Thu Apr 20 11:10:17 WEST 2006 Miguel Vilaca <>
* Renamings
- Renaming some features
- Spell check
- Simpler CPP
- Mac distinction
binary ./INblobs.exe
addfile ./INblobs.icns
binary ./INblobs.icns
binary ./INblobs.png
hunk ./Makefile 5
-EXE = [_$_]
-HC_OPTS = -cpp -package HaXml -package wx -package lang -fglasgow-exts -i$(IFACES) -Wall -static $(EXTRA_OPTS) [_$_]
+EXE =
+# MAC = yes # comment this line if not in MAC
+ifdef MAC [_$_]
+ MAC_OPTS = -D__APPLE__ [_$_]
+EXTRA_OPTS = $(MAC_OPTS) -ignore-package network-1.0 # remove -ignore option if not with ghc 6.4
+HC_OPTS = -package HaXml -package wx -package lang -fglasgow-exts -i$(IFACES) -Wall -static $(EXTRA_OPTS) [_$_]
hunk ./Makefile 17
-# MAC = yes # comment this line if not in MAC
hunk ./Makefile 56
+ cp html/HowToUse.html $(MAIN).app/Contents/Resources
hunk ./Makefile 110
-src/Main.o : src/Main.hs
-src/Main.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
-src/Main.o : src/Operations.hi
-src/Main.o : src/Network.hi
-src/Main.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/Main.o : src/State.hi
-src/Main.o : src/NetworkUI.hi
-src/Main.o : src/INTextualUI.hi
-src/State.o : src/State.hs
-src/State.o : src/DisplayOptions.hi
-src/State.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/State.o : src/Math.hi
-src/State.o : src/Document.hi
-src/StateUtil.o : src/StateUtil.hs
-src/StateUtil.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/StateUtil.o : src/Common.hi
-src/StateUtil.o : src/State.hi
-src/Math.o : src/Math.hs
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/GUIEvents.hs
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/INReduction.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/ContextMenu.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/Document.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/CommonIO.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/Common.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/Common.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/State.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/NetworkControl.hi
-src/GUIEvents.o : src/NetworkView.hi
+lib/DData/Set.o : lib/DData/Set.hs
+lib/DData/Seq.o : lib/DData/Seq.hs
+lib/DData/Queue.o : lib/DData/Queue.hs
+lib/DData/Map.o : lib/DData/Map.hs
+lib/DData/MultiSet.o : lib/DData/MultiSet.hs
+lib/DData/MultiSet.o : lib/DData/Map.hi
+lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Scc.hs
+lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Set.hi
+lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Map.hi
+lib/DData/IntSet.o : lib/DData/IntSet.hs
+lib/DData/IntMap.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hs
+lib/DData/IntBag.o : lib/DData/IntBag.hs
+lib/DData/IntBag.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/DisplayOptions.o : src/DisplayOptions.hs
+src/InfoKind.o : src/InfoKind.hs
+src/XTC.o : src/XTC.hs
+src/PDDefaults.o : src/PDDefaults.hs
+src/PersistentDocument.o : src/PersistentDocument.hs
+src/Colors.o : src/Colors.hs
+src/Constants.o : src/Constants.hs
+src/Constants.o : src/Colors.hi
+src/SafetyNet.o : src/SafetyNet.hs
+src/SafetyNet.o : src/Constants.hi
hunk ./Makefile 136
+src/Math.o : src/Math.hs
hunk ./Makefile 141
+src/Shape.o : src/Shape.hs
+src/Shape.o : src/Common.hi
+src/Shape.o : src/Constants.hi
+src/Shape.o : src/Colors.hi
+src/Shape.o : src/Math.hi
+src/Shape.o : src/CommonIO.hi
+src/Ports.o : src/Ports.hs
+src/Ports.o : src/Colors.hi
+src/Ports.o : src/CommonIO.hi
+src/Ports.o : src/Shape.hi
+src/Ports.o : src/Constants.hi
+src/Ports.o : src/Math.hi
+src/Palette.o : src/Palette.hs
+src/Palette.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/Palette.o : src/Math.hi
+src/Palette.o : src/Shape.hi
hunk ./Makefile 172
-src/Colors.o : src/Colors.hs
-src/Constants.o : src/Constants.hs
-src/Constants.o : src/Colors.hi
-src/SafetyNet.o : src/SafetyNet.hs
-src/SafetyNet.o : src/Constants.hi
+src/INRule.o : src/INRule.hs
+src/INRule.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/INRule.o : src/Common.hi
+src/INRule.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/INRule.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/INRule.o : src/Network.hi
+src/INRules.o : src/INRules.hs
+src/INRules.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/INRules.o : src/INRule.hi
hunk ./Makefile 183
+src/Document.o : src/INRules.hi
+src/Document.o : src/Network.hi
+src/Document.o : src/Palette.hi
hunk ./Makefile 192
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkUI.hs
-src/NetWorkUI.o : src/INReduction.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkControl.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Operations.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Constants.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/DisplayOptions.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Math.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Ports.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Shape.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Palette.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/PDDefaults.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/CommonIO.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Common.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/INRules.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Document.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/DocumentFile.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkView.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/Network.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/StateUtil.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/State.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
-src/NetworkUI.o : src/GUIEvents.hi
hunk ./Makefile 206
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/DocumentFile.hs
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/NetworkFile.hi
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/INRule.hi
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/Palette.hi
