Easy run on Mac
Thu Apr 20 12:19:33 WEST 2006 Miguel Vilaca <jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt>
* Easy run on Mac
hunk ./index.html 64
- <h4>MacOsX</h4>
- Untested but expected to work from sources.
+ <h4>Mac Os X</h4>
+ Build and tested in version 10.4.
+ <ol>
+ <li> Install GHC 6.4 (ensure that is 6.4 and not 6.4.X) (<a href="http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/6.4/MacOSX/GHC-6.4.pkg.zip">download here</a>)
+ <li> Install wxHaskell for Mac (<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-bin-mac2.5.4-ghc6.4-0.9.4-0.dmg?download">download here</a>)
+ <li> Download <a href="INblobs.dmg">INblobs for Mac Os X 10.4</a> and run <i>INblobs.app</i>.<br/> [_$_]
+ Try the examples that are in the <i>.dmg</i> file.
+ </ol>