Webpage Help and Instalation Notes
Fri Mar 17 20:00:56 WET 2006 Miguel Vilaca <jmvilaca@di.uminho.pt>
* Webpage Help and Instalation Notes
Adds help in webpage
Adds instalation notes
hunk ./html/HowToUse.html 37
-<a href="index.html">back to main page</a>
+<a href="../index.html">back to main page</a>
addfile ./html/Instalation.html
hunk ./html/Instalation.html 1
+ <title>INblobs editor</title>
+ <meta name="keywords" content="IN, Interaction Nets, editor, INblobs" />
+ <meta name="description" content="Free Interaction Nets editor." />
+<h4>Windows XP </h4>
+<li> You need GHC 6.2.2 at least. There are binaries to several platforms at <a href="http://haskell.org/ghc/">GHC webpage</a>. Install it and put it available in path. [_$_]
+<li> Download the necessary things
+ <ul>
+ <li> <a href="http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/HaXml-1.14/HaXml-1.15.tar.gz">HaXml 1.15</a> [_$_]
+ <li> <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxhaskell/wxhaskell-src-0.9.4-1.zip?download">wxHaskell 0.9.4-1</a>
+ <li> <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxwindows/wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz">wxWidgets 2.6.2</a>
+ <li> <a href="http://haskell.di.uminho.pt/jmvilaca/INblobs/INblobs.tar.gz">INblobs</a>
+ </ul>
+ [_$_]
+<li> Suposing you are in the folder with all the downloaded files, unpack the files:<br/> [_$_]
+<li> Install HaXml
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <code> [_$_]
+ ./configure<br/>
+ make
+ </code>
+ <li> Then as root run<br/>
+ <code>make install</code>
+ <li> run <code>ghci -package HaXml</code> to test.
+ </ol>
+<li> Install wxGTK
+ <ol>
+ <li> create a new directory for build, inside the wxGTK directory
+ <li> run <br/>
+ <code> [_$_]
+ ../configure --disable-shared --with-opengl --enable-sound --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --disable-unicode<br/>
+ make
+ </code>
+ <li> Then as root run<br/>
+ <code>make install</code>
+ <li> Test wxGTK instalation
+ <ul> <li> run <code> wx-config --version</code> </ul>
+ </ol>
+<li> Install wxHaskell
+ <ol>
+ <li> run <code>./configure --help</code> to see if everything is correct
+ <li>
+ <code> [_$_]
+ ./configure --with-opengl<br/>
+ make
+ </code>
+ <li> Then as root run<br/>
+ <code>make install<br/>
+ make doc</code>
+ <li> Test it running <code>ghci -package wx</code>
+ </ol>
+<li> compile INblobs<br/>
+<li> Finally run INblobs
+ <ul> <li> run <code>./INblobs</code> </ul>
+If you prefer the all banch of commands...<br/>
+tar xzvf HaXml-1.15.tar.gz<br/>
+tar xzvf wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz<br/>
+unzip wxhaskell-src-0.9.4-1.zip<br/>
+tar xzvf INblobs.tar.gz<br/>
+cd HaXml-1.15<br/>
+sudo make install<br/>
+cd ..<br/>
+cd wxGTK-2.6.2
+mkdir mybuild<br/>
+cd mybuild<br/>
+../configure --disable-shared --with-opengl --enable-sound --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --disable-unicode<br/>
+sudo make install<br/>
+cd ../..<br/>
+wx-config --version<br/>
+cd wxhaskell-0.9.4<br/>
+./configure --help<br/>
+./configure --with-opengl<br/>
+sudo make install<br/>
+sudo make doc<br/>
+ghci -package wx<br/>
+cd ..<br/>
+cd INblobs<br/>
+<a href="../index.html">back to main page</a>
hunk ./index.html 19
- <h3>Download</h3>
+ <p/>
+ <center>
+ <a href="#download">Download</a><br />
+ <a href="#tools">Necessary Tools</a><br />
+ <a href="#pre-compiled">Pre-compiled versions</a><br />
+ <a href="#bugs">Bugs</a><br />
+ <a href="#to_do">To Do list</a><br />
+ <a href="html/HowToUse.html">How to use INblobs</a><br />
+ <a href="html/Instalation.html">Instalation from sources</a><br />
+ </center>
+ <p/>
+ <h3><a name="download">Download</a></h3>
hunk ./index.html 38
- <h3>Necessary Tools</h3>
+ <h3><a name="tools">Necessary Tools</a></h3>
hunk ./index.html 46
- <h3> Pre-compiled versions </h3>
+ <h3><a name="pre-compiled">Pre-compiled versions</a></h3>
hunk ./index.html 60
+ Untested but expected to work from sources.
hunk ./index.html 63
+ Work from sources.
hunk ./index.html 65
- <h3>Bugs</h3>[_^I_] [_$_]
+ <h3><a name="bugs">Bugs</a></h3>[_^I_] [_$_]
hunk ./index.html 68
- <!--
- <h4>Known bugs </h4>
+ <h4><a name="known_bugs">Known bugs</a></h4>
hunk ./index.html 71
- <li>
+ <li> In Linux, the tool give some errors when opening an INblobs file. If you press OK to this errors it will get you to a correct state.
+ <li> In Linux, and due to the same problem, removing one rule crashs the aplication. Until this bug is fixed don't remove rules. [_$_]
hunk ./index.html 74
- -->[_^I_][_$_]
- <h3>To Do list</h3>
+ <h3><a name="to_do">To Do list</a></h3>