+src/DocumentFile.o : src/Document.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/INTextual.hs
+src/INTextual.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/INRule.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/INRules.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/Common.hi
+src/INTextual.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/Constants.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/Network.hi
+src/INTextual.o : src/Document.hi
+src/State.o : src/State.hs
+src/State.o : src/DisplayOptions.hi
+src/State.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/State.o : src/Math.hi
+src/State.o : src/Document.hi
+src/StateUtil.o : src/StateUtil.hs
+src/StateUtil.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/StateUtil.o : src/Common.hi
+src/StateUtil.o : src/State.hi
hunk ./Makefile 245
+src/Operations.o : src/Operations.hs
+src/Operations.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/Operations.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/Operations.o : src/Document.hi
+src/Operations.o : src/State.hi
+src/Operations.o : src/Network.hi
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/INTextualUI.hs
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/State.hi
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/INTextual.hi
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
+src/INTextualUI.o : src/Operations.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/INReduction.hs
+src/INReduction.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Common.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Math.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Shape.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/INRule.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/INRules.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/StateUtil.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/State.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Document.hi
+src/INReduction.o : src/Network.hi
hunk ./Makefile 283
-src/PersistentDocument.o : src/PersistentDocument.hs
-src/PDDefaults.o : src/PDDefaults.hs
-src/XTC.o : src/XTC.hs
-src/Shape.o : src/Shape.hs
-src/Shape.o : src/Common.hi
-src/Shape.o : src/Constants.hi
-src/Shape.o : src/Colors.hi
-src/Shape.o : src/Math.hi
-src/Shape.o : src/CommonIO.hi
-src/Palette.o : src/Palette.hs
-src/Palette.o : src/Shape.hi
-src/Palette.o : src/Math.hi
-src/Palette.o : src/Ports.hi
-src/InfoKind.o : src/InfoKind.hs
-src/DisplayOptions.o : src/DisplayOptions.hs
-src/Operations.o : src/Operations.hs
-src/Operations.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
-src/Operations.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/Operations.o : src/Document.hi
-src/Operations.o : src/State.hi
-src/Operations.o : src/Network.hi
-src/Ports.o : src/Ports.hs
-src/Ports.o : src/Shape.hs
-src/Ports.o : src/Constants.hi
-src/Ports.o : src/Colors.hi
-src/Ports.o : src/Math.hi
-src/Ports.o : src/CommonIO.hi
-src/INRule.o : src/INRule.hs
-src/INRule.o : src/Network.hi
-src/INRule.o : src/Ports.hi
-src/INRule.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/INRule.o : src/Common.hi
-src/INRule.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
-src/INRules.o : src/INRules.hs
-src/INRules.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/INRules.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/DocumentFile.hs
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/Document.hi
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/Palette.hi
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/DocumentFile.o : src/NetworkFile.hi
-src/INTextual.o : src/INTextual.hs
-src/INTextual.o : src/Document.hi [_$_]
-src/INTextual.o : src/Network.hi
-src/INTextual.o : src/Constants.hi
-src/INTextual.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi [_$_]
-src/INTextual.o : src/Common.hi
-src/INTextual.o : src/INRules.hi
-src/INTextual.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/INTextual.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/INTextualUI.hs
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/INTextual.hi
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/Operations.hi
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-src/INTextualUI.o : src/State.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Network.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Document.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/State.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/StateUtil.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/INRules.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/INRule.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Ports.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Shape.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Math.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/Common.hi
-src/INReduction.o : src/InfoKind.hi
-lib/DData/IntBag.o : lib/DData/IntBag.hs
-lib/DData/IntBag.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
-lib/DData/IntMap.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hs
-lib/DData/IntSet.o : lib/DData/IntSet.hs
-lib/DData/Map.o : lib/DData/Map.hs
-lib/DData/MultiSet.o : lib/DData/MultiSet.hs
-lib/DData/MultiSet.o : lib/DData/Map.hi
-lib/DData/Queue.o : lib/DData/Queue.hs
-lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Scc.hs
-lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Set.hi
-lib/DData/Scc.o : lib/DData/Map.hi
-lib/DData/Seq.o : lib/DData/Seq.hs
-lib/DData/Set.o : lib/DData/Set.hs
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/GUIEvents.hs
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/INReduction.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/ContextMenu.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/Document.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/CommonIO.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/Common.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/State.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/NetworkControl.hi
+src/GUIEvents.o : src/NetworkView.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkUI.hs
