Rules edition
authorMiguel Vilaca <>
local dateFri, 03 Feb 2006 15:05:30
dateFri, 03 Feb 2006 15:05:30
Rules edition

It chances the data-type to provide support for a set of rules. Each rule has a Left Hand Side and a Right Hand Side with each one been a network. Additionally each rule has a name and a mapping which is a bijection between interface nodes in the LHS and interface nodes in the RHS of the same rule. This is represented by a set of pairs.
This patch also introduces the graphical elements to allow the set of rules.
20 file(s) changed:
NatExample.INblobs [removed]
NatIN.INblobpalette +1 -1
src/Constants.hs +3 -0
src/ContextMenu.hs +5 -4
src/DisplayOptions.hs +1 -1
src/Document.hs +100 -12
src/DocumentFile.hs [added]
src/GUIEvents.hs +78 -54
src/INRule.hs [added]
src/INRules.hs [added]
src/Math.hs +1 -1
src/Network.hs +10 -20
src/NetworkControl.hs +176 -126
src/NetworkFile.hs +0 -14
src/NetworkUI.hs +302 -33
src/NetworkView.hs +46 -31
src/Ports.hs +6 -4
src/SafetyNet.hs +1 -1
src/State.hs +63 -5
src/StateUtil.hs +5 -1