXml 1.15</a>
+ <br/><code>./configure
+make install
+ <li> Download <a href="">INblobs</a>
+ <br/>Edit <code>Makefile</code>
+ <br/><code>make</code>
+<h2><a name="linux">Linux</a></h2>
+<h3>Ubuntu Edgy</h3>
+The following script is available (<a href="../scriptINblobs">scriptINblobs</a>).
+ <li>Ensure the universe repository of Ubuntu is enabled:
+ <br/><code>sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list</code>
+ <br/>and uncomment the universe repository lines:
+ <br/><code> # deb edgy universe<br/>
+ # deb-src edgy universe
+ </code>
+ <br/> Then
+ <br/><code>sudo apt-get update</code>
+ <li> install GHC and darcs
+ <br/><code>
+ sudo apt-get install ghc6<br/>
+ sudo apt-get install darcs
+ </code>
+ <li> install HaXml 1.16
+ <br/><code>
+ wget<br/>
+ tar -xzvf HaXml-1.16.tar.gz<br/>
+ cd HaXml-1.16<br/> [_$_]
+ runhaskell Setup.hs configure<br/>
+ runhaskell Setup.hs build</code> (this operation take some time)<br/><code>
+ sudo runhaskell Setup.hs install<br/>
+ cd ..
+ </code>
+ <li>install WxWidgets 2.6
+ <br/><code>
+ sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.6-dev<br/>
+ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev<br/>
+ sudo apt-get install g++
+ </code>
+ <li>install wxHaskell
+ <br/><code>
+ darcs get<br/>
+ cd wxhaskell<br/>
+ chmod u+x configure<br/>
+ ./configure --with-opengl<br/>
+ make<br/>
+ sudo make install<br/>
+ make wx<br/>
+ sudo make wx-install<br/>
+ cd ..
+ </code>
+ <li> compile INblobs
+ <br/><code>
+ darcs get<br/>
+ cd INblobs<br/>
+ runhaskell Setup.hs configure<br/>
+ runhaskell Setup.hs build</code> (this operation take some time)
+ <li> run INblobs
+ <br/><code>./dist/build/INblobs/INblobs</code> [_$_]
+ <br/>On this moment you should see the application.
+ <li>Go to <a href="HowToUse.html">How To Use INblobs</a>
+<h3>Any distribution</h3>
hunk ./index.html 29
- <a href="html/Instalation.html">Installation from sources</a><br />
+ <a href="html/Installation.html">Installation from sources</a><br />
hunk ./index.html 40
- The repository is browsable here <a href=";a=summary">darcsweb</a>
+ The repository is browsable here through <a href=";a=summary">darcsweb</a>
hunk ./index.html 55
- <h4>Windows XP </h4>
+ <h4>Windows XP and Vista</h4>
+ Probably works as well for 95 or 98.
hunk ./index.html 58
- <li> Simply download <a href="">INblobs for Windows XP</a>;
+ <li> Simply download <a href="">INblobs for Windows</a>;
hunk ./index.html 61
- <li> after such a complicated process, relax a little bit!!!
hunk ./index.html 65
- Build and tested in version 10.4.
+ Build and tested in version 10.4 (PowerPC).</br> [_$_]
+ Had been also successfully tested in Mac Os X 10.4 (Intel).
hunk ./index.html 75
- Work from sources.
+ Works from sources.
hunk ./index.html 94
+ <li> explicit options to do checks on the IN system. Currently checks are done at runtime as they are needed.
+ <li> better graphical creator of new symbols; allowing new shapes and full point-and-click creation
+ <li> generation of a printed version of the full IN system.
+ <li> IN system generalization that do not need explicit &epsilon and &delta agents
+ <li> user defined rule templates
+ <li> hierarchical rules
+ <li> multiple nets for the same system