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/INReduction.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkControl.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Operations.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Constants.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/DisplayOptions.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Math.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Ports.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Shape.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Palette.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/PDDefaults.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/PersistentDocument.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/CommonIO.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Common.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/INRules.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/INRule.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Document.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/DocumentFile.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/NetworkView.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/Network.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/StateUtil.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/State.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/SafetyNet.hi
+src/NetworkUI.o : src/GUIEvents.hi
+src/Main.o : src/Main.hs
+src/Main.o : src/INTextualUI.hi
+src/Main.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/Main.o : lib/DData/IntMap.hi
+src/Main.o : src/Operations.hi
+src/Main.o : src/Network.hi
+src/Main.o : src/InfoKind.hi
+src/Main.o : src/State.hi
+src/Main.o : src/NetworkUI.hi
hunk ./examples/SZ=Z.INblobs 1
- ><Network
- ><Network
- ><Width
- >15.0</Width
- ><Height
- >9.0</Height
- ><Info
- ><unit/></Info
- ><Nodes
- ><Node id="N1"
- ><X
- >1.9314583333333335</X
- ><Y
- >3.095625</Y
- ><Name
- ><![CDATA[Node 1]]></Name
- ><LabelAbove
- >True</LabelAbove
- ><Shape
- ><Left-string
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[Z]]></string></Left-string></Shape
- ><Ports
- ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[up]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
- ><Info
- ><list-int/></Info></Node
- ><Node id="N2"
- ><X
- >2.9633333333333334</X
- ><Y
- >1.5610416666666669</Y
- ><Name
- ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
- ><LabelAbove
- >True</LabelAbove
- ><Shape
- ><Left-string
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
- ><Ports
- ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
- ><Info
- ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
- ><Edges
- ><Edge id="E1"
- ><From
- >1</From
- ><PortFrom
- ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[up]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >-0.5</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
- ><To
- >2</To
- ><PortTo
- ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
- ><Via
- /><Info
- ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></Network
- ><Palette
- ><Palette
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
- ><Circle
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><double value="0.25"/></Circle
- ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><maybe-list-int
- ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[A]]></string
- ><Composite
- ><list-Shape
- ><Circle
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
- ><Lines
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><list-DoublePoint
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >-0.35</Y
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines
- ><Lines
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><list-DoublePoint
- ><X
- >-0.2</X
- ><Y
- >0.1</Y
- ><X
- >0.2</X
- ><Y
- >0.1</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines></list-Shape></Composite
- ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[down]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >0.5</Y
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[left]]></string
- ><X
- >-0.5</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[right]]></string
- ><X
- >0.5</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><maybe-list-int
- ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[Z]]></string
- ><Composite
- ><list-Shape
- ><Circle
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
- ><Lines
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><list-DoublePoint
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
- >-0.25</Y
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >-0.25</Y
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines
- ><Lines
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><list-DoublePoint
- ><X
- >-0.15</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y
- ><X
- >0.15</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y></list-DoublePoint></Lines></list-Shape></Composite
- ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[up]]></string
- ><X
- >0.0</X
- ><Y
- >-0.5</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
- ><maybe-list-int
- ><list-int/></maybe-list-int
- ><string
- ><![CDATA[S]]></string
- ><Composite
- ><list-Shape
- ><Circle
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"
- /><int value="255"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><double value="0.5"/></Circle
- ><Lines
- ><ShapeStyle
- ><int value="2"
- /><RGB
- ><int value="250"
- /><int value="0"
- /><int value="0"/></RGB
- ><RGB
- ><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"
- /><int value="128"/></RGB></ShapeStyle
- ><list-DoublePoint
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >-0.25</Y
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
- >-0.25</Y
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.0</Y
- ><X
- >0.25</X
- ><Y
- >0.25</Y
- ><X
- >-0.25</X
- ><Y
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rmfile ./examples/addS=Sadd2.INblobs
hunk ./examples/empty.INblobs 38
