merge module Node into module Network
local dateTue, 15 Nov 2005 17:34:40
dateTue, 15 Nov 2005 17:34:40
merge module Node into module Network

This patch incorporates two improvements from Arjan.
* First, the module Node.hs has been removed, with its contents merged
into Network.hs.
* Secondly, the types for Node and Edge have been made fully abstract.
Their internals are no longer available, only getters and setters.
9 file(s) changed:
Makefile +2 -13
src/Analysis.hs +0 -1
src/ContextMenu.hs +1 -2
src/Main.hs +4 -5
src/Network.hs +158 -21
src/NetworkControl.hs +15 -19
src/NetworkFile.hs +18 -21
src/NetworkView.hs +20 -23
src/Node.hs [removed]