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addfile ./examples/sort.INblobs
hunk ./examples/sort.INblobs 1
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+ >0.3</Y
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >8</To
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >5</To
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >8</From
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >9</From
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >7</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.524375000000001</X
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >9</To
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >4.6831249999999995</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >0.3</X
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+ >1</From
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >3</To
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+ >0.0</X
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >-0.3</Y
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
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+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
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+ >-0.3</X
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+ >2.06375</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[3]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N6"
+ ><X
+ >1.4816666666666667</X
+ ><Y
+ >2.1431250000000004</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 6]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[4]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
+ ><Edges
+ ><Edge id="E1"
+ ><From
+ >4</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >6</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E2"
+ ><From
+ >3</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >5</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
+ ><Mapping
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule
+ ><INRule
+ ><Name
+ >sort-4_4</Name
+ ><LHS
+ ><Network
+ ><Width
+ >15.0</Width
+ ><Height
+ >9.0</Height
+ ><Info
+ ><unit/></Info
+ ><Nodes
+ ><Node id="N1"
+ ><X
+ >2.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >2.0</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 1]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[sort-4]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.4</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[fst_res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[snd_res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N2"
+ ><X
+ >2.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >4.0</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 2]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[4]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N3"
+ ><X
+ >0.5</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 3]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N4"
+ ><X
+ >1.5</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
+ ><Edges
+ ><Edge id="E1"
+ ><From
+ >1</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[arg]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.4</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >2</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E2"
+ ><From
+ >1</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[snd_res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >4</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E3"
+ ><From
+ >1</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[fst_res]]></string
+ ><X
+ >-0.3</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.3</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >3</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></LHS
+ ><RHS
+ ><Network
+ ><Width
+ >15.0</Width
+ ><Height
+ >9.0</Height
+ ><Info
+ ><unit/></Info
+ ><Nodes
+ ><Node id="N3"
+ ><X
+ >0.5</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 3]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N4"
+ ><X
+ >1.5</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.5</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 4]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N5"
+ ><X
+ >0.5027083333333334</X
+ ><Y
+ >1.8785416666666668</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 5]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[4]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node
+ ><Node id="N6"
+ ><X
+ >1.4816666666666667</X
+ ><Y
+ >1.957916666666667</Y
+ ><Name
+ ><![CDATA[Node 6]]></Name
+ ><LabelAbove
+ >True</LabelAbove
+ ><Shape
+ ><Left-string
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[4]]></string></Left-string></Shape
+ ><Ports
+ ><maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></maybe-list-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Ports
+ ><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Node></Nodes
+ ><Edges
+ ><Edge id="E1"
+ ><From
+ >3</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >5</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge
+ ><Edge id="E2"
+ ><From
+ >4</From
+ ><PortFrom
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortFrom
+ ><To
+ >6</To
+ ><PortTo
+ ><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[port_name]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >-0.35</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></PortTo
+ ><Via
+ /><Info
+ ><list-int/></Info></Edge></Edges></Network></RHS
+ ><Mapping
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="3"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><int value="4"
+ /><maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint
+ ><string
+ ><![CDATA[interface]]></string
+ ><X
+ >0.0</X
+ ><Y
+ >0.25</Y></maybe-tuple2-string-DoublePoint></Mapping></INRule></Rules></Document>
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 12
-<li> Select on agent by pressing its button in the left panel with a visible palette
-<li> Right click on one canvas, nodes, and edges for context menus.
+<li> Select an agent symbol by pressing its button on the left panel (symbol palette).
+<br /><br />
+<li> Right click (or ctrl-click) on a canvas, node, or edge for a context menu.
+<br /><br />
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 17
-<li> To create an edge, select (click) the source port then shift-click
+<br /><br />
+<li> To create an edge, select (click) the source port, then shift-click
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 20
-<li> To delete a node or edge, select it and press backspace.
+<br /><br />
+<li> To delete a node or edge, select it and press backspace, or else use the context menu.
+<br /><br />
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 24
+<br /><br />
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 27
+<br /><br />
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 31
-<li> Interface is explicitly defined by means of an interface agent
-<li> The net on the bottom is the net to be reduced
-<li> The two nets in the top are the left hand side and right hand side of an interaction rule; the one selected in the tree of rules
-<li> To add a new rule do mouse right-click in <b>Rules</b> (the root of the tree of rules) and press <b>Add new rule</b>. Then add agents to the canvas on the top.
-<li> Since Interation Rules left hand side is always only one active pair, together with <b>Add new rule</b> is an option <b>Create new Interaction Net rule</b>. Pressing this option will made one dialog appear where the user can choose the two agents that will interact. The tool will automatically generate the left hand side of the rule. Also
-is possible to choose what is generated in the right hand side of such rule:
-<li> a copy of the left hand side to be manually edited after (usefull for rules it similar sides)
-<li> just copy the interface agents from left to right hand sides
-<li> generate a blank right hand side (not recommended)
-<li> Match inteface agents in a rule by selecting the desirable interface agent in the left hand side and SHIFT-clicking the corresponding interface agent in the right hand side. A box with the same number will appear in both agents.
+<br /><br />
+<li> The interface of a net or a rule is explicitly defined by means of special interface agents.
+<br /><br />
+<li> The net on the bottom is the net to be reduced or converted to a textual configuration.
+<br /><br />
+<li> The two nets in the top are the left-hand side and right-hand side of the
+ interaction rule currently selected (from the list of rules on the left).
+<br /><br />
+<li> To add a new rule press button <b>Add new rule</b> or else do mouse
+ right-click in <b>Rules</b> (the root of the tree of rules). Then add
+ agents to the canvas on the top.
+<br /><br />
+<li> Alternatively, use the rule creation wizard. Pressing this button will
+ make a dialog appear where the two agents that will interact can be [_$_]
+ chosen. The wizard will automatically generate the left-hand side of
+ the rule. It is also possible to choose what is generated in the [_$_]
+ right-hand side of the rule:
+ <ul>
+ <li> a copy of the left-hand side to be manually edited after [_$_]
+ (useful for rules with similar sides);
+ <li> the interface agents from left-hand side;
+ <li> nothing ( generates a blank right-hand side, not recommended)
+ </ul>
+<br />
+<li> Match interface agents in a rule by selecting the desired interface agent
+ in the left-hand side and shift-clicking the corresponding interface agent
+ in the right-hand side. A box with the same number will appear in both agents.
+<br /><br />
+<li> Edge and node labels can be made visible by selecting the appropriate command
+ from the <b>View</b> menu. Edge labels are useful since they make the selection
+ of edges easier: to select an edge just click on its label.
hunk ./html/Instalation.html 14
-<li> You need GHC 6.2.2 at least. There are binaries to several platforms at <a href="">GHC webpage</a>. Install it and put it available in path. [_$_]
+<li> You need GHC 6.2.2 at least. There are binaries to several platforms at <a href="">GHC web page</a>. Install it and put it available in path. [_$_]
hunk ./html/Instalation.html 23
-<li> Suposing you are in the folder with all the downloaded files, unpack the files:<br/> [_$_]
+<li> Supposing you are in the folder with all the downloaded files, unpack the files:<br/> [_$_]
hunk ./html/Instalation.html 45
- <li> Test wxGTK instalation
+ <li> Test wxGTK installation
hunk ./html/Instalation.html 68
-If you prefer the all banch of commands...<br/>
+If you prefer the whole bundle of commands...<br/>
hunk ./index.html 18
+ <p/>
+ INblobs is being developed by Miguel Vilaça (<a href=""></a>) at <a href="">University of Minho</a> integrated in the <a href="">PURe project</a>
hunk ./index.html 29
- <a href="html/Instalation.html">Instalation from sources</a><br />
+ <a href="html/Instalation.html">Installation from sources</a><br />
hunk ./index.html 77
+ <li> Only in Mac Os X:
+ <ul>
+ <li> Rule wizard don't work due to a wxhaskell limitation; pressing the OK button do nothing.
+ <li> Generate textual description don't work for the same reason; pressing the OK button do nothing.
+ </ul>
+ [_$_]
hunk ./index.html 88
- <li> implement archtypes like in the paper of LOPSTR05 [_$_]
+ <li> implement archetype like in the paper of LOPSTR05 [_$_]
addfile ./patch.icons
hunk ./patch.icons 1
+--- Tue Jul 26 15:24:41 2005
++++ Tue Jul 26 15:16:53 2005
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ <string>INblobs</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+- <string>wxmac.icns</string>
++ <string>INblobs.icns</string>
+ <key>CFBundleName</key>
+ <string>INblobs</string>
+ <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
hunk ./src/Constants.hs 51
--- | The first port in the list of ports is treated diferently if 'True'.
+-- | The first port in the list of ports is treated differently if 'True'.
hunk ./src/Constants.hs 54
-toolName = "INBlobs" :: String
+toolName = "INblobs" :: String
hunk ./src/ContextMenu.hs 127
- ; mapM_ (shapeItem theShape contextMenu) (shapes palette)
- ; menuLine contextMenu
+-- ; mapM_ (shapeItem theShape contextMenu) (shapes palette)
+-- ; menuLine contextMenu
hunk ./src/INTextualUI.hs 64
- let infoWhat = [ ("the all system", Everything)
- , ("agents and rules", JustRules)
- , ("agents and net",JustNet)
+ let infoWhat = [ ("interaction system and net", Everything)
+ , ("interaction system only", JustRules)
+ , ("interaction net only",JustNet)
hunk ./src/INTextualUI.hs 96
- column 5 [ label "Generate textual descrition"
+ column 5 [ label "Generate textual description"
hunk ./src/Main.hs 21
- ; NetworkUI.create state () undefined undefined graphOps
+ ; NetworkUI.create state () [] [] graphOps
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 1
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-} [_$_]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 159
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) [_$_]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 364
- ; palMenu <- menuPane [ text := "&Palette" ]
+ ; palMenu <- menuPane [ text := "&Agents" ]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 372
- do yes <- confirmDialog theFrame "Dangerous operation!!" "Changing the palette can leads to severe errors.\nUnless you know what you you are doing, don't proceed.\nDo you really want to proceed ?" False
+ do yes <- confirmDialog theFrame "Dangerous operation!!" "Changing the palette can lead to severe errors.\nUnless you know what you are doing, don't proceed.\nDo you really want to proceed ?" False
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 425
- [ text := "Create new Interaction Net rule" [_$_]
+ [ text := "Rule creation wizard" [_$_]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 476
- , boxed "RHS" $ fill $ widget canvasRHS [_$_]
+ , [_$_]
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+ boxed "RHS" $
+#endif [_$_]
+ fill $ widget canvasRHS [_$_]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 634
- ; PD.resetDocument Nothing (Document.empty undefined undefined undefined) pDoc
+ ; PD.resetDocument Nothing (Document.empty g n e) pDoc
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 690
- , "not accidentaly overwrite the file"
+ , "not accidentally overwrite the file"
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 830
- set panel [layout := boxed "Palette" (grid 4 4 table) ]
+ set panel [layout := [_$_]
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+ boxed "Agent palette" [_$_]
+ (grid 4 4 table) ]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 1207
- dia <- dialog theFrame [ text := "Choose agents", visible := True]
+ dia <- dialog theFrame [ text := "Rule creation wizard", visible := True]
hunk ./src/NetworkUI.hs 1332
- column 5 [ boxed "New agent with" $ fill
- $ grid 5 5 [_$_]
+ column 5 [ [_$_]
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+ boxed "New agent with" $
+#endif [_$_]
+ fill $ grid 5 5 [_$_]
hunk ./startghc.bat 1
-ghc -cpp -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -package lang -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs --make -o INblobs.exe [_$_]
+ghc -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -package lang -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs --make -o INblobs.exe [_$_]
hunk ./startghci.bat 1
-ghci -cpp -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -package lang -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs
+ghci -ffi -package wx -package HaXml -package lang -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs [_$_]